blob: 3741f327477cdd7d6e27b614afddb50117b83207 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@Tags(const ["pub"])
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'package:test/src/util/exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../io.dart';
/// The `--pub-serve` argument for the test process, based on [pubServePort].
String get _pubServeArg => '--pub-serve=$pubServePort';
void main() {
setUp(() async {
await d.file("pubspec.yaml", """
name: myapp
barback: any
test: {path: ${p.current}}
- myapp:
\$include: test/**_test.dart
- test/pub_serve:
\$include: test/**_test.dart
await d.dir("test", [
d.file("my_test.dart", """
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("test", () => expect(true, isTrue));
await d.dir("lib", [
d.file("myapp.dart", """
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
class MyTransformer extends Transformer {
final allowedExtensions = '.dart';
Future apply(Transform transform) async {
var contents = await transform.primaryInput.readAsString();
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(,
contents.replaceAll("isFalse", "isTrue")));
await (await runPub(['get'])).shouldExit(0);
group("with transformed tests", () {
setUp(() async {
// Give the test a failing assertion that the transformer will convert to
// a passing assertion.
await d.file("test/my_test.dart", """
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("test", () => expect(true, isFalse));
test("runs those tests in the VM", () async {
var pub = await runPubServe();
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg]);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
await pub.kill();
testWithCompiler("runs those tests on Chrome", (compilerArgs) async {
var pub = await runPubServe(args: compilerArgs);
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'chrome']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'chrome');
test("runs those tests on Node", () async {
var pub = await runPubServe();
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'node']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'node');
test("runs those tests on content shell", () async {
var pub = await runPubServe();
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'content-shell']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'content-shell');
"gracefully handles pub serve running on the wrong directory for "
"VM tests", () async {
await d.dir("web").create();
var pub = await runPubServe(args: ['web']);
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg]);
'-1: loading ${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")} [E]',
'Failed to load "${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")}":',
'404 Not Found',
'Make sure "pub serve" is serving the test/ directory.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
await pub.kill();
"gracefully handles pub serve running on the wrong directory for "
"browser tests", () {
testWithCompiler("when run on Chrome", (compilerArgs) async {
await d.dir("web").create();
var pub = await runPubServe(args: ['web']..addAll(compilerArgs));
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'chrome']);
'-1: compiling ${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")} [E]',
'Failed to load "${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")}":',
'404 Not Found',
'Make sure "pub serve" is serving the test/ directory.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'chrome');
test("when run on content shell", () async {
await d.dir("web").create();
var pub = await runPubServe(args: ['web']);
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'content-shell']);
'-1: loading ${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")} [E]',
'Failed to load "${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")}":',
'404 Not Found',
'Make sure "pub serve" is serving the test/ directory.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'content-shell');
"gracefully handles pub serve running on the wrong directory for Node "
"tests", () async {
await d.dir("web").create();
var pub = await runPubServe(args: ['web']);
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'node']);
'-1: compiling ${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")} [E]',
'Failed to load "${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")}":',
'404 Not Found',
'Make sure "pub serve" is serving the test/ directory.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'node');
test("gracefully handles unconfigured transformers", () async {
await d.file("pubspec.yaml", """
name: myapp
barback: any
test: {path: ${p.current}}
var pub = await runPubServe();
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg]);
expectStderrEquals(test, '''
When using --pub-serve, you must include the "test/pub_serve" transformer in
your pubspec:
- test/pub_serve:
\$include: test/**_test.dart
await test.shouldExit(;
await pub.kill();
group("uses a custom HTML file", () {
setUp(() async {
await d.dir("test", [
d.file("test.dart", """
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("failure", () {
expect(document.query('#foo'), isNull);
d.file("test.html", """
<link rel='x-dart-test' href='test.dart'>
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="foo"></div>
testWithCompiler("on Chrome", (compilerArgs) async {
var pub = await runPubServe(args: compilerArgs);
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'chrome']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'chrome');
test("on content shell", () async {
var pub = await runPubServe();
var test = await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'content-shell']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'content-shell');
group("with a failing test", () {
setUp(() async {
await d.file("test/my_test.dart", """
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("failure", () => throw 'oh no');
group("dartifies stack traces for JS-compiled tests by default", () {
test("on a browser", () async {
var pub = await runPubServe();
var test =
await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'chrome', '--verbose-trace']);
[" main.<fn>", "package:test", "dart:async/zone.dart"]));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test("on Node", () async {
var pub = await runPubServe();
var test =
await runTest([_pubServeArg, '-p', 'node', '--verbose-trace']);
[" main.<fn>", "package:test", "dart:async/zone.dart"]));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'node');
group("doesn't dartify stack traces for JS-compiled tests with --js-trace",
() {
test("on a browser", () async {
var pub = await runPubServe();
var test = await runTest(
[_pubServeArg, '-p', 'chrome', '--js-trace', '--verbose-trace']);
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(endsWith(" main.<fn>")));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains("package:test")));
test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains("dart:async/zone.dart")));
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains("-1: Some tests failed.")));
await test.shouldExit(1);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'chrome');
test("on Node", () async {
var pub = await runPubServe();
var test = await runTest(
[_pubServeArg, '-p', 'node', '--js-trace', '--verbose-trace']);
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(endsWith(" main.<fn>")));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains("package:test")));
test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains("dart:async/zone.dart")));
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains("-1: Some tests failed.")));
await test.shouldExit(1);
await pub.kill();
}, tags: 'node');
test("gracefully handles pub serve not running for VM tests", () async {
var test = await runTest(['--pub-serve=54321']);
'-1: loading ${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")} [E]',
'Failed to load "${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")}":',
'Error getting http://localhost:54321/my_test.dart.vm_test.dart: '
'Connection refused',
'Make sure "pub serve" is running.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
test("gracefully handles pub serve not running for browser tests", () async {
var test = await runTest(['--pub-serve=54321', '-p', 'chrome']);
var message = Platform.isWindows
? 'The remote computer refused the network connection.'
: 'Connection refused (errno ';
'-1: compiling ${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")} [E]',
'Failed to load "${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")}":',
'Error getting http://localhost:54321/my_test.dart.browser_test.dart.js'
'.map: $message',
'Make sure "pub serve" is running.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test("gracefully handles pub serve not running for Node tests", () async {
var test = await runTest(['--pub-serve=54321', '-p', 'node']);
var message = Platform.isWindows
? 'The remote computer refused the network connection.'
: 'Connection refused (errno ';
'-1: compiling ${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")} [E]',
'Failed to load "${p.join("test", "my_test.dart")}":',
'Error getting http://localhost:54321/my_test.dart.node_test.dart.js:'
' $message',
'Make sure "pub serve" is running.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'node');
test("gracefully handles a test file not being in test/", () async {
new File(p.join(d.sandbox, 'test/my_test.dart'))
.copySync(p.join(d.sandbox, 'my_test.dart'));
var test = await runTest(['--pub-serve=54321', 'my_test.dart']);
'-1: loading my_test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "my_test.dart": When using "pub serve", all test files '
'must be in test/.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
/// The list of supported compilers for the current [Platform.version].
final Iterable<String> _compilers = () {
var compilers = ['dart2js'];
if (_sdkSupportsDartDevc) compilers.add('dartdevc');
return compilers;
/// Whether or not the dartdevc compiler is supported on the current
/// [Platform.version].
final bool _sdkSupportsDartDevc = () {
var sdkVersion = new Version.parse(Platform.version.split(' ').first);
var minDartDevcVersion = new Version(1, 24, 0);
return sdkVersion >= minDartDevcVersion;
/// Runs the test described by [testFn] once for each supported compiler on the
/// current [Platform.version], passing the relevant compiler args for pub serve
/// as the first argument.
void testWithCompiler(String name, testFn(List<String> compilerArgs), {tags}) {
for (var compiler in _compilers) {
var compilerArgs = _sdkSupportsDartDevc ? ['--web-compiler', compiler] : [];
test("$name with $compiler", () => testFn(compilerArgs), tags: tags);