blob: 63669370d4fae88f15b46d02edef4f855585e6fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart';
/// A regular expression that matches text until a letter or whitespace.
/// This is intended to scan through a number without actually encoding the full
/// Dart number grammar. It doesn't stop on "e" because that can be a component
/// of numbers.
final _untilUnit = new RegExp(r"[^a-df-z\s]+", caseSensitive: false);
/// A regular expression that matches a time unit.
final _unit = new RegExp(r"([um]s|[dhms])", caseSensitive: false);
/// A regular expression that matches a section of whitespace.
final _whitespace = new RegExp(r"\s+");
/// A class representing a modification to the default timeout for a test.
/// By default, a test will time out after 30 seconds. With [new Timeout], that
/// can be overridden entirely; with [new Timeout.factor], it can be scaled
/// relative to the default.
class Timeout {
/// A constant indicating that a test should never time out.
static const none = const Timeout._none();
/// The timeout duration.
/// If set, this overrides the default duration entirely. It's `null` for
/// timeouts with a non-null [scaleFactor] and for [Timeout.none].
final Duration duration;
/// The timeout factor.
/// The default timeout will be multiplied by this to get the new timeout.
/// Thus a factor of 2 means that the test will take twice as long to time
/// out, and a factor of 0.5 means that it will time out twice as quickly.
/// This is `null` for timeouts with a non-null [duration] and for
/// [Timeout.none].
final num scaleFactor;
/// Declares an absolute timeout that overrides the default.
const Timeout(this.duration)
: scaleFactor = null;
/// Declares a relative timeout that scales the default.
const Timeout.factor(this.scaleFactor)
: duration = null;
const Timeout._none()
: scaleFactor = null,
duration = null;
/// Parse the timeout from a user-provided string.
/// This supports the following formats:
/// * `Number "x"`, which produces a relative timeout with the given scale
/// factor.
/// * `(Number ("d" | "h" | "m" | "s" | "ms" | "us") (" ")?)+`, which produces
/// an absolute timeout with the duration given by the sum of the given
/// units.
/// * `"none"`, which produces [Timeout.none].
/// Throws a [FormatException] if [timeout] is not in a valid format
factory Timeout.parse(String timeout) {
var scanner = new StringScanner(timeout);
// First check for the string "none".
if (scanner.scan("none")) {
return Timeout.none;
// Scan a number. This will be either a time unit or a scale factor.
scanner.expect(_untilUnit, name: "number");
var number = double.parse(scanner.lastMatch[0]);
// A number followed by "x" is a scale factor.
if (scanner.scan("x") || scanner.scan("X")) {
return new Timeout.factor(number);
// Parse time units until none are left. The condition is in the middle of
// the loop because we've already parsed the first number.
var microseconds = 0.0;
while (true) {
scanner.expect(_unit, name: "unit");
microseconds += _microsecondsFor(number, scanner.lastMatch[0]);
// Scan the next number, if it's avaialble.
if (!scanner.scan(_untilUnit)) break;
number = double.parse(scanner.lastMatch[0]);
return new Timeout(new Duration(microseconds: microseconds.round()));
/// Returns the number of microseconds in [number] [unit]s.
static double _microsecondsFor(double number, String unit) {
switch (unit) {
case "d": return number * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000;
case "h": return number * 60 * 60 * 1000000;
case "m": return number * 60 * 1000000;
case "s": return number * 1000000;
case "ms": return number * 1000;
case "us": return number;
default: throw new ArgumentError("Unknown unit $unit.");
/// Returns a new [Timeout] that merges [this] with [other].
/// [Timeout.none] takes precedence over everything. If timeout is
/// [Timeout.none] and [other] declares a [duration], that takes precedence.
/// Otherwise, this timeout's [duration] or [factor] are multiplied by
/// [other]'s [factor].
Timeout merge(Timeout other) {
if (this == none || other == none) return none;
if (other.duration != null) return new Timeout(other.duration);
if (duration != null) return new Timeout(duration * other.scaleFactor);
return new Timeout.factor(scaleFactor * other.scaleFactor);
/// Returns a new [Duration] from applying [this] to [base].
/// If this is [none], returns `null`.
Duration apply(Duration base) {
if (this == none) return null;
return duration == null ? base * scaleFactor : duration;
int get hashCode => duration.hashCode ^ 5 * scaleFactor.hashCode;
bool operator==(other) => other is Timeout && other.duration == duration &&
other.scaleFactor == scaleFactor;
String toString() {
if (duration != null) return duration.toString();
if (scaleFactor != null) return "${scaleFactor}x";
return "none";