blob: 50b711236bfc8e719e3b41b5aa46e26c3f281279 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:io';
import '../../util/io.dart';
import '../configuration.dart';
import '../engine.dart';
import '../reporter.dart';
import '../reporter/compact.dart';
import '../reporter/expanded.dart';
import '../reporter/json.dart';
/// Constructs a reporter for the provided engine with the provided
/// configuration.
typedef Reporter ReporterFactory(Configuration configuration, Engine engine);
/// Container for a reporter description and corresponding factory.
class ReporterDetails {
final String description;
final ReporterFactory factory;
ReporterDetails(this.description, this.factory);
/// All reporters and their corresponding details.
final UnmodifiableMapView<String, ReporterDetails> allReporters =
new UnmodifiableMapView<String, ReporterDetails>(_allReporters);
final _allReporters = <String, ReporterDetails>{
"expanded": new ReporterDetails(
"A separate line for each update.",
(config, engine) =>,
color: config.color,
printPath: config.paths.length > 1 ||
new Directory(config.paths.single).existsSync(),
printPlatform: config.suiteDefaults.platforms.length > 1)),
"compact": new ReporterDetails("A single line, updated continuously.",
(_, engine) =>,
"json": new ReporterDetails(
"A machine-readable format (see",
(_, engine) =>,
final defaultReporter =
inTestTests ? 'expanded' : (Platform.isWindows ? 'expanded' : 'compact');
/// **Do not call this function without express permission from the test package
/// authors**.
/// This globally registers a reporter.
void registerReporter(String name, ReporterDetails reporterDetails) {
_allReporters[name] = reporterDetails;