blob: 12d3aa665044b2609088393c05b84bb648c82fa6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:boolean_selector/boolean_selector.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:test_api/scaffolding.dart' show Timeout;
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/platform_selector.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import '../util/io.dart';
import 'compiler_selection.dart';
import 'configuration/args.dart' as args;
import 'configuration/custom_runtime.dart';
import 'configuration/load.dart';
import 'configuration/reporters.dart';
import 'configuration/runtime_settings.dart';
import 'configuration/utils.dart';
import 'configuration/values.dart';
import 'runtime_selection.dart';
import 'suite.dart';
export 'suite.dart' show TestSelection;
/// The key used to look up [Configuration.current] in a zone.
final _currentKey = Object();
/// A class that encapsulates the command-line configuration of the test runner.
class Configuration {
/// An empty configuration with only default values.
/// Using this is slightly more efficient than manually constructing a new
/// configuration with no arguments.
static final empty = Configuration._unsafe();
/// The usage string for the command-line arguments.
static String get usage => args.usage;
/// Whether `--help` was passed.
bool get help => _help ?? false;
final bool? _help;
/// Custom HTML template file.
final String? customHtmlTemplatePath;
/// Whether `--version` was passed.
bool get version => _version ?? false;
final bool? _version;
/// Whether to pause for debugging after loading each test suite.
bool get pauseAfterLoad => _pauseAfterLoad ?? false;
final bool? _pauseAfterLoad;
/// Whether to run browsers in their respective debug modes
bool get debug => pauseAfterLoad || (_debug ?? false) || coverage != null;
final bool? _debug;
/// The output folder for coverage gathering
final String? coverage;
/// The path to the file from which to load more configuration information.
/// This is *not* resolved automatically.
String get configurationPath => _configurationPath ?? 'dart_test.yaml';
final String? _configurationPath;
/// The name of the reporter to use to display results.
String get reporter => _reporter ?? defaultReporter;
final String? _reporter;
/// The map of file reporters where the key is the name of the reporter and
/// the value is the filepath to which its output should be written.
final Map<String, String> fileReporters;
/// Whether to disable retries of tests.
bool get noRetry => _noRetry ?? false;
final bool? _noRetry;
/// The URL for the `pub serve` instance from which to load tests, or `null`
/// if tests should be loaded from the filesystem.
final Uri? pubServeUrl;
/// Whether to use command-line color escapes.
bool get color => _color ?? canUseSpecialChars;
final bool? _color;
/// How many tests to run concurrently.
int get concurrency =>
pauseAfterLoad ? 1 : (_concurrency ?? defaultConcurrency);
final int? _concurrency;
/// The index of the current shard, if sharding is in use, or `null` if it's
/// not.
/// Sharding is a technique that allows the Google internal test framework to
/// easily split a test run across multiple workers without requiring the
/// tests to be modified by the user. When sharding is in use, the runner gets
/// a shard index (this field) and a total number of shards, and is expected
/// to provide the following guarantees:
/// * Running the same invocation of the runner, with the same shard index and
/// total shards, will run the same set of tests.
/// * Across all shards, each test must be run exactly once.
/// In addition, tests should be balanced across shards as much as possible.
final int? shardIndex;
/// The total number of shards, if sharding is in use, or `null` if it's not.
/// See [shardIndex] for details.
final int? totalShards;
/// The list of packages to fold when producing [StackTrace]s.
Set<String> get foldTraceExcept => _foldTraceExcept ?? {};
final Set<String>? _foldTraceExcept;
/// If non-empty, all packages not in this list will be folded when producing
/// [StackTrace]s.
Set<String> get foldTraceOnly => _foldTraceOnly ?? {};
final Set<String>? _foldTraceOnly;
/// The paths from which to load tests, and the test cases to run.
Map<String, Set<TestSelection>> get testSelections =>
_testSelections ??
const {
'test': {TestSelection()}
final Map<String, Set<TestSelection>>? _testSelections;
/// Whether the load paths were passed explicitly or the default was used.
bool get explicitPaths => _testSelections != null;
/// The glob matching the basename of tests to run.
/// This is used to find tests within a directory.
Glob get filename => _filename ?? defaultFilename;
final Glob? _filename;
/// The set of presets to use.
/// Any chosen presets for the parent configuration are added to the chosen
/// preset sets for child configurations as well.
/// Note that the order of this set matters.
final Set<String> chosenPresets;
/// The set of tags that have been declared in any way in this configuration.
late final Set<String> knownTags = UnmodifiableSetView({
for (var configuration in presets.values) ...configuration.knownTags
/// Only run tests whose tags match this selector.
/// When [merge]d, this is intersected with the other configuration's included
/// tags.
final BooleanSelector includeTags;
/// Do not run tests whose tags match this selector.
/// When [merge]d, this is unioned with the other configuration's
/// excluded tags.
final BooleanSelector excludeTags;
/// Configuration presets.
/// These are configurations that can be explicitly selected by the user via
/// the command line. Preset configuration takes precedence over the base
/// configuration.
/// This is guaranteed not to have any keys that match [chosenPresets]; those
/// are resolved when the configuration is constructed.
final Map<String, Configuration> presets;
/// All preset names that are known to be valid.
/// This includes presets that have already been resolved.
Set<String> get knownPresets => _knownPresets ??= UnmodifiableSetView({
for (var configuration in presets.values) ...configuration.knownPresets
Set<String>? _knownPresets;
/// Built-in runtimes whose settings are overridden by the user.
final Map<String, RuntimeSettings> overrideRuntimes;
/// Runtimes defined by the user in terms of existing runtimes.
final Map<String, CustomRuntime> defineRuntimes;
/// The default suite-level configuration.
final SuiteConfiguration suiteDefaults;
/// The set of patterns to check test names against in all suites that run.
final Set<Pattern> globalPatterns;
/// The seed used to generate randomness for test case shuffling.
/// If null or zero no shuffling will occur.
/// The same seed will shuffle the tests in the same way every time.
final int? testRandomizeOrderingSeed;
final bool? _stopOnFirstFailure;
/// Whether to stop running subsequent tests after a test fails.
bool get stopOnFirstFailure => _stopOnFirstFailure ?? false;
/// Returns the current configuration, or a default configuration if no
/// current configuration is set.
/// The current configuration is set using [asCurrent].
static Configuration get current =>
Zone.current[_currentKey] as Configuration? ?? Configuration._unsafe();
/// Parses the configuration from [args].
/// Throws a [FormatException] if [args] are invalid.
factory Configuration.parse(List<String> arguments) => args.parse(arguments);
/// Loads configuration from [path].
/// If [global] is `true`, this restricts the configuration to rules that are
/// supported globally.
/// Throws an [IOException] if [path] does not exist or cannot be read. Throws
/// a [FormatException] if the file contents are invalid.
factory Configuration.load(String path, {bool global = false}) {
final content = File(path).readAsStringSync();
final sourceUrl = p.toUri(path);
return parse(content, global: global, sourceUrl: sourceUrl);
/// Parses configuration from YAML formatted [content].
/// If [global] is `true`, this restricts the configuration to rules that are
/// supported globally.
/// If [sourceUrl] is provided it will be set as the source url for the yaml
/// document.
/// Throws a [FormatException] if the content is invalid.
factory Configuration.loadFromString(String content,
{bool global = false, Uri? sourceUrl}) =>
parse(content, global: global, sourceUrl: sourceUrl);
factory Configuration(
{required bool? help,
required String? customHtmlTemplatePath,
required bool? version,
required bool? pauseAfterLoad,
required bool? debug,
required bool? color,
required String? configurationPath,
required String? reporter,
required Map<String, String>? fileReporters,
required String? coverage,
required int? pubServePort,
required int? concurrency,
required int? shardIndex,
required int? totalShards,
required Map<String, Set<TestSelection>>? testSelections,
required Iterable<String>? foldTraceExcept,
required Iterable<String>? foldTraceOnly,
required Glob? filename,
required Iterable<String>? chosenPresets,
required Map<String, Configuration>? presets,
required Map<String, RuntimeSettings>? overrideRuntimes,
required Map<String, CustomRuntime>? defineRuntimes,
required bool? noRetry,
required int? testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
required bool? stopOnFirstFailure,
// Suite-level configuration
required bool? allowDuplicateTestNames,
required bool? allowTestRandomization,
required bool? jsTrace,
required bool? runSkipped,
required Iterable<String>? dart2jsArgs,
required String? precompiledPath,
required Iterable<Pattern>? globalPatterns,
required Iterable<CompilerSelection>? compilerSelections,
required Iterable<RuntimeSelection>? runtimes,
required BooleanSelector? includeTags,
required BooleanSelector? excludeTags,
required Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? tags,
required Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? onPlatform,
required bool? ignoreTimeouts,
// Test-level configuration
required Timeout? timeout,
required bool? verboseTrace,
required bool? chainStackTraces,
required bool? skip,
required int? retry,
required String? skipReason,
required PlatformSelector? testOn,
required Iterable<String>? addTags}) {
var chosenPresetSet = chosenPresets?.toSet();
var configuration = Configuration._(
help: help,
customHtmlTemplatePath: customHtmlTemplatePath,
version: version,
pauseAfterLoad: pauseAfterLoad,
debug: debug,
color: color,
configurationPath: configurationPath,
reporter: reporter,
fileReporters: fileReporters,
coverage: coverage,
pubServePort: pubServePort,
concurrency: concurrency,
shardIndex: shardIndex,
totalShards: totalShards,
testSelections: testSelections,
foldTraceExcept: foldTraceExcept,
foldTraceOnly: foldTraceOnly,
filename: filename,
chosenPresets: chosenPresetSet,
presets: _withChosenPresets(presets, chosenPresetSet),
overrideRuntimes: overrideRuntimes,
defineRuntimes: defineRuntimes,
noRetry: noRetry,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
stopOnFirstFailure: stopOnFirstFailure,
includeTags: includeTags,
excludeTags: excludeTags,
globalPatterns: globalPatterns,
suiteDefaults: SuiteConfiguration(
allowDuplicateTestNames: allowDuplicateTestNames,
allowTestRandomization: allowTestRandomization,
jsTrace: jsTrace,
runSkipped: runSkipped,
dart2jsArgs: dart2jsArgs,
precompiledPath: precompiledPath,
compilerSelections: compilerSelections,
runtimes: runtimes,
tags: tags,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
ignoreTimeouts: ignoreTimeouts,
// Test-level configuration
timeout: timeout,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace,
chainStackTraces: chainStackTraces,
skip: skip,
retry: retry,
skipReason: skipReason,
testOn: testOn,
addTags: addTags));
return configuration._resolvePresets();
/// A constructor that doesn't require all of its options to be passed.
/// This should only be used in situations where you really only want to
/// configure a specific restricted set of options.
factory Configuration._unsafe(
{bool? help,
String? customHtmlTemplatePath,
bool? version,
bool? pauseAfterLoad,
bool? debug,
bool? color,
String? configurationPath,
String? reporter,
Map<String, String>? fileReporters,
String? coverage,
int? pubServePort,
int? concurrency,
int? shardIndex,
int? totalShards,
Map<String, Set<TestSelection>>? testSelections,
Iterable<String>? foldTraceExcept,
Iterable<String>? foldTraceOnly,
Glob? filename,
Iterable<String>? chosenPresets,
Map<String, Configuration>? presets,
Map<String, RuntimeSettings>? overrideRuntimes,
Map<String, CustomRuntime>? defineRuntimes,
bool? noRetry,
int? testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
bool? stopOnFirstFailure,
// Suite-level configuration
bool? allowDuplicateTestNames,
bool? allowTestRandomization,
bool? jsTrace,
bool? runSkipped,
Iterable<String>? dart2jsArgs,
String? precompiledPath,
Iterable<Pattern>? globalPatterns,
Iterable<CompilerSelection>? compilerSelections,
Iterable<RuntimeSelection>? runtimes,
BooleanSelector? includeTags,
BooleanSelector? excludeTags,
Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? tags,
Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? onPlatform,
bool? ignoreTimeouts,
// Test-level configuration
Timeout? timeout,
bool? verboseTrace,
bool? chainStackTraces,
bool? skip,
int? retry,
String? skipReason,
PlatformSelector? testOn,
Iterable<String>? addTags}) =>
help: help,
customHtmlTemplatePath: customHtmlTemplatePath,
version: version,
pauseAfterLoad: pauseAfterLoad,
debug: debug,
color: color,
configurationPath: configurationPath,
reporter: reporter,
fileReporters: fileReporters,
coverage: coverage,
pubServePort: pubServePort,
concurrency: concurrency,
shardIndex: shardIndex,
totalShards: totalShards,
testSelections: testSelections,
foldTraceExcept: foldTraceExcept,
foldTraceOnly: foldTraceOnly,
filename: filename,
chosenPresets: chosenPresets,
presets: presets,
overrideRuntimes: overrideRuntimes,
defineRuntimes: defineRuntimes,
noRetry: noRetry,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
stopOnFirstFailure: stopOnFirstFailure,
allowDuplicateTestNames: allowDuplicateTestNames,
allowTestRandomization: allowTestRandomization,
jsTrace: jsTrace,
runSkipped: runSkipped,
dart2jsArgs: dart2jsArgs,
precompiledPath: precompiledPath,
globalPatterns: globalPatterns,
compilerSelections: compilerSelections,
runtimes: runtimes,
includeTags: includeTags,
excludeTags: excludeTags,
tags: tags,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
ignoreTimeouts: ignoreTimeouts,
timeout: timeout,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace,
chainStackTraces: chainStackTraces,
skip: skip,
retry: retry,
skipReason: skipReason,
testOn: testOn,
addTags: addTags);
/// Suite level configuration allowed in the global test config file.
/// This is per-user configuration and should be limited as such, it should
/// not contain options that would change the pass/fail result of any given
/// test, or change which tests would run.
factory Configuration.globalTest({
required bool? verboseTrace,
required bool? jsTrace,
required Timeout? timeout,
required Map<String, Configuration>? presets,
required bool? chainStackTraces,
required Iterable<String>? foldTraceExcept,
required Iterable<String>? foldTraceOnly,
}) =>
foldTraceExcept: foldTraceExcept,
foldTraceOnly: foldTraceOnly,
jsTrace: jsTrace,
timeout: timeout,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace,
chainStackTraces: chainStackTraces,
help: null,
customHtmlTemplatePath: null,
version: null,
pauseAfterLoad: null,
debug: null,
color: null,
configurationPath: null,
reporter: null,
fileReporters: null,
coverage: null,
pubServePort: null,
concurrency: null,
shardIndex: null,
totalShards: null,
testSelections: null,
filename: null,
chosenPresets: null,
presets: presets,
overrideRuntimes: null,
defineRuntimes: null,
noRetry: null,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: null,
stopOnFirstFailure: null,
ignoreTimeouts: null,
allowDuplicateTestNames: null,
allowTestRandomization: null,
runSkipped: null,
dart2jsArgs: null,
precompiledPath: null,
globalPatterns: null,
compilerSelections: null,
runtimes: null,
includeTags: null,
excludeTags: null,
tags: null,
onPlatform: null,
skip: null,
retry: null,
skipReason: null,
testOn: null,
addTags: null,
/// Suite level configuration that is not allowed in the global test
/// config file.
/// This configuration may alter the pass/fail result of a test run, and thus
/// should only be configured per package and not at the global level (global
/// config is user specific).
factory Configuration.localTest({
required bool? skip,
required int? retry,
required String? skipReason,
required PlatformSelector? testOn,
required Iterable<String>? addTags,
required bool? allowDuplicateTestNames,
required bool? allowTestRandomization,
}) =>
allowDuplicateTestNames: allowDuplicateTestNames,
allowTestRandomization: allowTestRandomization,
skip: skip,
retry: retry,
skipReason: skipReason,
testOn: testOn,
addTags: addTags,
help: null,
customHtmlTemplatePath: null,
version: null,
pauseAfterLoad: null,
debug: null,
color: null,
configurationPath: null,
reporter: null,
fileReporters: null,
coverage: null,
pubServePort: null,
concurrency: null,
shardIndex: null,
totalShards: null,
testSelections: null,
foldTraceExcept: null,
foldTraceOnly: null,
filename: null,
chosenPresets: null,
presets: null,
overrideRuntimes: null,
defineRuntimes: null,
noRetry: null,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: null,
stopOnFirstFailure: null,
jsTrace: null,
runSkipped: null,
dart2jsArgs: null,
precompiledPath: null,
globalPatterns: null,
compilerSelections: null,
runtimes: null,
includeTags: null,
excludeTags: null,
tags: null,
onPlatform: null,
ignoreTimeouts: null,
timeout: null,
verboseTrace: null,
chainStackTraces: null,
/// Runner configuration that is allowed in the global test config file.
/// This is per-user configuration and should be limited as such, it should
/// not contain options that would change the pass/fail result of any given
/// test, or change which tests would run.
/// Note that [customHtmlTemplatePath] violates this rule, and really should
/// not be configurable globally.
factory Configuration.globalRunner(
{required bool? pauseAfterLoad,
required String? customHtmlTemplatePath,
required bool? runSkipped,
required String? reporter,
required Map<String, String>? fileReporters,
required int? concurrency,
required Iterable<CompilerSelection>? compilerSelections,
required Iterable<RuntimeSelection>? runtimes,
required Iterable<String>? chosenPresets,
required Map<String, RuntimeSettings>? overrideRuntimes}) =>
customHtmlTemplatePath: customHtmlTemplatePath,
pauseAfterLoad: pauseAfterLoad,
runSkipped: runSkipped,
reporter: reporter,
fileReporters: fileReporters,
concurrency: concurrency,
compilerSelections: compilerSelections,
runtimes: runtimes,
chosenPresets: chosenPresets,
overrideRuntimes: overrideRuntimes,
help: null,
version: null,
debug: null,
color: null,
configurationPath: null,
coverage: null,
pubServePort: null,
shardIndex: null,
totalShards: null,
testSelections: null,
foldTraceExcept: null,
foldTraceOnly: null,
filename: null,
presets: null,
defineRuntimes: null,
noRetry: null,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: null,
stopOnFirstFailure: null,
allowDuplicateTestNames: null,
allowTestRandomization: null,
jsTrace: null,
dart2jsArgs: null,
precompiledPath: null,
globalPatterns: null,
includeTags: null,
excludeTags: null,
tags: null,
onPlatform: null,
ignoreTimeouts: null,
timeout: null,
verboseTrace: null,
chainStackTraces: null,
skip: null,
retry: null,
skipReason: null,
testOn: null,
addTags: null,
/// Runner configuration that is not allowed in the global test config file.
/// This configuration may alter the pass/fail result of a test run, and thus
/// should only be configured per package and not at the global level (global
/// config is user specific).
factory Configuration.localRunner(
{required int? pubServePort,
required Iterable<Pattern>? globalPatterns,
required Map<String, Set<TestSelection>>? testSelections,
required Glob? filename,
required BooleanSelector? includeTags,
required BooleanSelector? excludeTags,
required Map<String, CustomRuntime>? defineRuntimes}) =>
pubServePort: pubServePort,
globalPatterns: globalPatterns,
testSelections: testSelections,
filename: filename,
includeTags: includeTags,
excludeTags: excludeTags,
defineRuntimes: defineRuntimes,
help: null,
customHtmlTemplatePath: null,
version: null,
pauseAfterLoad: null,
debug: null,
color: null,
configurationPath: null,
reporter: null,
fileReporters: null,
coverage: null,
concurrency: null,
shardIndex: null,
totalShards: null,
foldTraceExcept: null,
foldTraceOnly: null,
chosenPresets: null,
presets: null,
overrideRuntimes: null,
noRetry: null,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: null,
stopOnFirstFailure: null,
allowDuplicateTestNames: null,
allowTestRandomization: null,
jsTrace: null,
runSkipped: null,
dart2jsArgs: null,
precompiledPath: null,
compilerSelections: null,
runtimes: null,
tags: null,
onPlatform: null,
ignoreTimeouts: null,
timeout: null,
verboseTrace: null,
chainStackTraces: null,
skip: null,
retry: null,
skipReason: null,
testOn: null,
addTags: null);
/// A specialized constructor for configuring only `onPlatform`.
factory Configuration.onPlatform(
Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration> onPlatform) =>
Configuration._unsafe(onPlatform: onPlatform);
factory Configuration.tags(Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration> tags) =>
Configuration._unsafe(tags: tags);
static Map<String, Configuration>? _withChosenPresets(
Map<String, Configuration>? map, Set<String>? chosenPresets) {
if (map == null || chosenPresets == null) return map;
return, config) => MapEntry(
chosenPresets: config.chosenPresets.union(chosenPresets))));
/// Creates new Configuration.
/// Unlike [], this assumes [presets] is already resolved.
{required bool? help,
required this.customHtmlTemplatePath,
required bool? version,
required bool? pauseAfterLoad,
required bool? debug,
required bool? color,
required String? configurationPath,
required String? reporter,
required Map<String, String>? fileReporters,
required this.coverage,
required int? pubServePort,
required int? concurrency,
required this.shardIndex,
required this.totalShards,
required Map<String, Set<TestSelection>>? testSelections,
required Iterable<String>? foldTraceExcept,
required Iterable<String>? foldTraceOnly,
required Glob? filename,
required Iterable<String>? chosenPresets,
required Map<String, Configuration>? presets,
required Map<String, RuntimeSettings>? overrideRuntimes,
required Map<String, CustomRuntime>? defineRuntimes,
required bool? noRetry,
required this.testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
required bool? stopOnFirstFailure,
required BooleanSelector? includeTags,
required BooleanSelector? excludeTags,
required Iterable<Pattern>? globalPatterns,
required SuiteConfiguration? suiteDefaults})
: _help = help,
_version = version,
_pauseAfterLoad = pauseAfterLoad,
_debug = debug,
_color = color,
_configurationPath = configurationPath,
_reporter = reporter,
fileReporters = fileReporters ?? {},
pubServeUrl = pubServePort == null
? null
: Uri.parse('http://localhost:$pubServePort'),
_concurrency = concurrency,
_testSelections = testSelections == null || testSelections.isEmpty
? null
: Map.unmodifiable(testSelections),
_foldTraceExcept = _set(foldTraceExcept),
_foldTraceOnly = _set(foldTraceOnly),
_filename = filename,
chosenPresets = UnmodifiableSetView(chosenPresets?.toSet() ?? {}),
presets = _map(presets),
overrideRuntimes = _map(overrideRuntimes),
defineRuntimes = _map(defineRuntimes),
_noRetry = noRetry,
includeTags = includeTags ?? BooleanSelector.all,
excludeTags = excludeTags ?? BooleanSelector.none,
globalPatterns = globalPatterns == null
? const {}
: UnmodifiableSetView(globalPatterns.toSet()),
_stopOnFirstFailure = stopOnFirstFailure,
suiteDefaults = (() {
var config = suiteDefaults ?? SuiteConfiguration.empty;
if (pauseAfterLoad == true) {
return config.change(ignoreTimeouts: true);
return config;
}()) {
if (_filename != null && _filename! != {
throw ArgumentError(
"filename's context must match the current operating system, was "
if ((shardIndex == null) != (totalShards == null)) {
throw ArgumentError(
'shardIndex and totalShards may only be passed together.');
} else if (shardIndex != null) {
shardIndex!, 0, totalShards! - 1, 'shardIndex');
/// Creates a new [Configuration] that takes its configuration from
/// [SuiteConfiguration].
factory Configuration.fromSuiteConfiguration(
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig) =>
suiteDefaults: suiteConfig,
globalPatterns: null,
help: null,
customHtmlTemplatePath: null,
version: null,
pauseAfterLoad: null,
debug: null,
color: null,
configurationPath: null,
reporter: null,
fileReporters: null,
coverage: null,
pubServePort: null,
concurrency: null,
shardIndex: null,
totalShards: null,
testSelections: null,
foldTraceExcept: null,
foldTraceOnly: null,
filename: null,
chosenPresets: null,
presets: null,
overrideRuntimes: null,
defineRuntimes: null,
noRetry: null,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: null,
stopOnFirstFailure: null,
includeTags: null,
excludeTags: null,
/// Returns a set from [input].
/// If [input] is `null` or empty, this returns `null`.
static Set<T>? _set<T>(Iterable<T>? input) {
if (input == null) return null;
var set = Set<T>.from(input);
if (set.isEmpty) return null;
return set;
/// Returns an unmodifiable copy of [input] or an empty unmodifiable map.
static Map<K, V> _map<K, V>(Map<K, V>? input) {
input ??= {};
return Map.unmodifiable(input);
/// Runs [body] with this as [Configuration.current].
/// This is zone-scoped, so this will be the current configuration in any
/// asynchronous callbacks transitively created by [body].
T asCurrent<T>(T Function() body) =>
runZoned(body, zoneValues: {_currentKey: this});
/// Throws a [FormatException] if this refers to any undefined runtimes.
void validateRuntimes(List<Runtime> allRuntimes) {
// We don't need to verify [customRuntimes] here because those runtimes
// already need to be verified and resolved to create [allRuntimes].
for (var settings in overrideRuntimes.values) {
if (!allRuntimes
.any((runtime) => runtime.identifier == settings.identifier)) {
throw SourceSpanFormatException(
'Unknown platform "${settings.identifier}".',
for (var config in presets.values) {
/// Merges this with [other].
/// For most fields, if both configurations have values set, [other]'s value
/// takes precedence. However, certain fields are merged together instead.
/// This is indicated in those fields' documentation.
Configuration merge(Configuration other) {
if (this == Configuration.empty) return other;
if (other == Configuration.empty) return this;
var foldTraceOnly = other._foldTraceOnly ?? _foldTraceOnly;
var foldTraceExcept = other._foldTraceExcept ?? _foldTraceExcept;
if (_foldTraceOnly != null) {
if (other._foldTraceExcept != null) {
foldTraceOnly = _foldTraceOnly!.difference(other._foldTraceExcept!);
} else if (other._foldTraceOnly != null) {
foldTraceOnly = other._foldTraceOnly!.intersection(_foldTraceOnly!);
} else if (_foldTraceExcept != null) {
if (other._foldTraceOnly != null) {
foldTraceOnly = other._foldTraceOnly!.difference(_foldTraceExcept!);
} else if (other._foldTraceExcept != null) {
foldTraceExcept = other._foldTraceExcept!.union(_foldTraceExcept!);
var result = Configuration._(
help: other._help ?? _help,
other.customHtmlTemplatePath ?? customHtmlTemplatePath,
version: other._version ?? _version,
pauseAfterLoad: other._pauseAfterLoad ?? _pauseAfterLoad,
debug: other._debug ?? _debug,
color: other._color ?? _color,
configurationPath: other._configurationPath ?? _configurationPath,
reporter: other._reporter ?? _reporter,
fileReporters: mergeMaps(fileReporters, other.fileReporters),
coverage: other.coverage ?? coverage,
pubServePort: (other.pubServeUrl ?? pubServeUrl)?.port,
concurrency: other._concurrency ?? _concurrency,
shardIndex: other.shardIndex ?? shardIndex,
totalShards: other.totalShards ?? totalShards,
testSelections: other._testSelections ?? _testSelections,
foldTraceExcept: foldTraceExcept,
foldTraceOnly: foldTraceOnly,
filename: other._filename ?? _filename,
chosenPresets: chosenPresets.union(other.chosenPresets),
presets: _mergeConfigMaps(presets, other.presets),
overrideRuntimes: mergeUnmodifiableMaps(
overrideRuntimes, other.overrideRuntimes,
value: (settings1, settings2) => RuntimeSettings(
[...settings1.settings, ...settings2.settings])),
mergeUnmodifiableMaps(defineRuntimes, other.defineRuntimes),
noRetry: other._noRetry ?? _noRetry,
other.testRandomizeOrderingSeed ?? testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
stopOnFirstFailure: other._stopOnFirstFailure ?? _stopOnFirstFailure,
includeTags: includeTags.intersection(other.includeTags),
excludeTags: excludeTags.union(other.excludeTags),
globalPatterns: globalPatterns.union(other.globalPatterns),
suiteDefaults: suiteDefaults.merge(other.suiteDefaults));
result = result._resolvePresets();
// Make sure the merged config preserves any presets that were chosen and
// discarded.
result._knownPresets = knownPresets.union(other.knownPresets);
return result;
/// Returns a copy of this configuration with the given fields updated.
/// Note that unlike [merge], this has no merging behavior—the old value is
/// always replaced by the new one.
Configuration change(
{bool? help,
String? customHtmlTemplatePath,
bool? version,
bool? pauseAfterLoad,
bool? debug,
bool? color,
String? configurationPath,
String? reporter,
Map<String, String>? fileReporters,
String? coverage,
int? pubServePort,
int? concurrency,
int? shardIndex,
int? totalShards,
Map<String, Set<TestSelection>>? testSelections,
Iterable<String>? exceptPackages,
Iterable<String>? onlyPackages,
Glob? filename,
Iterable<String>? chosenPresets,
Map<String, Configuration>? presets,
Map<String, RuntimeSettings>? overrideRuntimes,
Map<String, CustomRuntime>? defineRuntimes,
bool? noRetry,
int? testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
bool? ignoreTimeouts,
// Suite-level configuration
bool? allowDuplicateTestNames,
bool? jsTrace,
bool? runSkipped,
Iterable<String>? dart2jsArgs,
String? precompiledPath,
Iterable<RuntimeSelection>? runtimes,
BooleanSelector? includeTags,
BooleanSelector? excludeTags,
Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? tags,
Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? onPlatform,
// Test-level configuration
Timeout? timeout,
bool? verboseTrace,
bool? chainStackTraces,
bool? skip,
String? skipReason,
PlatformSelector? testOn,
Iterable<String>? addTags}) {
var config = Configuration._(
help: help ?? _help,
customHtmlTemplatePath ?? this.customHtmlTemplatePath,
version: version ?? _version,
pauseAfterLoad: pauseAfterLoad ?? _pauseAfterLoad,
debug: debug ?? _debug,
color: color ?? _color,
configurationPath: configurationPath ?? _configurationPath,
reporter: reporter ?? _reporter,
fileReporters: fileReporters ?? this.fileReporters,
coverage: coverage ?? this.coverage,
pubServePort: pubServePort ?? pubServeUrl?.port,
concurrency: concurrency ?? _concurrency,
shardIndex: shardIndex ?? this.shardIndex,
totalShards: totalShards ?? this.totalShards,
testSelections: testSelections ?? _testSelections,
foldTraceExcept: exceptPackages ?? _foldTraceExcept,
foldTraceOnly: onlyPackages ?? _foldTraceOnly,
filename: filename ?? _filename,
chosenPresets: chosenPresets ?? this.chosenPresets,
presets: presets ?? this.presets,
overrideRuntimes: overrideRuntimes ?? this.overrideRuntimes,
defineRuntimes: defineRuntimes ?? this.defineRuntimes,
noRetry: noRetry ?? _noRetry,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed ?? this.testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
stopOnFirstFailure: _stopOnFirstFailure,
includeTags: includeTags,
excludeTags: excludeTags,
globalPatterns: globalPatterns,
suiteDefaults: suiteDefaults.change(
allowDuplicateTestNames: allowDuplicateTestNames,
jsTrace: jsTrace,
runSkipped: runSkipped,
dart2jsArgs: dart2jsArgs,
precompiledPath: precompiledPath,
runtimes: runtimes,
tags: tags,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
timeout: timeout,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace,
chainStackTraces: chainStackTraces,
skip: skip,
skipReason: skipReason,
testOn: testOn,
addTags: addTags,
ignoreTimeouts: ignoreTimeouts,
return config._resolvePresets();
/// Merges two maps whose values are [Configuration]s.
/// Any overlapping keys in the maps have their configurations merged in the
/// returned map.
Map<String, Configuration> _mergeConfigMaps(
Map<String, Configuration> map1, Map<String, Configuration> map2) =>
mergeMaps(map1, map2,
value: (config1, config2) => config1.merge(config2));
/// Returns a copy of this [Configuration] with all [chosenPresets] resolved
/// against [presets].
Configuration _resolvePresets() {
if (chosenPresets.isEmpty || presets.isEmpty) return this;
var newPresets = Map<String, Configuration>.from(presets);
var merged = chosenPresets.fold(
(Configuration merged, preset) =>
merged.merge(newPresets.remove(preset) ?? Configuration.empty));
if (merged == empty) return this;
var result = change(presets: newPresets).merge(merged);
// Make sure the configuration knows about presets that were selected and
// thus removed from [newPresets].
result._knownPresets =
UnmodifiableSetView({...result.knownPresets, ...presets.keys});
return result;