blob: 68a00a2b0c471fc026d3944563ddafa93be564fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/src/util/exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import 'package:test/src/util/io.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../io.dart';
String _sandbox;
final _success = """
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {});
final _failure = """
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("failure", () => throw new TestFailure("oh no"));
final _defaultConcurrency = math.max(1, Platform.numberOfProcessors ~/ 2);
final _usage = """
Usage: pub run test:test [files or directories...]
-h, --help Shows this usage information.
--version Shows the package's version.
-n, --name A substring of the name of the test to run.
Regular expression syntax is supported.
-N, --plain-name A plain-text substring of the name of the test to run.
-p, --platform The platform(s) on which to run the tests.
[vm (default), dartium, content-shell, chrome, phantomjs, firefox, safari]
-j, --concurrency=<threads> The number of concurrent test suites run.
(defaults to $_defaultConcurrency)
--pub-serve=<port> The port of a pub serve instance serving "test/".
--[no-]color Whether to use terminal colors.
(auto-detected by default)
void main() {
setUp(() {
_sandbox = createTempDir();
tearDown(() {
new Directory(_sandbox).deleteSync(recursive: true);
test("prints help information", () {
var result = _runUnittest(["--help"]);
expect(result.stdout, equals("""
Runs tests in this package.
expect(result.exitCode, equals(exit_codes.success));
group("fails gracefully if", () {
test("an invalid option is passed", () {
var result = _runUnittest(["--asdf"]);
expect(result.stderr, equals("""
Could not find an option named "asdf".
expect(result.exitCode, equals(exit_codes.usage));
test("a non-existent file is passed", () {
var result = _runUnittest(["file"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
contains('Failed to load "file": Does not exist.')
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("the default directory doesn't exist", () {
var result = _runUnittest([]);
expect(result.stderr, equals("""
No test files were passed and the default "test/" directory doesn't exist.
expect(result.exitCode, equals(;
test("a test file fails to load", () {
var testPath = p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart");
new File(testPath).writeAsStringSync("invalid Dart file");
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
' Failed to load "${p.relative(testPath, from: _sandbox)}":\n'
" line 1 pos 1: unexpected token 'invalid'\n"
" invalid Dart file\n"
" ^\n")
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
// This is slightly different from the above test because it's an error
// that's caught first by the analyzer when it's used to parse the file.
test("a test file fails to parse", () {
var testPath = p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart");
new File(testPath).writeAsStringSync("@TestOn)");
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
' Failed to load "${p.relative(testPath, from: _sandbox)}":\n'
" line 1 pos 8: unexpected token ')'\n"
" @TestOn)\n"
" ^\n")
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("an annotation's structure is invalid", () {
var testPath = p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart");
new File(testPath).writeAsStringSync("@TestOn()\nlibrary foo;");
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
' Failed to load "${p.relative(testPath, from: _sandbox)}":\n'
" Error on line 1, column 8: TestOn takes one argument.\n"
" @TestOn()\n"
" ^^\n")
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("an annotation's contents are invalid", () {
var testPath = p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart");
new File(testPath).writeAsStringSync("@TestOn('zim')\nlibrary foo;");
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
' Failed to load "${p.relative(testPath, from: _sandbox)}":\n'
" Error on line 1, column 10: Undefined variable.\n"
" @TestOn('zim')\n"
" ^^^\n")
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("a test file throws", () {
var testPath = p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart");
new File(testPath).writeAsStringSync("void main() => throw 'oh no';");
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
'Failed to load "${p.relative(testPath, from: _sandbox)}": oh no')
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("a test file doesn't have a main defined", () {
var testPath = p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart");
new File(testPath).writeAsStringSync("void foo() {}");
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
'Failed to load "${p.relative(testPath, from: _sandbox)}": No '
'top-level main() function defined.')
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("a test file has a non-function main", () {
var testPath = p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart");
new File(testPath).writeAsStringSync("int main;");
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
'Failed to load "${p.relative(testPath, from: _sandbox)}": '
'Top-level main getter is not a function.')
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("a test file has a main with arguments", () {
var testPath = p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart");
new File(testPath).writeAsStringSync("void main(arg) {}");
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
'Failed to load "${p.relative(testPath, from: _sandbox)}": '
'Top-level main() function takes arguments.')
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("multiple load errors occur", () {
var testPath = p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart");
new File(testPath).writeAsStringSync("invalid Dart file");
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart", "nonexistent.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('test.dart: load error'),
' Failed to load "test.dart":\n'
" line 1 pos 1: unexpected token 'invalid'\n"
" invalid Dart file\n"
" ^\n"),
contains('nonexistent.dart: load error'),
contains('Failed to load "nonexistent.dart": Does not exist.')
// TODO(nweiz): test what happens when a test file is unreadable once issue
// 15078 is fixed.
group("runs successful tests", () {
test("defined in a single file", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync(_success);
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
test("defined in a directory", () {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "${i}_test.dart"))
var result = _runUnittest(["."]);
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
test("defaulting to the test directory", () {
new Directory(p.join(_sandbox, "test")).createSync();
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test", "${i}_test.dart"))
var result = _runUnittest([]);
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
test("directly", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync(_success);
var result = _runDart([
"--package-root=${p.join(packageDir, 'packages')}",
expect(result.stdout, contains("All tests passed!"));
group("runs failing tests", () {
test("defined in a single file", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync(_failure);
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("defined in a directory", () {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "${i}_test.dart"))
var result = _runUnittest(["."]);
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("defaulting to the test directory", () {
new Directory(p.join(_sandbox, "test")).createSync();
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test", "${i}_test.dart"))
var result = _runUnittest([]);
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("directly", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync(_failure);
var result = _runDart([
"--package-root=${p.join(packageDir, 'packages')}",
expect(result.stdout, contains("Some tests failed."));
test("runs tests even when a file fails to load", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync(_success);
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart", "nonexistent.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, contains("+1 -1: Some tests failed."));
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
test("respects top-level @Timeout declarations", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync('''
@Timeout(const Duration(seconds: 0))
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("timeout", () {});
var result = _runUnittest(["test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, contains("Test timed out after 0 seconds."));
expect(result.stdout, contains("-1: Some tests failed."));
group("flags:", () {
test("with the --color flag, uses colors", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync(_failure);
var result = _runUnittest(["--color", "test.dart"]);
// This is the color code for red.
expect(result.stdout, contains("\u001b[31m"));
group("with the --name flag,", () {
test("selects tests with matching names", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync("""
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("selected 1", () {});
test("nope", () => throw new TestFailure("oh no"));
test("selected 2", () {});
var result = _runUnittest(["--name", "selected", "test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, contains("+2: All tests passed!"));
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
test("supports RegExp syntax", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync("""
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("test 1", () {});
test("test 2", () => throw new TestFailure("oh no"));
test("test 3", () {});
var result = _runUnittest(["--name", "test [13]", "test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, contains("+2: All tests passed!"));
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
test("produces an error when no tests match", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync(_success);
var result = _runUnittest(["--name", "no match", "test.dart"]);
contains('No tests match regular expression "no match".'));
expect(result.exitCode, equals(;
test("doesn't filter out load exceptions", () {
var result = _runUnittest(["--name", "name", "file"]);
expect(result.stdout, allOf([
contains('-1: load error'),
contains('Failed to load "file": Does not exist.')
expect(result.exitCode, equals(1));
group("with the --plain-name flag,", () {
test("selects tests with matching names", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync("""
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("selected 1", () {});
test("nope", () => throw new TestFailure("oh no"));
test("selected 2", () {});
var result = _runUnittest(["--plain-name", "selected", "test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, contains("+2: All tests passed!"));
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
test("doesn't support RegExp syntax", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync("""
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("test 1", () => throw new TestFailure("oh no"));
test("test 2", () => throw new TestFailure("oh no"));
test("test [12]", () {});
var result = _runUnittest(["--plain-name", "test [12]", "test.dart"]);
expect(result.stdout, contains("+1: All tests passed!"));
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
test("produces an error when no tests match", () {
new File(p.join(_sandbox, "test.dart")).writeAsStringSync(_success);
var result = _runUnittest(["--plain-name", "no match", "test.dart"]);
contains('No tests match "no match".'));
expect(result.exitCode, equals(;
ProcessResult _runUnittest(List<String> args) =>
runUnittest(args, workingDirectory: _sandbox);
ProcessResult _runDart(List<String> args) =>
runDart(args, workingDirectory: _sandbox);