blob: d8194ddfaeae02acedd23423b754eea9842e2976 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../../test.dart';
import '../backend/group.dart';
import '../backend/invoker.dart';
import '../backend/metadata.dart';
import '../backend/suite.dart';
import '../backend/test.dart';
import '../backend/test_platform.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'configuration/suite.dart';
import 'load_exception.dart';
import 'plugin/environment.dart';
import 'runner_suite.dart';
/// A [Suite] emitted by a [Loader] that provides a test-like interface for
/// loading a test file.
/// This is used to expose the current status of test loading to the user. It's
/// important to provide users visibility into what's taking a long time and
/// where failures occur. And since some tests may be loaded at the same time as
/// others are run, it's useful to provide that visibility in the form of a test
/// suite so that it can integrate well into the existing reporting interface
/// without too much extra logic.
/// A suite is constructed with logic necessary to produce a test suite. As with
/// a normal test body, this logic isn't run until [] is called. The
/// suite itself is returned by [suite] once it's avaialble, but any errors or
/// prints will be emitted through the running [LiveTest].
class LoadSuite extends Suite implements RunnerSuite {
final environment = const PluginEnvironment();
final SuiteConfiguration config;
final isDebugging = false;
final onDebugging = new StreamController<bool>().stream;
/// A future that completes to the loaded suite once the suite's test has been
/// run and completed successfully.
/// This will return `null` if the suite is unavailable for some reason (for
/// example if an error occurred while loading it).
Future<RunnerSuite> get suite async => (await _suiteAndZone)?.first;
/// A future that completes to a pair of [suite] and the load test's [Zone].
/// This will return `null` if the suite is unavailable for some reason (for
/// example if an error occurred while loading it).
final Future<Pair<RunnerSuite, Zone>> _suiteAndZone;
/// Returns the test that loads the suite.
/// Load suites are guaranteed to only contain one test. This is a utility
/// method for accessing it directly.
Test get test => as Test;
/// Creates a load suite named [name] on [platform].
/// [body] may return either a [RunnerSuite] or a [Future] that completes to a
/// [RunnerSuite]. Its return value is forwarded through [suite], although if
/// it throws an error that will be forwarded through the suite's test.
/// If the the load test is closed before [body] is complete, it will close
/// the suite returned by [body] once it completes.
factory LoadSuite(
String name, SuiteConfiguration config, FutureOr<RunnerSuite> body(),
{String path, TestPlatform platform}) {
var completer = new Completer<Pair<RunnerSuite, Zone>>.sync();
return new LoadSuite._(name, config, () {
var invoker = Invoker.current;
invoke(() async {
try {
var suite = await body();
if (completer.isCompleted) {
// If the load test has already been closed, close the suite it
// generated.
.complete(suite == null ? null : new Pair(suite, Zone.current));
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
registerException(error, stackTrace);
if (!completer.isCompleted) completer.complete();
// If the test is forcibly closed, exit immediately. It doesn't have any
// cleanup to do that won't be handled by Loader.close.
invoker.onClose.then((_) {
if (completer.isCompleted) return;
}, completer.future, path: path, platform: platform);
/// A utility constructor for a load suite that just throws [exception].
/// The suite's name will be based on [exception]'s path.
factory LoadSuite.forLoadException(
LoadException exception, SuiteConfiguration config,
{StackTrace stackTrace, TestPlatform platform}) {
if (stackTrace == null) stackTrace = new Trace.current();
return new LoadSuite(
"loading ${exception.path}",
config ?? SuiteConfiguration.empty,
() => new Future.error(exception, stackTrace),
path: exception.path,
platform: platform);
/// A utility constructor for a load suite that just emits [suite].
factory LoadSuite.forSuite(RunnerSuite suite) {
return new LoadSuite("loading ${suite.path}", suite.config, () => suite,
path: suite.path, platform: suite.platform);
LoadSuite._(String name, this.config, void body(), this._suiteAndZone,
{String path, TestPlatform platform})
: super(
new Group.root([
new LocalTest(
new Metadata(timeout: new Timeout(new Duration(minutes: 5))),
path: path,
platform: platform);
/// A constructor used by [changeSuite].
LoadSuite._changeSuite(LoadSuite old, this._suiteAndZone)
: config = old.config,
super(, path: old.path, platform: old.platform);
/// A constructor used by [filter].
LoadSuite._filtered(LoadSuite old, Group filtered)
: config = old.config,
_suiteAndZone = old._suiteAndZone,
super(, path: old.path, platform: old.platform);
/// Creates a new [LoadSuite] that's identical to this one, but that
/// transforms [suite] once it's loaded.
/// If [suite] completes to `null`, [change] won't be run. [change] is run
/// within the load test's zone, so any errors or prints it emits will be
/// associated with that test.
LoadSuite changeSuite(RunnerSuite change(RunnerSuite suite)) {
return new LoadSuite._changeSuite(this, _suiteAndZone.then((pair) {
if (pair == null) return null;
var zone = pair.last;
var newSuite = zone.runUnaryGuarded(change, pair.first);
return newSuite == null ? null : new Pair(newSuite, zone);
/// Runs the test and returns the suite.
/// Rather than emitting errors through a [LiveTest], this just pipes them
/// through the return value.
Future<RunnerSuite> getSuite() async {
var liveTest = test.load(this);
liveTest.onMessage.listen((message) => print(message.text));
if (liveTest.errors.isEmpty) return await suite;
var error = liveTest.errors.first;
await new Future.error(error.error, error.stackTrace);
throw 'unreachable';
LoadSuite filter(bool callback(Test test)) {
var filtered =;
if (filtered == null) filtered = new Group.root([], metadata: metadata);
return new LoadSuite._filtered(this, filtered);
Future close() async {}