blob: d38f8367470cb8f444d7ffece63f2330d3ce29ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library unittest.matcher.iterable_matchers_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart';
void main() {
test('isEmpty', () {
shouldPass([], isEmpty);
shouldFail([1], isEmpty, "Expected: empty Actual: [1]");
test('isNotEmpty', () {
shouldFail([], isNotEmpty, "Expected: non-empty Actual: []");
shouldPass([1], isNotEmpty);
test('contains', () {
var d = [1, 2];
shouldPass(d, contains(1));
shouldFail(d, contains(0), "Expected: contains <0> "
"Actual: [1, 2]");
test('equals with matcher element', () {
var d = ['foo', 'bar'];
shouldPass(d, equals(['foo', startsWith('ba')]));
shouldFail(d, equals(['foo', endsWith('ba')]),
"Expected: ['foo', <a string ending with 'ba'>] "
"Actual: ['foo', 'bar'] "
"Which: does not match a string ending with 'ba' at location [1]");
test('isIn', () {
var d = [1, 2];
shouldPass(1, isIn(d));
shouldFail(0, isIn(d), "Expected: is in [1, 2] Actual: <0>");
test('everyElement', () {
var d = [1, 2];
var e = [1, 1, 1];
shouldFail(d, everyElement(1), "Expected: every element(<1>) "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: has value <2> which doesn't match <1> at index 1");
shouldPass(e, everyElement(1));
test('nested everyElement', () {
var d = [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo'], []];
var e = [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo'], 3, []];
shouldPass(d, everyElement(anyOf(isEmpty, contains('foo'))));
shouldFail(d, everyElement(everyElement(equals('foo'))),
"Expected: every element(every element('foo')) "
"Actual: [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo'], []] "
"Which: has value ['foo', 'bar'] which has value 'bar' "
"which is different. Expected: foo Actual: bar ^ "
"Differ at offset 0 at index 1 at index 0");
everyElement(allOf(hasLength(greaterThan(0)), contains('foo'))),
"Expected: every element((an object with length of a value "
"greater than <0> and contains 'foo')) "
"Actual: [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo'], []] "
"Which: has value [] which has length of <0> at index 2");
everyElement(allOf(contains('foo'), hasLength(greaterThan(0)))),
"Expected: every element((contains 'foo' and "
"an object with length of a value greater than <0>)) "
"Actual: [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo'], []] "
"Which: has value [] which doesn't match (contains 'foo' and "
"an object with length of a value greater than <0>) at index 2");
everyElement(allOf(contains('foo'), hasLength(greaterThan(0)))),
"Expected: every element((contains 'foo' and an object with "
"length of a value greater than <0>)) "
"Actual: [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo'], 3, []] "
"Which: has value <3> which is not a string, map or iterable "
"at index 2");
test('anyElement', () {
var d = [1, 2];
var e = [1, 1, 1];
shouldPass(d, anyElement(2));
e, anyElement(2), "Expected: some element <2> Actual: [1, 1, 1]");
test('orderedEquals', () {
shouldPass([null], orderedEquals([null]));
var d = [1, 2];
shouldPass(d, orderedEquals([1, 2]));
shouldFail(d, orderedEquals([2, 1]), "Expected: equals [2, 1] ordered "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: was <1> instead of <2> at location [0]");
test('unorderedEquals', () {
var d = [1, 2];
shouldPass(d, unorderedEquals([2, 1]));
shouldFail(d, unorderedEquals([1]), "Expected: equals [1] unordered "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: has too many elements (2 > 1)");
shouldFail(d, unorderedEquals([3, 2, 1]),
"Expected: equals [3, 2, 1] unordered "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: has too few elements (2 < 3)");
shouldFail(d, unorderedEquals([3, 1]), "Expected: equals [3, 1] unordered "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: has no match for <3> at index 0");
test('unorderedMatchess', () {
var d = [1, 2];
shouldPass(d, unorderedMatches([2, 1]));
shouldPass(d, unorderedMatches([greaterThan(1), greaterThan(0)]));
shouldFail(d, unorderedMatches([greaterThan(0)]),
"Expected: matches [a value greater than <0>] unordered "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: has too many elements (2 > 1)");
shouldFail(d, unorderedMatches([3, 2, 1]),
"Expected: matches [<3>, <2>, <1>] unordered "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: has too few elements (2 < 3)");
shouldFail(d, unorderedMatches([3, 1]),
"Expected: matches [<3>, <1>] unordered "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: has no match for <3> at index 0");
shouldFail(d, unorderedMatches([greaterThan(3), greaterThan(0)]),
"Expected: matches [a value greater than <3>, a value greater than "
"<0>] unordered "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: has no match for a value greater than <3> at index 0");
test('pairwise compare', () {
var c = [1, 2];
var d = [1, 2, 3];
var e = [1, 4, 9];
shouldFail('x', pairwiseCompare(e, (e, a) => a <= e, "less than or equal"),
"Expected: pairwise less than or equal [1, 4, 9] "
"Actual: 'x' "
"Which: is not an Iterable");
shouldFail(c, pairwiseCompare(e, (e, a) => a <= e, "less than or equal"),
"Expected: pairwise less than or equal [1, 4, 9] "
"Actual: [1, 2] "
"Which: has length 2 instead of 3");
shouldPass(d, pairwiseCompare(e, (e, a) => a <= e, "less than or equal"));
shouldFail(d, pairwiseCompare(e, (e, a) => a < e, "less than"),
"Expected: pairwise less than [1, 4, 9] "
"Actual: [1, 2, 3] "
"Which: has <1> which is not less than <1> at index 0");
shouldPass(d, pairwiseCompare(e, (e, a) => a * a == e, "square root of"));
shouldFail(d, pairwiseCompare(e, (e, a) => a + a == e, "double"),
"Expected: pairwise double [1, 4, 9] "
"Actual: [1, 2, 3] "
"Which: has <1> which is not double <1> at index 0");