blob: 92af2e7745f7f941c68b6b4a53d931216c64f2d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'package:test/src/runner/version.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../io.dart';
/// The first event emitted by the JSON reporter.
final _start = {
"type": "start",
"protocolVersion": "0.1.0",
"runnerVersion": testVersion
void main() {
test("runs several successful tests and reports when each completes", () {
return _expectReport(
test('success 1', () {});
test('success 2', () {});
test('success 3', () {});
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 3),
_testStart(3, "success 1", line: 6, column: 7),
_testStart(4, "success 2", line: 7, column: 7),
_testStart(5, "success 3", line: 8, column: 7),
test("runs several failing tests and reports when each fails", () {
return _expectReport(
test('failure 1', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('failure 2', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('failure 3', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 3),
_testStart(3, "failure 1", line: 6, column: 7),
_error(3, "oh no", isFailure: true),
_testDone(3, result: "failure"),
_testStart(4, "failure 2", line: 7, column: 7),
_error(4, "oh no", isFailure: true),
_testDone(4, result: "failure"),
_testStart(5, "failure 3", line: 8, column: 7),
_error(5, "oh no", isFailure: true),
_testDone(5, result: "failure"),
_done(success: false)
test("includes the full stack trace with --verbose-trace", () async {
await d
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("failure", () => throw "oh no");
var test =
await runTest(["--verbose-trace", "test.dart"], reporter: "json");
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains("dart:isolate-patch")));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test("runs failing tests along with successful tests", () {
return _expectReport(
test('failure 1', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('success 1', () {});
test('failure 2', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('success 2', () {});
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 4),
_testStart(3, "failure 1", line: 6, column: 7),
_error(3, "oh no", isFailure: true),
_testDone(3, result: "failure"),
_testStart(4, "success 1", line: 7, column: 7),
_testStart(5, "failure 2", line: 8, column: 7),
_error(5, "oh no", isFailure: true),
_testDone(5, result: "failure"),
_testStart(6, "success 2", line: 9, column: 7),
_done(success: false)
test("gracefully handles multiple test failures in a row", () {
return _expectReport(
// This completer ensures that the test isolate isn't killed until all
// errors have been thrown.
var completer = new Completer();
test('failures', () {
new Future.microtask(() => throw 'first error');
new Future.microtask(() => throw 'second error');
new Future.microtask(() => throw 'third error');
new Future.microtask(completer.complete);
test('wait', () => completer.future);
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 2),
_testStart(3, "failures", line: 9, column: 7),
_error(3, "first error"),
_error(3, "second error"),
_error(3, "third error"),
_testDone(3, result: "error"),
_testStart(4, "wait", line: 15, column: 7),
_done(success: false)
test("gracefully handles a test failing after completion", () {
return _expectReport(
// These completers ensure that the first test won't fail until the second
// one is running, and that the test isolate isn't killed until all errors
// have been thrown.
var waitStarted = new Completer();
var testDone = new Completer();
test('failure', () {
waitStarted.future.then((_) {
new Future.microtask(testDone.complete);
throw 'oh no';
test('wait', () {
return testDone.future;
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 2),
_testStart(3, "failure", line: 11, column: 7),
_testStart(4, "wait", line: 17, column: 7),
_error(3, "oh no"),
"This test failed after it had already completed. Make sure to "
"use [expectAsync]\n"
"or the [completes] matcher when testing async code."),
_done(success: false)
test("reports each test in its proper groups", () {
return _expectReport(
group('group 1', () {
group('.2', () {
group('.3', () {
test('success', () {});
test('success', () {});
test('success', () {});
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 3),
name: "group 1", parentID: 2, testCount: 3, line: 6, column: 7),
_group(4, name: "group 1 .2", parentID: 3, line: 7, column: 9),
_group(5, name: "group 1 .2 .3", parentID: 4, line: 8, column: 11),
_testStart(6, 'group 1 .2 .3 success',
groupIDs: [2, 3, 4, 5], line: 9, column: 13),
_testStart(7, 'group 1 success',
groupIDs: [2, 3], line: 13, column: 9),
_testStart(8, 'group 1 success',
groupIDs: [2, 3], line: 14, column: 9),
group("print:", () {
test("handles multiple prints", () {
return _expectReport(
test('test', () {
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_testStart(3, 'test', line: 6, column: 9),
_print(3, "one"),
_print(3, "two"),
_print(3, "three"),
_print(3, "four"),
test("handles a print after the test completes", () {
return _expectReport(
// This completer ensures that the test isolate isn't killed until all
// prints have happened.
var testDone = new Completer();
var waitStarted = new Completer();
test('test', () async {
waitStarted.future.then((_) {
new Future(() => print("one"));
new Future(() => print("two"));
new Future(() => print("three"));
new Future(() => print("four"));
new Future(testDone.complete);
test('wait', () {
return testDone.future;
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 2),
_testStart(3, 'test', line: 10, column: 9),
_testStart(4, 'wait', line: 20, column: 9),
_print(3, "one"),
_print(3, "two"),
_print(3, "three"),
_print(3, "four"),
test("interleaves prints and errors", () {
return _expectReport(
// This completer ensures that the test isolate isn't killed until all
// prints have happened.
var completer = new Completer();
test('test', () {
scheduleMicrotask(() {
throw "second error";
scheduleMicrotask(() {
throw "first error";
test('wait', () => completer.future);
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 2),
_testStart(3, 'test', line: 9, column: 9),
_print(3, "one"),
_print(3, "two"),
_error(3, "first error"),
_print(3, "three"),
_print(3, "four"),
_error(3, "second error"),
_print(3, "five"),
_print(3, "six"),
_testDone(3, result: "error"),
_testStart(4, 'wait', line: 27, column: 9),
_done(success: false)
group("skip:", () {
test("reports skipped tests", () {
return _expectReport(
test('skip 1', () {}, skip: true);
test('skip 2', () {}, skip: true);
test('skip 3', () {}, skip: true);
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 3),
_testStart(3, "skip 1", skip: true, line: 6, column: 9),
_testDone(3, skipped: true),
_testStart(4, "skip 2", skip: true, line: 7, column: 9),
_testDone(4, skipped: true),
_testStart(5, "skip 3", skip: true, line: 8, column: 9),
_testDone(5, skipped: true),
test("reports skipped groups", () {
return _expectReport(
group('skip', () {
test('success 1', () {});
test('success 2', () {});
test('success 3', () {});
}, skip: true);
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 3),
name: "skip",
parentID: 2,
skip: true,
testCount: 3,
line: 6,
column: 9),
_testStart(4, "skip success 1",
groupIDs: [2, 3], skip: true, line: 7, column: 11),
_testDone(4, skipped: true),
_testStart(5, "skip success 2",
groupIDs: [2, 3], skip: true, line: 8, column: 11),
_testDone(5, skipped: true),
_testStart(6, "skip success 3",
groupIDs: [2, 3], skip: true, line: 9, column: 11),
_testDone(6, skipped: true),
test("reports the skip reason if available", () {
return _expectReport(
test('skip 1', () {}, skip: 'some reason');
test('skip 2', () {}, skip: 'or another');
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 2),
_testStart(3, "skip 1", skip: "some reason", line: 6, column: 9),
_print(3, "Skip: some reason", type: "skip"),
_testDone(3, skipped: true),
_testStart(4, "skip 2", skip: "or another", line: 7, column: 9),
_print(4, "Skip: or another", type: "skip"),
_testDone(4, skipped: true),
test("runs skipped tests with --run-skipped", () {
return _expectReport(
test('skip 1', () {}, skip: 'some reason');
test('skip 2', () {}, skip: 'or another');
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 2),
_testStart(3, "skip 1", line: 6, column: 9),
_testStart(4, "skip 2", line: 7, column: 9),
args: [
group("reports line and column numbers for", () {
test("the first call to setUpAll()", () {
return _expectReport(
setUpAll(() {});
setUpAll(() {});
setUpAll(() {});
test('success', () {});
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 1),
_testStart(3, "(setUpAll)", line: 6, column: 9),
_testDone(3, hidden: true),
_testStart(4, "success", line: 9, column: 9),
test("the first call to tearDownAll()", () {
return _expectReport(
tearDownAll(() {});
tearDownAll(() {});
tearDownAll(() {});
test('success', () {});
_testStart(1, "loading test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 1),
_testStart(3, "success", line: 9, column: 9),
_testStart(4, "(tearDownAll)", line: 6, column: 9),
_testDone(4, hidden: true),
test("a test compiled to JS", () {
return _expectReport(
test('success', () {});
_suite(0, platform: "chrome"),
_testStart(1, "compiling test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 1),
_testStart(3, "success", line: 6, column: 9),
args: [
}, tags: ["chrome"], skip: "Broken by sdk#29693.");
"doesn't report line and column information for a test compiled to JS "
"with --js-trace", () {
return _expectReport(
test('success', () {});
_suite(0, platform: "chrome"),
_testStart(1, "compiling test.dart", groupIDs: []),
_testDone(1, hidden: true),
_group(2, testCount: 1),
_testStart(3, "success"),
args: [
}, tags: ["chrome"], skip: "Broken by sdk#29693.");
/// Asserts that the tests defined by [tests] produce the JSON events in
/// [expected].
Future _expectReport(String tests, List<Map> expected,
{List<String> args}) async {
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
var test = await runTest(["test.dart"]..addAll(args ?? []), reporter: "json");
await test.shouldExit();
var stdoutLines = await test.stdoutStream().toList();
expect(stdoutLines.length, equals(expected.length),
reason: "Expected $stdoutLines to match ${JSON.encode(expected)}.");
// TODO(nweiz): validate each event against the JSON schema when
// patefacio/json_schema#4 is merged.
// Remove excess trailing whitespace.
for (var i = 0; i < stdoutLines.length; i++) {
var event = JSON.decode(stdoutLines[i]);
expect(event.remove("time"), new isInstanceOf<int>());
expect(event, equals(expected[i]));
/// Returns the event emitted by the JSON reporter providing information about
/// all suites.
/// The [count] defaults to 1.
Map _allSuites({int count}) {
return {"type": "allSuites", "count": count ?? 1};
/// Returns the event emitted by the JSON reporter indicating that a suite has
/// begun running.
/// The [platform] defaults to `"vm"`, the [path] defaults to `"test.dart"`.
Map _suite(int id, {String platform, String path}) {
return {
"type": "suite",
"suite": {
"id": id,
"platform": platform ?? "vm",
"path": path ?? "test.dart"
/// Returns the event emitted by the JSON reporter indicating that a group has
/// begun running.
/// If [skip] is `true`, the group is expected to be marked as skipped without a
/// reason. If it's a [String], the group is expected to be marked as skipped
/// with that reason.
/// The [testCount] parameter indicates the number of tests in the group. It
/// defaults to 1.
Map _group(int id,
{String name,
int suiteID,
int parentID,
int testCount,
int line,
int column}) {
if ((line == null) != (column == null)) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"line and column must either both be null or both be passed");
return {
"type": "group",
"group": {
"id": id,
"name": name,
"suiteID": suiteID ?? 0,
"parentID": parentID,
"metadata": _metadata(skip: skip),
"testCount": testCount ?? 1,
"line": line,
"column": column,
"url": line == null
? null
: p.toUri(p.join(d.sandbox, "test.dart")).toString()
/// Returns the event emitted by the JSON reporter indicating that a test has
/// begun running.
/// If [parentIDs] is passed, it's the IDs of groups containing this test. If
/// [skip] is `true`, the test is expected to be marked as skipped without a
/// reason. If it's a [String], the test is expected to be marked as skipped
/// with that reason.
Map _testStart(int id, String name,
{int suiteID, Iterable<int> groupIDs, int line, int column, skip}) {
if ((line == null) != (column == null)) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"line and column must either both be null or both be passed");
return {
"type": "testStart",
"test": {
"id": id,
"name": name,
"suiteID": suiteID ?? 0,
"groupIDs": groupIDs ?? [2],
"metadata": _metadata(skip: skip),
"line": line,
"column": column,
"url": line == null
? null
: p.toUri(p.join(d.sandbox, "test.dart")).toString()
/// Returns the event emitted by the JSON reporter indicating that a test
/// printed [message].
Map _print(int id, String message, {String type}) {
return {
"type": "print",
"testID": id,
"message": message,
"messageType": type ?? "print"
/// Returns the event emitted by the JSON reporter indicating that a test
/// emitted [error].
/// The [isFailure] parameter indicates whether the error was a [TestFailure] or
/// not.
Map _error(int id, String error, {bool isFailure: false}) {
return {
"type": "error",
"testID": id,
"error": error,
"isFailure": isFailure
/// Returns the event emitted by the JSON reporter indicating that a test
/// finished.
/// The [result] parameter indicates the result of the test. It defaults to
/// `"success"`.
/// The [hidden] parameter indicates whether the test should not be displayed
/// after finishing. The [skipped] parameter indicates whether the test was
/// skipped.
Map _testDone(int id,
{String result, bool hidden: false, bool skipped: false}) {
result ??= "success";
return {
"type": "testDone",
"testID": id,
"result": result,
"hidden": hidden,
"skipped": skipped
/// Returns the event emitted by the JSON reporter indicating that the entire
/// run finished.
Map _done({bool success: true}) => {"type": "done", "success": success};
/// Returns the serialized metadata corresponding to [skip].
Map _metadata({skip}) {
if (skip == true) {
return {"skip": true, "skipReason": null};
} else if (skip is String) {
return {"skip": true, "skipReason": skip};
} else {
return {"skip": false, "skipReason": null};