blob: c3686dd22d19a91d50b6124a5b34366a85151720 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'configuration/timeout.dart';
import 'group.dart';
import 'group_entry.dart';
import 'invoker.dart';
import 'metadata.dart';
import 'test.dart';
/// A class that manages the state of tests as they're declared.
/// A nested tree of Declarers tracks the current group, set-up, and tear-down
/// functions. Each Declarer in the tree corresponds to a group. This tree is
/// tracked by a zone-scoped "current" Declarer; the current declarer can be set
/// for a block using [Declarer.declare], and it can be accessed using
/// [Declarer.current].
class Declarer {
/// The parent declarer, or `null` if this corresponds to the root group.
final Declarer? _parent;
/// The name of the current test group, including the name of any parent
/// groups.
/// This is `null` if this is the root group.
final String? _name;
/// The metadata for this group, including the metadata of any parent groups
/// and of the test suite.
final Metadata _metadata;
/// The set of variables that are valid for platform selectors, in addition to
/// the built-in variables that are allowed everywhere.
final Set<String> _platformVariables;
/// The stack trace for this group.
/// This is `null` for the root (implicit) group.
final Trace? _trace;
/// Whether to collect stack traces for [GroupEntry]s.
final bool _collectTraces;
/// Whether to disable retries of tests.
final bool _noRetry;
/// The set-up functions to run for each test in this group.
final _setUps = <dynamic Function()>[];
/// The tear-down functions to run for each test in this group.
final _tearDowns = <dynamic Function()>[];
/// The set-up functions to run once for this group.
final _setUpAlls = <dynamic Function()>[];
/// The default timeout for synthetic tests.
final _timeout = Timeout(Duration(minutes: 12));
/// The trace for the first call to [setUpAll].
/// All [setUpAll]s are run in a single logical test, so they can only have
/// one trace. The first trace is most often correct, since the first
/// [setUpAll] is always run and the rest are only run if that one succeeds.
Trace? _setUpAllTrace;
/// The tear-down functions to run once for this group.
final _tearDownAlls = <Function()>[];
/// The trace for the first call to [tearDownAll].
/// All [tearDownAll]s are run in a single logical test, so they can only have
/// one trace. The first trace matches [_setUpAllTrace].
Trace? _tearDownAllTrace;
/// The children of this group, either tests or sub-groups.
/// All modifications to this must go through [_addEntry].
final _entries = <GroupEntry>[];
/// Whether [build] has been called for this declarer.
bool _built = false;
/// The tests and/or groups that have been flagged as solo.
final _soloEntries = <GroupEntry>[];
/// Whether any tests and/or groups have been flagged as solo.
bool get _solo => _soloEntries.isNotEmpty;
/// An exact full test name to match.
/// When non-null only tests with exactly this name will be considered. The
/// full test name is the combination of the test case name with all group
/// prefixes. All other tests, including their metadata like `solo`, is
/// ignored. Uniqueness is not guaranteed so this may match more than one
/// test.
/// Groups which are not a strict prefix of this name will be ignored.
final String? _fullTestName;
/// The current zone-scoped declarer.
static Declarer? get current => Zone.current[#test.declarer] as Declarer?;
/// All the test and group names that have been declared in the entire suite.
/// If duplicate test names are allowed, this is not tracked and it will be
/// `null`.
final Set<String>? _seenNames;
/// Creates a new declarer for the root group.
/// This is the implicit group that exists outside of any calls to `group()`.
/// If [metadata] is passed, it's used as the metadata for the implicit root
/// group.
/// The [platformVariables] are the set of variables that are valid for
/// platform selectors in test and group metadata, in addition to the built-in
/// variables that are allowed everywhere.
/// If [collectTraces] is `true`, this will set [GroupEntry.trace] for all
/// entries built by the declarer. Note that this can be noticeably slow when
/// thousands of tests are being declared (see #457).
/// If [noRetry] is `true` tests will be run at most once.
/// If [allowDuplicateTestNames] is `false`, then a
/// [DuplicateTestNameException] will be thrown if two tests (or groups) have
/// the same name.
Metadata? metadata,
Set<String>? platformVariables,
bool collectTraces = false,
bool noRetry = false,
String? fullTestName,
// TODO: Change the default
bool allowDuplicateTestNames = true,
}) : this._(
metadata ?? Metadata(),
platformVariables ?? const UnmodifiableSetView.empty(),
allowDuplicateTestNames ? null : <String>{});
/// Runs [body] with this declarer as [Declarer.current].
/// Returns the return value of [body].
T declare<T>(T Function() body) =>
runZoned(body, zoneValues: {#test.declarer: this});
/// Defines a test case with the given name and body.
void test(String name, dynamic Function() body,
{String? testOn,
Timeout? timeout,
Object? skip,
Map<String, dynamic>? onPlatform,
Object? tags,
int? retry,
bool solo = false}) {
final fullName = _prefix(name);
if (_fullTestName != null && fullName != _fullTestName) {
var newMetadata = Metadata.parse(
testOn: testOn,
timeout: timeout,
skip: skip,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
tags: tags,
retry: _noRetry ? 0 : retry);
var metadata = _metadata.merge(newMetadata);
_addEntry(LocalTest(fullName, metadata, () async {
var parents = <Declarer>[];
for (Declarer? declarer = this;
declarer != null;
declarer = declarer._parent) {
// Register all tear-down functions in all declarers. Iterate through
// parents outside-in so that the Invoker gets the functions in the order
// they were declared in source.
for (var declarer in parents.reversed) {
for (var tearDown in declarer._tearDowns) {
await runZoned(() async {
await _runSetUps();
await body();
// Make the declarer visible to running tests so that they'll throw
// useful errors when calling `test()` and `group()` within a test.
zoneValues: {#test.declarer: this});
}, trace: _collectTraces ? Trace.current(2) : null, guarded: false));
if (solo) {
/// Creates a group of tests.
void group(String name, void Function() body,
{String? testOn,
Timeout? timeout,
Object? skip,
Map<String, dynamic>? onPlatform,
Object? tags,
int? retry,
bool solo = false}) {
final fullTestPrefix = _prefix(name);
if (_fullTestName != null && !_fullTestName!.startsWith(fullTestPrefix)) {
var newMetadata = Metadata.parse(
testOn: testOn,
timeout: timeout,
skip: skip,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
tags: tags,
retry: _noRetry ? 0 : retry);
var metadata = _metadata.merge(newMetadata);
var trace = _collectTraces ? Trace.current(2) : null;
var declarer = Declarer._(
declarer.declare(() {
// Cast to dynamic to avoid the analyzer complaining about us using the
// result of a void method.
var result = (body as dynamic)();
if (result is! Future) return;
throw ArgumentError('Groups may not be async.');
if (solo || declarer._solo) {
/// Returns [name] prefixed with this declarer's group name.
String _prefix(String name) => _name == null ? name : '$_name $name';
/// Registers a function to be run before each test in this group.
void setUp(dynamic Function() callback) {
/// Registers a function to be run after each test in this group.
void tearDown(dynamic Function() callback) {
/// Registers a function to be run once before all tests.
void setUpAll(dynamic Function() callback) {
if (_collectTraces) _setUpAllTrace ??= Trace.current(2);
/// Registers a function to be run once after all tests.
void tearDownAll(dynamic Function() callback) {
if (_collectTraces) _tearDownAllTrace ??= Trace.current(2);
/// Like [tearDownAll], but called from within a running [setUpAll] test to
/// dynamically add a [tearDownAll].
void addTearDownAll(dynamic Function() callback) =>
/// Finalizes and returns the group being declared.
/// **Note**: The tests in this group must be run in a [Invoker.guard]
/// context; otherwise, test errors won't be captured.
Group build() {
_built = true;
var entries = {
if (_solo && !_soloEntries.contains(entry)) {
entry = LocalTest(,
.change(skip: true, skipReason: 'does not have "solo"'),
() {});
return entry;
return Group(_name ?? '', entries,
metadata: _metadata,
trace: _trace,
setUpAll: _setUpAll,
tearDownAll: _tearDownAll);
/// Throws a [StateError] if [build] has been called.
/// [name] should be the name of the method being called.
void _checkNotBuilt(String name) {
if (!_built) return;
throw StateError("Can't call $name() once tests have begun running.");
/// Run the set-up functions for this and any parent groups.
/// If no set-up functions are declared, this returns a [Future] that
/// completes immediately.
Future _runSetUps() async {
if (_parent != null) await _parent!._runSetUps();
// TODO: why does type inference not work here?
await Future.forEach<Function>(_setUps, (setUp) => setUp());
/// Returns a [Test] that runs the callbacks in [_setUpAll], or `null`.
Test? get _setUpAll {
if (_setUpAlls.isEmpty) return null;
return LocalTest(_prefix('(setUpAll)'), _metadata.change(timeout: _timeout),
() {
return runZoned(
() => Future.forEach<Function>(_setUpAlls, (setUp) => setUp()),
// Make the declarer visible to running scaffolds so they can add to
// the declarer's `tearDownAll()` list.
zoneValues: {#test.declarer: this});
}, trace: _setUpAllTrace, guarded: false, isScaffoldAll: true);
/// Returns a [Test] that runs the callbacks in [_tearDownAll], or `null`.
Test? get _tearDownAll {
// We have to create a tearDownAll if there's a setUpAll, since it might
// dynamically add tear-down code using [addTearDownAll].
if (_setUpAlls.isEmpty && _tearDownAlls.isEmpty) return null;
return LocalTest(
_prefix('(tearDownAll)'), _metadata.change(timeout: _timeout), () {
return runZoned(() => Invoker.current!.runTearDowns(_tearDownAlls),
// Make the declarer visible to running scaffolds so they can add to
// the declarer's `tearDownAll()` list.
zoneValues: {#test.declarer: this});
}, trace: _tearDownAllTrace, guarded: false, isScaffoldAll: true);
void _addEntry(GroupEntry entry) {
if (_seenNames?.add( == false) {
throw DuplicateTestNameException(;
/// An exception thrown when two test cases in the same test suite (same `main`)
/// have an identical name.
class DuplicateTestNameException implements Exception {
final String name;
String toString() => 'A test with the name "$name" was already declared. '
'Test cases must have unique names.\n\n'
' for info on enabling this.';