blob: fad0be17694ca1891a5a8b5387ce8ea9ff4d99b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'async_matcher.dart';
import 'stream_matcher.dart';
import 'throws_matcher.dart';
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] that asserts that the stream emits a "done" event.
final emitsDone = StreamMatcher(
(queue) async => (await queue.hasNext) ? "" : null, "be done");
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] for [matcher].
/// If [matcher] is already a [StreamMatcher], it's returned as-is. If it's any
/// other [Matcher], this matches a single event that matches that matcher. If
/// it's any other Object, this matches a single event that's equal to that
/// object.
/// This functions like [wrapMatcher] for [StreamMatcher]s: it can convert any
/// matcher-like value into a proper [StreamMatcher].
StreamMatcher emits(matcher) {
if (matcher is StreamMatcher) return matcher;
var wrapped = wrapMatcher(matcher);
var matcherDescription = wrapped.describe(StringDescription());
return StreamMatcher((queue) async {
if (!await queue.hasNext) return "";
var matchState = {};
var actual = await;
if (wrapped.matches(actual, matchState)) return null;
var mismatchDescription = StringDescription();
wrapped.describeMismatch(actual, mismatchDescription, matchState, false);
if (mismatchDescription.length == 0) return "";
return "emitted an event that $mismatchDescription";
// TODO(nweiz): add "should" once matcher#42 is fixed.
"emit an event that $matcherDescription");
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] that matches a single error event that matches
/// [matcher].
StreamMatcher emitsError(matcher) {
var wrapped = wrapMatcher(matcher);
var matcherDescription = wrapped.describe(StringDescription());
var throwsMatcher = throwsA(wrapped) as AsyncMatcher;
return StreamMatcher(
(queue) => throwsMatcher.matchAsync( as Future<String>,
// TODO(nweiz): add "should" once matcher#42 is fixed.
"emit an error that $matcherDescription");
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] that allows (but doesn't require) [matcher] to
/// match the stream.
/// This matcher always succeeds; if [matcher] doesn't match, this just consumes
/// no events.
StreamMatcher mayEmit(matcher) {
var streamMatcher = emits(matcher);
return StreamMatcher((queue) async {
await queue.withTransaction(
(copy) async => (await streamMatcher.matchQueue(copy)) == null);
return null;
}, "maybe ${streamMatcher.description}");
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] that matches the stream if at least one of
/// [matchers] matches.
/// If multiple matchers match the stream, this chooses the matcher that
/// consumes as many events as possible.
/// If any matchers match the stream, no errors from other matchers are thrown.
/// If no matchers match and multiple matchers threw errors, the first error is
/// re-thrown.
StreamMatcher emitsAnyOf(Iterable matchers) {
var streamMatchers =;
if (streamMatchers.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError("matcher may not be empty");
if (streamMatchers.length == 1) return streamMatchers.first;
var description = "do one of the following:\n" +
bullet( => matcher.description));
return StreamMatcher((queue) async {
var transaction = queue.startTransaction();
// Allocate the failures list ahead of time so that its order matches the
// order of [matchers], and thus the order the matchers will be listed in
// the description.
var failures = List<String>(matchers.length);
// The first error thrown. If no matchers match and this exists, we rethrow
// it.
Object firstError;
StackTrace firstStackTrace;
var futures = <Future>[];
StreamQueue consumedMost;
for (var i = 0; i < matchers.length; i++) {
futures.add(() async {
var copy = transaction.newQueue();
String result;
try {
result = await streamMatchers[i].matchQueue(copy);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
if (firstError == null) {
firstError = error;
firstStackTrace = stackTrace;
if (result != null) {
failures[i] = result;
} else if (consumedMost == null ||
consumedMost.eventsDispatched < copy.eventsDispatched) {
consumedMost = copy;
await Future.wait(futures);
if (consumedMost == null) {
if (firstError != null) {
await Future.error(firstError, firstStackTrace);
var failureMessages = <String>[];
for (var i = 0; i < matchers.length; i++) {
var message = "failed to ${streamMatchers[i].description}";
if (failures[i].isNotEmpty) {
message += message.contains("\n") ? "\n" : " ";
message += "because it ${failures[i]}";
return "failed all options:\n${bullet(failureMessages)}";
} else {
return null;
}, description);
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] that matches the stream if each matcher in
/// [matchers] matches, one after another.
/// If any matcher fails to match, this fails and consumes no events.
StreamMatcher emitsInOrder(Iterable matchers) {
var streamMatchers =;
if (streamMatchers.length == 1) return streamMatchers.first;
var description = "do the following in order:\n" +
bullet( => matcher.description));
return StreamMatcher((queue) async {
for (var i = 0; i < streamMatchers.length; i++) {
var matcher = streamMatchers[i];
var result = await matcher.matchQueue(queue);
if (result == null) continue;
var newResult = "didn't ${matcher.description}";
if (result.isNotEmpty) {
newResult += newResult.contains("\n") ? "\n" : " ";
newResult += "because it $result";
return newResult;
return null;
}, description);
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] that matches any number of events followed by
/// events that match [matcher].
/// This consumes all events matched by [matcher], as well as all events before.
/// If the stream emits a done event without matching [matcher], this fails and
/// consumes no events.
StreamMatcher emitsThrough(matcher) {
var streamMatcher = emits(matcher);
return StreamMatcher((queue) async {
var failures = <String>[];
tryHere() => queue.withTransaction((copy) async {
var result = await streamMatcher.matchQueue(copy);
if (result == null) return true;
return false;
while (await queue.hasNext) {
if (await tryHere()) return null;
// Try after the queue is done in case the matcher can match an empty
// stream.
if (await tryHere()) return null;
var result = "never did ${streamMatcher.description}";
var failureMessages =
bullet(failures.where((failure) => failure.isNotEmpty));
if (failureMessages.isNotEmpty) {
result += result.contains("\n") ? "\n" : " ";
result += "because it:\n$failureMessages";
return result;
}, "eventually ${streamMatcher.description}");
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] that matches any number of events that match
/// [matcher].
/// This consumes events until [matcher] no longer matches. It always succeeds;
/// if [matcher] doesn't match, this just consumes no events. It never rethrows
/// errors.
StreamMatcher mayEmitMultiple(matcher) {
var streamMatcher = emits(matcher);
var description = streamMatcher.description;
description += description.contains("\n") ? "\n" : " ";
description += "zero or more times";
return StreamMatcher((queue) async {
while (await _tryMatch(queue, streamMatcher)) {
// Do nothing; the matcher presumably already consumed events.
return null;
}, description);
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] that matches a stream that never matches
/// [matcher].
/// This doesn't complete until the stream emits a done event. It never consumes
/// any events. It never re-throws errors.
StreamMatcher neverEmits(matcher) {
var streamMatcher = emits(matcher);
return StreamMatcher((queue) async {
var events = 0;
var matched = false;
await queue.withTransaction((copy) async {
while (await copy.hasNext) {
matched = await _tryMatch(copy, streamMatcher);
if (matched) return false;
try {
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors events.
matched = await _tryMatch(copy, streamMatcher);
return false;
if (!matched) return null;
return "after $events ${pluralize('event', events)} did "
}, "never ${streamMatcher.description}");
/// Returns whether [matcher] matches [queue] at its current position.
/// This treats errors as failures to match.
Future<bool> _tryMatch(StreamQueue queue, StreamMatcher matcher) {
return queue.withTransaction((copy) async {
try {
return (await matcher.matchQueue(copy)) == null;
} catch (_) {
return false;
/// Returns a [StreamMatcher] that matches the stream if each matcher in
/// [matchers] matches, in any order.
/// If any matcher fails to match, this fails and consumes no events. If the
/// matchers match in multiple different possible orders, this chooses the order
/// that consumes as many events as possible.
/// If any sequence of matchers matches the stream, no errors from other
/// sequences are thrown. If no sequences match and multiple sequences throw
/// errors, the first error is re-thrown.
/// Note that checking every ordering of [matchers] is O(n!) in the worst case,
/// so this should only be called when there are very few [matchers].
StreamMatcher emitsInAnyOrder(Iterable matchers) {
var streamMatchers =;
if (streamMatchers.length == 1) return streamMatchers.first;
var description = "do the following in any order:\n" +
bullet( => matcher.description));
return StreamMatcher(
(queue) async => await _tryInAnyOrder(queue, streamMatchers) ? null : "",
/// Returns whether [queue] matches [matchers] in any order.
Future<bool> _tryInAnyOrder(
StreamQueue queue, Set<StreamMatcher> matchers) async {
if (matchers.length == 1)
return await matchers.first.matchQueue(queue) == null;
var transaction = queue.startTransaction();
StreamQueue consumedMost;
// The first error thrown. If no matchers match and this exists, we rethrow
// it.
Object firstError;
StackTrace firstStackTrace;
await Future.wait( async {
var copy = transaction.newQueue();
try {
if (await matcher.matchQueue(copy) != null) return;
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
if (firstError == null) {
firstError = error;
firstStackTrace = stackTrace;
var rest = Set<StreamMatcher>.from(matchers);
try {
if (!await _tryInAnyOrder(copy, rest)) return;
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
if (firstError == null) {
firstError = error;
firstStackTrace = stackTrace;
if (consumedMost == null ||
consumedMost.eventsDispatched < copy.eventsDispatched) {
consumedMost = copy;
if (consumedMost == null) {
if (firstError != null) await Future.error(firstError, firstStackTrace);
return false;
} else {
return true;