blob: 936a63c2092c379183371d21ef443046532b3da9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:term_glyph/term_glyph.dart' as glyph;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
void main() {
setUpAll(() {
glyph.ascii = true;
Stream stream;
StreamQueue queue;
Stream errorStream;
StreamQueue errorQueue;
setUp(() {
stream = new Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
queue = new StreamQueue(new Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
errorStream =
new Stream.fromFuture(new Future.error("oh no!", StackTrace.current));
errorQueue = new StreamQueue(
new Stream.fromFuture(new Future.error("oh no!", StackTrace.current)));
group("emits()", () {
test("matches the first event of a Stream", () {
expect(stream, emits(1));
test("rejects the first event of a Stream", () {
expectLater(stream, emits(2)),
startsWith("Expected: should emit an event that <2>\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted * 1\n"
" * 2\n"
" * 3\n"
" * 4\n"
" * 5\n"
" x Stream closed.\n")
test("matches and consumes the next event of a StreamQueue", () {
expect(queue, emits(1));
expect(, completion(equals(2)));
expect(queue, emits(3));
expect(, completion(equals(4)));
test("rejects and does not consume the first event of a StreamQueue", () {
expectLater(queue, emits(2)),
startsWith("Expected: should emit an event that <2>\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted * 1\n"
" * 2\n"
" * 3\n"
" * 4\n"
" * 5\n"
" x Stream closed.\n")
expect(queue, emits(1));
test("rejects an empty stream", () {
expectLater(new Stream.empty(), emits(1)),
startsWith("Expected: should emit an event that <1>\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted x Stream closed.\n")
test("forwards a stream error", () {
expect(expectLater(errorStream, emits(1)), throwsA("oh no!"));
test("wraps a normal matcher", () {
expect(queue, emits(lessThan(5)));
expect(expectLater(queue, emits(greaterThan(5))),
test("returns a StreamMatcher as-is", () {
expect(queue, emits(emitsThrough(4)));
expect(queue, emits(5));
group("emitsDone", () {
test("succeeds for an empty stream", () {
expect(new Stream.empty(), emitsDone);
test("fails for a stream with events", () {
expectLater(stream, emitsDone),
startsWith("Expected: should be done\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted * 1\n"
" * 2\n"
" * 3\n"
" * 4\n"
" * 5\n"
" x Stream closed.\n")
group("emitsError()", () {
test("consumes a matching error", () {
expect(errorQueue, emitsError("oh no!"));
expect(errorQueue.hasNext, completion(isFalse));
test("fails for a non-matching error", () {
expectLater(errorStream, emitsError("oh heck")),
startsWith("Expected: should emit an error that 'oh heck'\n"),
contains(" Which: emitted ! oh no!\n"),
contains(" x Stream closed.\n"
" which threw 'oh no!'\n"
" stack "),
endsWith(" which is different.\n"
" Expected: oh heck\n"
" Actual: oh no!\n"
" ^\n"
" Differ at offset 3\n")
test("fails for a stream with events", () {
expectLater(stream, emitsDone),
startsWith("Expected: should be done\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted * 1\n"
" * 2\n"
" * 3\n"
" * 4\n"
" * 5\n"
" x Stream closed.\n")
group("mayEmit()", () {
test("consumes a matching event", () {
expect(queue, mayEmit(1));
expect(queue, emits(2));
test("allows a non-matching event", () {
expect(queue, mayEmit("fish"));
expect(queue, emits(1));
group("emitsAnyOf()", () {
test("consumes an event that matches a matcher", () {
expect(queue, emitsAnyOf([2, 1, 3]));
expect(queue, emits(2));
test("consumes as many events as possible", () {
emitsInOrder([1, 2]),
emitsInOrder([1, 2, 3])
expect(queue, emits(4));
test("fails if no matchers match", () {
expectLater(stream, emitsAnyOf([2, 3, 4])),
startsWith("Expected: should do one of the following:\n"
" * emit an event that <2>\n"
" * emit an event that <3>\n"
" * emit an event that <4>\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted * 1\n"
" * 2\n"
" * 3\n"
" * 4\n"
" * 5\n"
" x Stream closed.\n"
" which failed all options:\n"
" * failed to emit an event that <2>\n"
" * failed to emit an event that <3>\n"
" * failed to emit an event that <4>\n")
test("allows an error if any matcher matches", () {
expect(errorStream, emitsAnyOf([1, 2, emitsError("oh no!")]));
test("rethrows an error if no matcher matches", () {
expectLater(errorStream, emitsAnyOf([1, 2, 3])), throwsA("oh no!"));
group("emitsInOrder()", () {
test("consumes matching events", () {
expect(queue, emitsInOrder([1, 2, emitsThrough(4)]));
expect(queue, emits(5));
test("fails if the matchers don't match in order", () {
expectLater(queue, emitsInOrder([1, 3, 2])),
startsWith("Expected: should do the following in order:\n"
" * emit an event that <1>\n"
" * emit an event that <3>\n"
" * emit an event that <2>\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted * 1\n"
" * 2\n"
" * 3\n"
" * 4\n"
" * 5\n"
" x Stream closed.\n"
" which didn't emit an event that <3>\n")
group("emitsThrough()", () {
test("consumes events including those matching the matcher", () {
expect(queue, emitsThrough(emitsInOrder([3, 4])));
expect(queue, emits(5));
test("consumes the entire queue with emitsDone", () {
expect(queue, emitsThrough(emitsDone));
expect(queue.hasNext, completion(isFalse));
test("fails if the queue never matches the matcher", () {
expectLater(queue, emitsThrough(6)),
startsWith("Expected: should eventually emit an event that <6>\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted * 1\n"
" * 2\n"
" * 3\n"
" * 4\n"
" * 5\n"
" x Stream closed.\n"
" which never did emit an event that <6>\n")
group("mayEmitMultiple()", () {
test("consumes multiple instances of the given matcher", () {
expect(queue, mayEmitMultiple(lessThan(3)));
expect(queue, emits(3));
test("consumes zero instances of the given matcher", () {
expect(queue, mayEmitMultiple(6));
expect(queue, emits(1));
test("doesn't rethrow errors", () {
expect(errorQueue, mayEmitMultiple(1));
expect(errorQueue, emitsError("oh no!"));
group("neverEmits()", () {
test("succeeds if the event never matches", () {
expect(queue, neverEmits(6));
expect(queue, emits(1));
test("fails if the event matches", () {
expectLater(stream, neverEmits(4)),
startsWith("Expected: should never emit an event that <4>\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted * 1\n"
" * 2\n"
" * 3\n"
" * 4\n"
" * 5\n"
" x Stream closed.\n"
" which after 3 events did emit an event that <4>\n")
test("fails if emitsDone matches", () {
expect(expectLater(stream, neverEmits(emitsDone)),
test("doesn't rethrow errors", () {
expect(errorQueue, neverEmits(6));
expect(errorQueue, emitsError("oh no!"));
group("emitsInAnyOrder()", () {
test("consumes events that match in any order", () {
expect(queue, emitsInAnyOrder([3, 1, 2]));
expect(queue, emits(4));
test("fails if the events don't match in any order", () {
expectLater(stream, emitsInAnyOrder([4, 1, 2])),
startsWith("Expected: should do the following in any order:\n"
" * emit an event that <4>\n"
" * emit an event that <1>\n"
" * emit an event that <2>\n"),
endsWith(" Which: emitted * 1\n"
" * 2\n"
" * 3\n"
" * 4\n"
" * 5\n"
" x Stream closed.\n")
test("doesn't rethrow if some ordering matches", () {
expect(errorQueue, emitsInAnyOrder([emitsDone, emitsError("oh no!")]));
test("rethrows if no ordering matches", () {
expectLater(errorQueue, emitsInAnyOrder([1, emitsError("oh no!")])),
throwsA("oh no!"));