blob: 962213fb9b6939b154d888e38108e347618c138b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/live_test.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/message.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/state.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import '../../util/io.dart';
import '../../util/pretty_print.dart';
import '../../util/pretty_print.dart' as utils;
import '../engine.dart';
import '../load_exception.dart';
import '../load_suite.dart';
import '../reporter.dart';
/// A reporter that prints test results to the console in a single
/// continuously-updating line.
class CompactReporter implements Reporter {
/// Whether the reporter should emit terminal color escapes.
final bool _color;
/// The terminal escape for green text, or the empty string if this is Windows
/// or not outputting to a terminal.
final String _green;
/// The terminal escape for red text, or the empty string if this is Windows
/// or not outputting to a terminal.
final String _red;
/// The terminal escape for yellow text, or the empty string if this is
/// Windows or not outputting to a terminal.
final String _yellow;
/// The terminal escape for gray text, or the empty string if this is
/// Windows or not outputting to a terminal.
final String _gray;
/// The terminal escape code for cyan text, or the empty string if this is
/// Windows or not outputting to a terminal.
final String _cyan;
/// The terminal escape for bold text, or the empty string if this is
/// Windows or not outputting to a terminal.
final String _bold;
/// The terminal escape for removing test coloring, or the empty string if
/// this is Windows or not outputting to a terminal.
final String _noColor;
/// The engine used to run the tests.
final Engine _engine;
/// Whether the path to each test's suite should be printed.
final bool _printPath;
/// Whether the platform each test is running on should be printed.
final bool _printPlatform;
/// A stopwatch that tracks the duration of the full run.
final _stopwatch = Stopwatch();
/// Whether we've started [_stopwatch].
/// We can't just use `_stopwatch.isRunning` because the stopwatch is stopped
/// when the reporter is paused.
var _stopwatchStarted = false;
/// The size of `_engine.passed` last time a progress notification was
/// printed.
int _lastProgressPassed = 0;
/// The size of `_engine.skipped` last time a progress notification was
/// printed.
int? _lastProgressSkipped;
/// The size of `_engine.failed` last time a progress notification was
/// printed.
int? _lastProgressFailed;
/// The duration of the test run in seconds last time a progress notification
/// was printed.
int? _lastProgressElapsed;
/// The message printed for the last progress notification.
String? _lastProgressMessage;
/// The suffix added to the last progress notification.
String? _lastProgressSuffix;
/// Whether the message printed for the last progress notification was
/// truncated.
bool? _lastProgressTruncated;
// Whether a newline has been printed since the last progress line.
var _printedNewline = true;
/// Whether the reporter is paused.
var _paused = false;
// Whether a notice should be logged about enabling stack trace chaining at
// the end of all tests running.
var _shouldPrintStackTraceChainingNotice = false;
/// The set of all subscriptions to various streams.
final _subscriptions = <StreamSubscription>{};
final StringSink _sink;
/// Watches the tests run by [engine] and prints their results to the
/// terminal.
/// If [color] is `true`, this will use terminal colors; if it's `false`, it
/// won't. If [printPath] is `true`, this will print the path name as part of
/// the test description. Likewise, if [printPlatform] is `true`, this will
/// print the platform as part of the test description.
static CompactReporter watch(Engine engine, StringSink sink,
{required bool color,
required bool printPath,
required bool printPlatform}) =>
CompactReporter._(engine, sink,
color: color, printPath: printPath, printPlatform: printPlatform);
CompactReporter._(this._engine, this._sink,
{required bool color,
required bool printPath,
required bool printPlatform})
: _printPath = printPath,
_printPlatform = printPlatform,
_color = color,
_green = color ? '\u001b[32m' : '',
_red = color ? '\u001b[31m' : '',
_yellow = color ? '\u001b[33m' : '',
_gray = color ? '\u001b[90m' : '',
_cyan = color ? '\u001b[36m' : '',
_bold = color ? '\u001b[1m' : '',
_noColor = color ? '\u001b[0m' : '' {
// Convert the future to a stream so that the subscription can be paused or
// canceled.
void pause() {
if (_paused) return;
_paused = true;
if (!_printedNewline) _sink.writeln('');
_printedNewline = true;
// Force the next message to be printed, even if it's identical to the
// previous one. If the reporter was paused, text was probably printed
// during the pause.
_lastProgressMessage = null;
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
void resume() {
if (!_paused) return;
_paused = false;
if (_stopwatchStarted) _stopwatch.start();
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
void _cancel() {
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
/// A callback called when the engine begins running [liveTest].
void _onTestStarted(LiveTest liveTest) {
if (!_stopwatchStarted) {
_stopwatchStarted = true;
// Keep updating the time even when nothing else is happening.
_subscriptions.add(Stream.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1))
.listen((_) => _progressLine(_lastProgressMessage ?? '')));
// If this is the first test or suite load to start, print a progress line
// so the user knows what's running.
if (( == 1 && == liveTest) ||
( &&
_engine.activeSuiteLoads.length == 1 &&
_engine.activeSuiteLoads.first == liveTest)) {
.listen((state) => _onStateChange(liveTest, state)));
.listen((error) => _onError(liveTest, error.error, error.stackTrace)));
_subscriptions.add(liveTest.onMessage.listen((message) {
_progressLine(_description(liveTest), truncate: false);
if (!_printedNewline) _sink.writeln('');
_printedNewline = true;
var text = message.text;
if (message.type == MessageType.skip) text = ' $_yellow$text$_noColor';
liveTest.onComplete.then((_) {
var result = liveTest.state.result;
if (result != Result.error && result != Result.failure) return;
var quotedName = Platform.isWindows
? '"${'"', '"""')}"'
: "'${"'", r"'\''")}'";
_sink.writeln('$_bold${_cyan}To run this test again:$_noColor '
'${Platform.executable} test ${liveTest.suite.path} '
'-p ${liveTest.suite.platform.runtime.identifier} '
'--plain-name $quotedName');
/// A callback called when [liveTest]'s state becomes [state].
void _onStateChange(LiveTest liveTest, State state) {
if (state.status != Status.complete) return;
// Errors are printed in [onError]; no need to print them here as well.
if (state.result == Result.failure) return;
if (state.result == Result.error) return;
// Always display the name of the oldest active test, unless testing
// is finished in which case display the last test to complete.
if ( {
} else {
/// A callback called when [liveTest] throws [error].
void _onError(LiveTest liveTest, error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (!liveTest.test.metadata.chainStackTraces &&
!liveTest.suite.isLoadSuite) {
_shouldPrintStackTraceChainingNotice = true;
if (liveTest.state.status != Status.complete) return;
truncate: false, suffix: ' $_bold$_red[E]$_noColor');
if (!_printedNewline) _sink.writeln('');
_printedNewline = true;
if (error is! LoadException) {
// TODO - what type is this?
_sink.writeln(indent(error.toString(color: _color)));
// Only print stack traces for load errors that come from the user's code.
if (error.innerError is! IOException &&
error.innerError is! IsolateSpawnException &&
error.innerError is! FormatException &&
error.innerError is! String) {
/// A callback called when the engine is finished running tests.
/// [success] will be `true` if all tests passed, `false` if some tests
/// failed, and `null` if the engine was closed prematurely.
void _onDone(bool? success) {
// A null success value indicates that the engine was closed before the
// tests finished running, probably because of a signal from the user. We
// shouldn't print summary information, we should just make sure the
// terminal cursor is on its own line.
if (success == null) {
if (!_printedNewline) _sink.writeln('');
_printedNewline = true;
if (_engine.liveTests.isEmpty) {
if (!_printedNewline) _sink.write('\r');
var message = 'No tests ran.';
// Add extra padding to overwrite any load messages.
if (!_printedNewline) _sink.write(' ' * (lineLength - message.length));
} else if (!success) {
for (var liveTest in {
truncate: false,
suffix: ' - did not complete $_bold$_red[E]$_noColor');
_progressLine('Some tests failed.', color: _red);
} else if (_engine.passed.isEmpty) {
_progressLine('All tests skipped.');
} else {
_progressLine('All tests passed!');
if (_shouldPrintStackTraceChainingNotice) {
..writeln('Consider enabling the flag chain-stack-traces to '
'receive more detailed exceptions.\n'
"For example, 'dart test --chain-stack-traces'.");
/// Prints a line representing the current state of the tests.
/// [message] goes after the progress report, and may be truncated to fit the
/// entire line within [lineLength]. If [color] is passed, it's used as the
/// color for [message]. If [suffix] is passed, it's added to the end of
/// [message].
bool _progressLine(String message,
{String? color, bool truncate = true, String? suffix}) {
var elapsed = _stopwatch.elapsed.inSeconds;
// Print nothing if nothing has changed since the last progress line.
if (_engine.passed.length == _lastProgressPassed &&
_engine.skipped.length == _lastProgressSkipped &&
_engine.failed.length == _lastProgressFailed &&
message == _lastProgressMessage &&
// Don't re-print just because a suffix was removed.
(suffix == null || suffix == _lastProgressSuffix) &&
// Don't re-print just because the message became re-truncated, because
// that doesn't add information.
(truncate || !_lastProgressTruncated!) &&
// If we printed a newline, that means the last line *wasn't* a progress
// line. In that case, we don't want to print a new progress line just
// because the elapsed time changed.
(_printedNewline || elapsed == _lastProgressElapsed)) {
return false;
_lastProgressPassed = _engine.passed.length;
_lastProgressSkipped = _engine.skipped.length;
_lastProgressFailed = _engine.failed.length;
_lastProgressElapsed = elapsed;
_lastProgressMessage = message;
_lastProgressSuffix = suffix;
_lastProgressTruncated = truncate;
if (suffix != null) message += suffix;
color ??= '';
var duration = _stopwatch.elapsed;
var buffer = StringBuffer();
// \r moves back to the beginning of the current line.
buffer.write('\r${_timeString(duration)} ');
if (_engine.skipped.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.write(' ~');
if (_engine.failed.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.write(' -');
buffer.write(': ');
// Ensure the line fits within [lineLength]. [buffer] includes the color
// escape sequences too. Because these sequences are not visible characters,
// we make sure they are not counted towards the limit.
var length = withoutColors(buffer.toString()).length;
if (truncate) message = utils.truncate(message, lineLength - length);
// Pad the rest of the line so that it looks erased.
buffer.write(' ' * (lineLength - withoutColors(buffer.toString()).length));
_printedNewline = false;
return true;
/// Returns a representation of [duration] as `MM:SS`.
String _timeString(Duration duration) {
return "${duration.inMinutes.toString().padLeft(2, '0')}:"
"${(duration.inSeconds % 60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}";
/// Returns a description of [liveTest].
/// This differs from the test's own description in that it may also include
/// the suite's name.
String _description(LiveTest liveTest) {
var name =;
if (_printPath &&
liveTest.suite is! LoadSuite &&
liveTest.suite.path != null) {
name = '${liveTest.suite.path}: $name';
if (_printPlatform) {
name = '[${}, '
'${}] $name';
if (liveTest.suite is LoadSuite) name = '$_bold$_gray$name$_noColor';
return name;