blob: fba28a6ca1debecbca2eb974fe8656b4b87dd927 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import '../../backend/group.dart';
import '../../backend/group_entry.dart';
import '../../backend/live_test.dart';
import '../../backend/metadata.dart';
import '../../backend/state.dart';
import '../../backend/suite.dart';
import '../../backend/test_platform.dart';
import '../../frontend/expect.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
import '../configuration.dart';
import '../configuration/suite.dart';
import '../engine.dart';
import '../load_suite.dart';
import '../reporter.dart';
import '../runner_suite.dart';
import '../version.dart';
/// A reporter that prints machine-readable JSON-formatted test results.
class JsonReporter implements Reporter {
/// The global configuration that applies to this reporter.
final Configuration _config;
/// The engine used to run the tests.
final Engine _engine;
/// A stopwatch that tracks the duration of the full run.
final _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
/// Whether we've started [_stopwatch].
/// We can't just use `_stopwatch.isRunning` because the stopwatch is stopped
/// when the reporter is paused.
var _stopwatchStarted = false;
/// Whether the reporter is paused.
var _paused = false;
/// The set of all subscriptions to various streams.
final _subscriptions = new Set<StreamSubscription>();
/// An expando that associates unique IDs with [LiveTest]s.
final _liveTestIDs = new Map<LiveTest, int>();
/// An expando that associates unique IDs with [Suite]s.
final _suiteIDs = new Map<Suite, int>();
/// An expando that associates unique IDs with [Group]s.
final _groupIDs = new Map<Group, int>();
/// The next ID to associate with a [LiveTest].
var _nextID = 0;
/// Watches the tests run by [engine] and prints their results as JSON.
static JsonReporter watch(Engine engine) => new JsonReporter._(engine);
JsonReporter._(this._engine) : _config = Configuration.current {
/// Convert the future to a stream so that the subscription can be paused or
/// canceled.
_subscriptions.add(_engine.onSuiteAdded.listen(null, onDone: () {
_emit("allSuites", {"count": _engine.addedSuites.length});
_emit("start", {"protocolVersion": "0.1.0", "runnerVersion": testVersion});
void pause() {
if (_paused) return;
_paused = true;
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
void resume() {
if (!_paused) return;
_paused = false;
if (_stopwatchStarted) _stopwatch.start();
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
void cancel() {
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
/// A callback called when the engine begins running [liveTest].
void _onTestStarted(LiveTest liveTest) {
if (!_stopwatchStarted) {
_stopwatchStarted = true;
var suiteID = _idForSuite(liveTest.suite);
// Don't emit groups for load suites. They're always empty and they provide
// unnecessary clutter.
var groupIDs = liveTest.suite is LoadSuite
? []
: _idsForGroups(liveTest.groups, liveTest.suite);
var suiteConfig = _configFor(liveTest.suite);
var id = _nextID++;
_liveTestIDs[liveTest] = id;
_emit("testStart", {
"test": _addFrameInfo(
"id": id,
"suiteID": suiteID,
"groupIDs": groupIDs,
"metadata": _serializeMetadata(suiteConfig, liveTest.test.metadata)
/// Convert the future to a stream so that the subscription can be paused or
/// canceled.
liveTest.onComplete.asStream().listen((_) => _onComplete(liveTest)));
.listen((error) => _onError(liveTest, error.error, error.stackTrace)));
_subscriptions.add(liveTest.onMessage.listen((message) {
_emit("print", {
"testID": id,
"message": message.text
/// Returns an ID for [suite].
/// If [suite] doesn't have an ID yet, this assigns one and emits a new event
/// for that suite.
int _idForSuite(Suite suite) {
if (_suiteIDs.containsKey(suite)) return _suiteIDs[suite];
var id = _nextID++;
_suiteIDs[suite] = id;
// Give the load suite's suite the same ID, because it doesn't have any
// different metadata.
if (suite is LoadSuite) {
suite.suite.then((runnerSuite) {
_suiteIDs[runnerSuite] = id;
if (!_config.pauseAfterLoad) return;
// TODO(nweiz): test this when we have a library for communicating with
// the Chrome remote debugger, or when we have VM debug support.
_emit("debug", {
"suiteID": id,
"observatory": runnerSuite.environment.observatoryUrl?.toString(),
_emit("suite", {
"suite": {
"id": id,
"platform": suite.platform?.identifier,
"path": suite.path
return id;
/// Returns a list of the IDs for all the groups in [groups], which are
/// contained in the suite identified by [suiteID].
/// If a group doesn't have an ID yet, this assigns one and emits a new event
/// for that group.
List<int> _idsForGroups(Iterable<Group> groups, Suite suite) {
int parentID;
return {
if (_groupIDs.containsKey(group)) {
parentID = _groupIDs[group];
return parentID;
var id = _nextID++;
_groupIDs[group] = id;
var suiteConfig = _configFor(suite);
_emit("group", {
"group": _addFrameInfo(
"id": id,
"suiteID": _idForSuite(suite),
"parentID": parentID,
"metadata": _serializeMetadata(suiteConfig, group.metadata),
"testCount": group.testCount
parentID = id;
return id;
/// Serializes [metadata] into a JSON-protocol-compatible map.
Map _serializeMetadata(SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig, Metadata metadata) =>
? {"skip": false, "skipReason": null}
: {"skip": metadata.skip, "skipReason": metadata.skipReason};
/// A callback called when [liveTest] finishes running.
void _onComplete(LiveTest liveTest) {
_emit("testDone", {
"testID": _liveTestIDs[liveTest],
// For backwards-compatibility, report skipped tests as successes.
"result": liveTest.state.result == Result.skipped
? "success"
: liveTest.state.result.toString(),
"skipped": liveTest.state.result == Result.skipped,
"hidden": !_engine.liveTests.contains(liveTest)
/// A callback called when [liveTest] throws [error].
void _onError(LiveTest liveTest, error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_emit("error", {
"testID": _liveTestIDs[liveTest],
"error": error.toString(),
"stackTrace": '$stackTrace',
"isFailure": error is TestFailure
/// A callback called when the engine is finished running tests.
/// [success] will be `true` if all tests passed, `false` if some tests
/// failed, and `null` if the engine was closed prematurely.
void _onDone(bool success) {
_emit("done", {"success": success});
/// Returns the configuration for [suite].
/// If [suite] is a [RunnerSuite], this returns [RunnerSuite.config].
/// Otherwise, it returns [SuiteConfiguration.empty].
SuiteConfiguration _configFor(Suite suite) =>
suite is RunnerSuite ? suite.config : SuiteConfiguration.empty;
/// Emits an event with the given type and attributes.
void _emit(String type, Map attributes) {
attributes["type"] = type;
attributes["time"] = _stopwatch.elapsed.inMilliseconds;
/// Modifies [map] to include line, column, and URL information from the first
/// frame of [entry.trace].
/// Returns [map].
Map<String, dynamic> _addFrameInfo(SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig,
Map<String, dynamic> map, GroupEntry entry, TestPlatform platform) {
var frame = entry.trace?.frames?.first;
if (suiteConfig.jsTrace && platform.isJS) frame = null;
map["line"] = frame?.line;
map["column"] = frame?.column;
map["url"] = frame?.uri?.toString();
return map;