blob: 013d91f32b8b079053fe8a6279d96a2beedbda71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:boolean_selector/boolean_selector.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import '../frontend/skip.dart';
import '../frontend/timeout.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'operating_system.dart';
import 'platform_selector.dart';
import 'test_platform.dart';
/// Metadata for a test or test suite.
/// This metadata comes from declarations on the test itself; it doesn't include
/// configuration from the user.
class Metadata {
/// Empty metadata with only default values.
/// Using this is slightly more efficient than manually constructing a new
/// metadata with no arguments.
static final empty = new Metadata._();
/// The selector indicating which platforms the suite supports.
final PlatformSelector testOn;
/// The modification to the timeout for the test or suite.
final Timeout timeout;
/// Whether the test or suite should be skipped.
bool get skip => _skip ?? false;
final bool _skip;
/// The reason the test or suite should be skipped, if given.
final String skipReason;
/// Whether to use verbose stack traces.
bool get verboseTrace => _verboseTrace ?? false;
final bool _verboseTrace;
/// The user-defined tags attached to the test or suite.
final Set<String> tags;
/// Platform-specific metadata.
/// Each key identifies a platform, and its value identifies the specific
/// metadata for that platform. These can be applied by calling [forPlatform].
final Map<PlatformSelector, Metadata> onPlatform;
/// Metadata that applies only when specific tags are applied.
/// Tag-specific metadata is applied when merging this with other metadata.
/// Note that unlike [onPlatform], the base metadata takes precedence over any
/// tag-specific metadata.
/// This is guaranteed not to have any keys that match [tags]; those are
/// resolved when the metadata is constructed.
final Map<BooleanSelector, Metadata> forTag;
/// Parses a user-provided map into the value for [onPlatform].
static Map<PlatformSelector, Metadata> _parseOnPlatform(
Map<String, dynamic> onPlatform) {
if (onPlatform == null) return {};
var result = <PlatformSelector, Metadata>{};
onPlatform.forEach((platform, metadata) {
if (metadata is Timeout || metadata is Skip) {
metadata = [metadata];
} else if (metadata is! List) {
throw new ArgumentError('Metadata for platform "$platform" must be a '
'Timeout, Skip, or List of those; was "$metadata".');
var selector = new PlatformSelector.parse(platform);
var timeout;
var skip;
for (var metadatum in metadata) {
if (metadatum is Timeout) {
if (timeout != null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Only a single Timeout may be declared for '
timeout = metadatum;
} else if (metadatum is Skip) {
if (skip != null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Only a single Skip may be declared for '
skip = metadatum.reason == null ? true : metadatum.reason;
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('Metadata for platform "$platform" must be a '
'Timeout, Skip, or List of those; was "$metadata".');
result[selector] = new Metadata.parse(timeout: timeout, skip: skip);
return result;
/// Parses a user-provided [String] or [Iterable] into the value for [tags].
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if [tags] is not a [String] or an [Iterable].
static Set<String> _parseTags(tags) {
if (tags == null) return new Set();
if (tags is String) return new Set.from([tags]);
if (tags is! Iterable) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(tags, "tags",
"must be either a String or an Iterable.");
if (tags.any((tag) => tag is! String)) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(tags, "tags", "must contain only Strings.");
return new Set.from(tags);
/// Creates new Metadata.
/// [testOn] defaults to [PlatformSelector.all].
/// If [forTag] contains metadata that applies to [tags], that metadata is
/// included inline in the returned value. The values directly passed to the
/// constructor take precedence over tag-specific metadata.
factory Metadata({PlatformSelector testOn, Timeout timeout, bool skip,
bool verboseTrace, String skipReason, Iterable<String> tags,
Map<PlatformSelector, Metadata> onPlatform,
Map<BooleanSelector, Metadata> forTag}) {
// Returns metadata without forTag resolved at all.
_unresolved() => new Metadata._(
testOn: testOn,
timeout: timeout,
skip: skip,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace,
skipReason: skipReason,
tags: tags,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
forTag: forTag);
// If there's no tag-specific metadata, or if none of it applies, just
// return the metadata as-is.
if (forTag == null || tags == null) return _unresolved();
tags = new Set.from(tags);
forTag = new Map.from(forTag);
// Otherwise, resolve the tag-specific components. Doing this eagerly means
// we only have to resolve suite- or group-level tags once, rather than
// doing it for every test individually.
var empty = new Metadata._();
var merged = forTag.keys.toList().fold(empty, (merged, selector) {
if (!selector.evaluate(tags)) return merged;
return merged.merge(forTag.remove(selector));
if (merged == empty) return _unresolved();
return merged.merge(_unresolved());
/// Creates new Metadata.
/// Unlike [new Metadata], this assumes [forTag] is already resolved.
Metadata._({PlatformSelector testOn, Timeout timeout, bool skip,
this.skipReason, bool verboseTrace, Iterable<String> tags,
Map<PlatformSelector, Metadata> onPlatform,
Map<BooleanSelector, Metadata> forTag})
: testOn = testOn == null ? PlatformSelector.all : testOn,
timeout = timeout == null ? const Timeout.factor(1) : timeout,
_skip = skip,
_verboseTrace = verboseTrace,
tags = new UnmodifiableSetView(
tags == null ? new Set() : tags.toSet()),
onPlatform = onPlatform == null
? const {}
: new UnmodifiableMapView(onPlatform),
forTag = forTag == null
? const {}
: new UnmodifiableMapView(forTag) {
/// Creates a new Metadata, but with fields parsed from caller-friendly values
/// where applicable.
/// Throws a [FormatException] if any field is invalid.
Metadata.parse({String testOn, Timeout timeout, skip,
bool verboseTrace, Map<String, dynamic> onPlatform,
: testOn = testOn == null
? PlatformSelector.all
: new PlatformSelector.parse(testOn),
timeout = timeout == null ? const Timeout.factor(1) : timeout,
_skip = skip == null ? null : skip != false,
_verboseTrace = verboseTrace,
skipReason = skip is String ? skip : null,
onPlatform = _parseOnPlatform(onPlatform),
tags = _parseTags(tags),
forTag = const {} {
if (skip != null && skip is! String && skip is! bool) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'"skip" must be a String or a bool, was "$skip".');
/// Deserializes the result of [Metadata.serialize] into a new [Metadata].
: testOn = serialized['testOn'] == null
? PlatformSelector.all
: new PlatformSelector.parse(serialized['testOn']),
timeout = _deserializeTimeout(serialized['timeout']),
_skip = serialized['skip'],
skipReason = serialized['skipReason'],
_verboseTrace = serialized['verboseTrace'],
tags = new Set.from(serialized['tags']),
onPlatform = new Map.fromIterable(serialized['onPlatform'],
key: (pair) => new PlatformSelector.parse(pair.first),
value: (pair) => new Metadata.deserialize(pair.last)),
forTag = mapMap(serialized['forTag'],
key: (key, _) => new BooleanSelector.parse(key),
value: (_, nested) => new Metadata.deserialize(nested));
/// Deserializes timeout from the format returned by [_serializeTimeout].
static _deserializeTimeout(serialized) {
if (serialized == 'none') return Timeout.none;
var scaleFactor = serialized['scaleFactor'];
if (scaleFactor != null) return new Timeout.factor(scaleFactor);
return new Timeout(
new Duration(microseconds: serialized['duration']));
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if any tags in [tags] aren't hyphenated
/// identifiers.
void _validateTags() {
var invalidTags = tags
.where((tag) => !tag.contains(anchoredHyphenatedIdentifier))
.map((tag) => '"$tag"')
if (invalidTags.isEmpty) return;
throw new ArgumentError(
"Invalid ${pluralize('tag', invalidTags.length)} "
"${toSentence(invalidTags)}. Tags must be (optionally hyphenated) "
"Dart identifiers.");
/// Return a new [Metadata] that merges [this] with [other].
/// If the two [Metadata]s have conflicting properties, [other] wins. If
/// either has a [forTag] metadata for one of the other's tags, that metadata
/// is merged as well.
Metadata merge(Metadata other) =>
new Metadata(
testOn: testOn.intersection(other.testOn),
timeout: timeout.merge(other.timeout),
skip: other._skip ?? _skip ,
skipReason: other.skipReason == null ? skipReason : other.skipReason,
verboseTrace: other._verboseTrace ?? _verboseTrace,
tags: tags.union(other.tags),
onPlatform: mergeMaps(onPlatform, other.onPlatform,
value: (metadata1, metadata2) => metadata1.merge(metadata2)),
forTag: mergeMaps(forTag, other.forTag,
value: (metadata1, metadata2) => metadata1.merge(metadata2)));
/// Returns a copy of [this] with the given fields changed.
Metadata change(
{PlatformSelector testOn,
Timeout timeout,
bool skip,
bool verboseTrace,
String skipReason,
Map<PlatformSelector, Metadata> onPlatform,
Set<String> tags,
Map<BooleanSelector, Metadata> forTag}) {
testOn ??= this.testOn;
timeout ??= this.timeout;
skip ??= this._skip;
verboseTrace ??= this._verboseTrace;
skipReason ??= this.skipReason;
onPlatform ??= this.onPlatform;
tags ??= this.tags;
forTag ??= this.forTag;
return new Metadata(testOn: testOn, timeout: timeout, skip: skip,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace, skipReason: skipReason,
onPlatform: onPlatform, tags: tags, forTag: forTag);
/// Returns a copy of [this] with all platform-specific metadata from
/// [onPlatform] resolved.
Metadata forPlatform(TestPlatform platform, {OperatingSystem os}) {
if (onPlatform.isEmpty) return this;
var metadata = this;
onPlatform.forEach((platformSelector, platformMetadata) {
if (!platformSelector.evaluate(platform, os: os)) return;
metadata = metadata.merge(platformMetadata);
return metadata.change(onPlatform: {});
/// Serializes [this] into a JSON-safe object that can be deserialized using
/// [new Metadata.deserialize].
serialize() {
// Make this a list to guarantee that the order is preserved.
var serializedOnPlatform = [];
onPlatform.forEach((key, value) {
serializedOnPlatform.add([key.toString(), value.serialize()]);
return {
'testOn': testOn == PlatformSelector.all ? null : testOn.toString(),
'timeout': _serializeTimeout(timeout),
'skip': skip,
'skipReason': skipReason,
'verboseTrace': verboseTrace,
'tags': tags.toList(),
'onPlatform': serializedOnPlatform,
'forTag': mapMap(forTag,
key: (selector, _) => selector.toString(),
value: (_, metadata) => metadata.serialize())
/// Serializes timeout into a JSON-safe object.
_serializeTimeout(Timeout timeout) {
if (timeout == Timeout.none) return 'none';
return {
'duration': timeout.duration == null
? null
: timeout.duration.inMicroseconds,
'scaleFactor': timeout.scaleFactor