blob: f9cd17e3146c5cee3fd618b7c43c84d139aaf8bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:http_multi_server/http_multi_server.dart';
import 'package:package_resolver/package_resolver.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf_io;
import 'package:shelf_static/shelf_static.dart';
import 'package:shelf_web_socket/shelf_web_socket.dart';
import 'package:shelf_packages_handler/shelf_packages_handler.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
import '../../backend/metadata.dart';
import '../../backend/test_platform.dart';
import '../../util/io.dart';
import '../../util/one_off_handler.dart';
import '../../util/path_handler.dart';
import '../../util/stack_trace_mapper.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
import '../configuration.dart';
import '../load_exception.dart';
import '../plugin/platform.dart';
import '../runner_suite.dart';
import 'browser_manager.dart';
import 'compiler_pool.dart';
import 'polymer.dart';
class BrowserPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
/// Starts the server.
/// [root] is the root directory that the server should serve. It defaults to
/// the working directory.
static Future<BrowserPlatform> start({String root})
async {
var server = new shelf_io.IOServer(await HttpMultiServer.loopback(0));
return new BrowserPlatform._(server, root: root);
/// The test runner configuration.
final _config = Configuration.current;
/// The underlying server.
final shelf.Server _server;
/// A randomly-generated secret.
/// This is used to ensure that other users on the same system can't snoop
/// on data being served through this server.
final _secret = Uri.encodeComponent(randomBase64(24));
/// The URL for this server.
Uri get url => _server.url.resolve(_secret + "/");
/// A [OneOffHandler] for servicing WebSocket connections for
/// [BrowserManager]s.
/// This is one-off because each [BrowserManager] can only connect to a single
/// WebSocket,
final _webSocketHandler = new OneOffHandler();
/// A [PathHandler] used to serve compiled JS.
final _jsHandler = new PathHandler();
/// The [CompilerPool] managing active instances of `dart2js`.
/// This is `null` if tests are loaded from `pub serve`.
final CompilerPool _compilers;
/// The temporary directory in which compiled JS is emitted.
final String _compiledDir;
/// The root directory served statically by this server.
final String _root;
/// The pool of active `pub serve` compilations.
/// Pub itself ensures that only one compilation runs at a time; we just use
/// this pool to make sure that the output is nice and linear.
final _pubServePool = new Pool(1);
/// The HTTP client to use when caching JS files in `pub serve`.
final HttpClient _http;
/// Whether [close] has been called.
bool get _closed => _closeMemo.hasRun;
/// A map from browser identifiers to futures that will complete to the
/// [BrowserManager]s for those browsers, or the errors that occurred when
/// trying to load those managers.
/// This should only be accessed through [_browserManagerFor].
final _browserManagers =
new Map<TestPlatform, Future<Result<BrowserManager>>>();
/// A map from test suite paths to Futures that will complete once those
/// suites are finished compiling.
/// This is used to make sure that a given test suite is only compiled once
/// per run, rather than once per browser per run.
final _compileFutures = new Map<String, Future>();
/// Mappers for Dartifying stack traces, indexed by test path.
final _mappers = new Map<String, StackTraceMapper>();
BrowserPlatform._(this._server, {String root})
: _root = root == null ? p.current : root,
_compiledDir = Configuration.current.pubServeUrl == null
? createTempDir()
: null,
_http = Configuration.current.pubServeUrl == null
? null
: new HttpClient(),
_compilers = new CompilerPool() {
var cascade = new shelf.Cascade()
if (_config.pubServeUrl == null) {
cascade = cascade
if (_config.precompiledPath != null) {
cascade = cascade.add(createStaticHandler(_config.precompiledPath));
var pipeline = new shelf.Pipeline()
/// A handler that serves wrapper files used to bootstrap tests.
shelf.Response _wrapperHandler(shelf.Request request) {
var path = p.fromUri(request.url);
if (path.endsWith(".browser_test.dart")) {
var testPath = p.basename(p.withoutExtension(p.withoutExtension(path)));
return new shelf.Response.ok('''
import "package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart";
import "package:test/src/runner/plugin/remote_platform_helpers.dart";
import "package:test/src/runner/browser/post_message_channel.dart";
import "$testPath" as test;
void main() {
var channel = serializeSuite(() => test.main, hidePrints: false);
''', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/dart'});
if (path.endsWith(".html")) {
var test = p.withoutExtension(path) + ".dart";
// Link to the Dart wrapper on Dartium and the compiled JS version
// elsewhere.
var scriptBase =
var script = request.headers['user-agent'].contains('(Dart)')
? 'type="application/dart" src="$scriptBase"'
: 'src="$scriptBase.js"';
return new shelf.Response.ok('''
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>${HTML_ESCAPE.convert(test)} Test</title>
<script $script></script>
''', headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
return new shelf.Response.notFound('Not found.');
/// Loads the test suite at [path] on the browser [browser].
/// This will start a browser to load the suite if one isn't already running.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if [browser] isn't a browser platform.
Future<RunnerSuite> load(String path, TestPlatform browser,
Metadata metadata) async {
if (!browser.isBrowser) {
throw new ArgumentError("$browser is not a browser.");
var htmlPath = p.withoutExtension(path) + '.html';
if (new File(htmlPath).existsSync() &&
!new File(htmlPath).readAsStringSync()
.contains('packages/test/dart.js')) {
throw new LoadException(
'"${htmlPath}" must contain <script src="packages/test/dart.js">'
var suiteUrl;
if (_config.pubServeUrl != null) {
var suitePrefix = p.toUri(p.withoutExtension(
p.relative(path, from: p.join(_root, 'test')))).path;
var dartUrl;
// Polymer generates a bootstrap entrypoint that wraps the entrypoint we
// see on disk, and modifies the HTML file to point to the bootstrap
// instead. To make sure we get the right source maps and wait for the
// right file to compile, we have some Polymer-specific logic here to load
// the boostrap instead of the unwrapped file.
if (isPolymerEntrypoint(path)) {
dartUrl = _config.pubServeUrl.resolve(
} else {
dartUrl = _config.pubServeUrl.resolve(
await _pubServeSuite(path, dartUrl, browser);
suiteUrl = _config.pubServeUrl.resolveUri(p.toUri('$suitePrefix.html'));
} else {
if (browser.isJS && !_precompiled(path)) await _compileSuite(path);
if (_closed) return null;
suiteUrl = url.resolveUri(p.toUri(
p.withoutExtension(p.relative(path, from: _root)) + ".html"));
if (_closed) return null;
// TODO(nweiz): Don't start the browser until all the suites are compiled.
var browserManager = await _browserManagerFor(browser);
if (_closed) return null;
var suite = await browserManager.load(path, suiteUrl, metadata,
mapper: browser.isJS ? _mappers[path] : null);
if (_closed) return null;
return suite;
/// Returns whether the test at [path] has precompiled JS available underneath
/// `_config.precompiledPath`.
bool _precompiled(String path) {
if (_config.precompiledPath == null) return false;
var jsPath =
p.join(_config.precompiledPath, p.relative(path, from: _root)) +
return new File(jsPath).existsSync();
StreamChannel loadChannel(String path, TestPlatform platform) =>
throw new UnimplementedError();
/// Loads a test suite at [path] from the `pub serve` URL [dartUrl].
/// This ensures that only one suite is loaded at a time, and that any errors
/// are exposed as [LoadException]s.
Future _pubServeSuite(String path, Uri dartUrl, TestPlatform browser) {
return _pubServePool.withResource(() async {
var timer = new Timer(new Duration(seconds: 1), () {
print('"pub serve" is compiling $path...');
// For browsers that run Dart compiled to JavaScript, get the source map
// instead of the Dart code for two reasons. We want to verify that the
// server's dart2js compiler is running on the Dart code, and also load
// the StackTraceMapper.
var getSourceMap = browser.isJS;
var url = getSourceMap
? dartUrl.replace(path: dartUrl.path + '')
: dartUrl;
HttpClientResponse response;
try {
var request = await _http.getUrl(url);
response = await request.close();
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
// We don't care about the response body, but we have to drain it or
// else the process can't exit.
response.listen((_) {});
throw new LoadException(path,
"Error getting $url: ${response.statusCode} "
'Make sure "pub serve" is serving the test/ directory.');
if (getSourceMap && !_config.jsTrace) {
_mappers[path] = new StackTraceMapper(
await UTF8.decodeStream(response),
mapUrl: url,
packageResolver: new SyncPackageResolver.root(
sdkRoot: _config.pubServeUrl.resolve('packages/\$sdk'));
// Drain the response stream.
response.listen((_) {});
} on IOException catch (error) {
var message = getErrorMessage(error);
if (error is SocketException) {
message = "${error.osError.message} "
"(errno ${error.osError.errorCode})";
throw new LoadException(path,
"Error getting $url: $message\n"
'Make sure "pub serve" is running.');
} finally {
/// Compile the test suite at [dartPath] to JavaScript.
/// Once the suite has been compiled, it's added to [_jsHandler] so it can be
/// served.
Future _compileSuite(String dartPath) {
return _compileFutures.putIfAbsent(dartPath, () async {
var dir = new Directory(_compiledDir).createTempSync('test_').path;
var jsPath = p.join(dir, p.basename(dartPath) + ".browser_test.dart.js");
await _compilers.compile(dartPath, jsPath);
if (_closed) return;
var jsUrl = p.toUri(p.relative(dartPath, from: _root)).path +
_jsHandler.add(jsUrl, (request) {
return new shelf.Response.ok(new File(jsPath).readAsStringSync(),
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/javascript'});
var mapUrl = p.toUri(p.relative(dartPath, from: _root)).path +
_jsHandler.add(mapUrl, (request) {
return new shelf.Response.ok(
new File(jsPath + '.map').readAsStringSync(),
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
if (_config.jsTrace) return;
var mapPath = jsPath + '.map';
_mappers[dartPath] = new StackTraceMapper(
new File(mapPath).readAsStringSync(),
mapUrl: p.toUri(mapPath),
packageResolver: await PackageResolver.current.asSync,
sdkRoot: p.toUri(sdkDir));
/// Returns the [BrowserManager] for [platform], which should be a browser.
/// If no browser manager is running yet, starts one.
Future<BrowserManager> _browserManagerFor(TestPlatform platform) {
var manager = _browserManagers[platform];
if (manager != null) return Result.release(manager);
var completer = new Completer<WebSocketChannel>.sync();
var path = _webSocketHandler.create(webSocketHandler(completer.complete));
var webSocketUrl = url.replace(scheme: 'ws').resolve(path);
var hostUrl = (_config.pubServeUrl == null ? url : _config.pubServeUrl)
.replace(queryParameters: {
'managerUrl': webSocketUrl.toString(),
'debug': _config.pauseAfterLoad.toString()
var future = BrowserManager.start(platform, hostUrl, completer.future,
debug: _config.pauseAfterLoad);
// Capture errors and release them later to avoid Zone issues. This call to
// [_browserManagerFor] is running in a different [LoadSuite] than future
// calls, which means they're also running in different error zones so
// errors can't be freely passed between them. Storing the error or value as
// an explicit [Result] fixes that.
_browserManagers[platform] = Result.capture(future);
return future;
/// Close all the browsers that the server currently has open.
/// Note that this doesn't close the server itself. Browser tests can still be
/// loaded, they'll just spawn new browsers.
Future closeEphemeral() {
var managers = _browserManagers.values.toList();
return Future.wait( async {
var result = await manager;
if (result.isError) return;
await result.asValue.value.close();
/// Closes the server and releases all its resources.
/// Returns a [Future] that completes once the server is closed and its
/// resources have been fully released.
Future close() => _closeMemo.runOnce(() async {
var futures = async {
var result = await future;
if (result.isError) return;
await result.asValue.value.close();
await Future.wait(futures);
if (_config.pubServeUrl == null) {
new Directory(_compiledDir).deleteSync(recursive: true);
} else {
final _closeMemo = new AsyncMemoizer();