blob: 52c708db4b313c63c6ca81682922095acab820ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:boolean_selector/boolean_selector.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/declarer.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/group.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/group_entry.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/invoker.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/live_test.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/metadata.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/platform_selector.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/state.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/suite.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/suite_platform.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/application_exception.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/compiler_selection.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/configuration.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/configuration/custom_runtime.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/configuration/runtime_settings.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/engine.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/load_suite.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/plugin/environment.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/runner_suite.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/runtime_selection.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/suite.dart';
/// A dummy suite platform to use for testing suites.
final suitePlatform = SuitePlatform(Runtime.vm, compiler: null);
// The last state change detected via [expectStates].
State? lastState;
/// Asserts that exactly [states] will be emitted via [liveTest.onStateChange].
/// The most recent emitted state is stored in [_lastState].
void expectStates(LiveTest liveTest, Iterable<State> statesIter) {
var states = Queue.from(statesIter);
liveTest.onStateChange.listen(expectAsync1((state) {
lastState = state;
expect(state, equals(states.removeFirst()));
}, count: states.length, max: states.length));
/// Asserts that errors will be emitted via [liveTest.onError] that match
/// [validators], in order.
void expectErrors(LiveTest liveTest, Iterable<Function> validatorsIter) {
var validators = Queue.from(validatorsIter);
liveTest.onError.listen(expectAsync1((error) {
}, count: validators.length, max: validators.length));
/// Asserts that [liveTest] will have a single failure with message `"oh no"`.
void expectSingleFailure(LiveTest liveTest) {
expectStates(liveTest, [
const State(Status.running, Result.success),
const State(Status.complete, Result.failure)
expectErrors(liveTest, [
(error) {
expect(lastState!.status, equals(Status.complete));
expect(error, isTestFailure('oh no'));
/// Asserts that [liveTest] will have a single error, the string `"oh no"`.
void expectSingleError(LiveTest liveTest) {
expectStates(liveTest, [
const State(Status.running, Result.success),
const State(Status.complete, Result.error)
expectErrors(liveTest, [
(error) {
expect(lastState!.status, equals(Status.complete));
expect(error, equals('oh no'));
/// Returns a matcher that matches a callback or Future that throws a
/// [TestFailure] with the given [message].
/// [message] can be a string or a [Matcher].
Matcher throwsTestFailure(Object message) => throwsA(isTestFailure(message));
/// Returns a matcher that matches a [TestFailure] with the given [message].
/// [message] can be a string or a [Matcher].
Matcher isTestFailure(Object message) => const TypeMatcher<TestFailure>()
.having((e) => e.message, 'message', message);
/// Returns a matcher that matches a [ApplicationException] with the given
/// [message].
/// [message] can be a string or a [Matcher].
Matcher isApplicationException(Object message) =>
const TypeMatcher<ApplicationException>()
.having((e) => e.message, 'message', message);
/// Returns a local [LiveTest] that runs [body].
LiveTest createTest(dynamic Function() body) {
var test = LocalTest('test', Metadata(chainStackTraces: true), body);
var suite = Suite(Group.root([test]), suitePlatform, ignoreTimeouts: false);
return test.load(suite);
/// Runs [body] as a test.
/// Once it completes, returns the [LiveTest] used to run it.
Future<LiveTest> runTestBody(dynamic Function() body) async {
var liveTest = createTest(body);
return liveTest;
/// Asserts that [liveTest] has completed and passed.
/// If the test had any errors, they're surfaced nicely into the outer test.
void expectTestPassed(LiveTest liveTest) {
// Since the test is expected to pass, we forward any current or future errors
// to the outer test, because they're definitely unexpected.
for (var error in liveTest.errors) {
registerException(error.error, error.stackTrace);
liveTest.onError.listen((error) {
registerException(error.error, error.stackTrace);
expect(liveTest.state.status, equals(Status.complete));
expect(liveTest.state.result, equals(Result.success));
/// Asserts that [liveTest] failed with a single [TestFailure] whose message
/// matches [message].
void expectTestFailed(LiveTest liveTest, Object message) {
expect(liveTest.state.status, equals(Status.complete));
expect(liveTest.state.result, equals(Result.failure));
expect(liveTest.errors, hasLength(1));
expect(liveTest.errors.first.error, isTestFailure(message));
/// Assert that the [test] callback causes a test to block until [stopBlocking]
/// is called at some later time.
/// [stopBlocking] is passed the return value of [test].
Future<void> expectTestBlocks(
dynamic Function() test, dynamic Function(dynamic) stopBlocking) async {
late LiveTest liveTest;
late Future<void> future;
liveTest = createTest(() {
var value = test();
future = pumpEventQueue().then((_) {
expect(liveTest.state.status, equals(Status.running));
// Ensure that the outer test doesn't complete until the inner future
// completes.
return future;
/// Runs [body] with a declarer, runs all the declared tests, and asserts that
/// they pass.
/// This is typically used to run multiple tests where later tests make
/// assertions about the results of previous ones.
Future<void> expectTestsPass(void Function() body) async {
var engine = declareEngine(body);
var success = await;
for (var test in engine.liveTests) {
expect(success, isTrue);
/// Runs [body] with a declarer and returns the declared entries.
List<GroupEntry> declare(void Function() body) {
var declarer = Declarer()..declare(body);
/// Runs [body] with a declarer and returns an engine that runs those tests.
Engine declareEngine(
void Function() body, {
bool runSkipped = false,
String? coverage,
bool stopOnFirstFailure = false,
}) {
var declarer = Declarer()..declare(body);
return Engine.withSuites(
const PluginEnvironment(),
coverage: coverage,
stopOnFirstFailure: stopOnFirstFailure,
/// Returns a [RunnerSuite] with a default environment and configuration.
RunnerSuite runnerSuite(Group root) => RunnerSuite(
const PluginEnvironment(), SuiteConfiguration.empty, root, suitePlatform);
/// Returns a [LoadSuite] with a default configuration.
LoadSuite loadSuite(String name, FutureOr<RunnerSuite> Function() body) =>
LoadSuite(name, SuiteConfiguration.empty, suitePlatform, body);
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfiguration(
{bool? allowDuplicateTestNames,
bool? allowTestRandomization,
bool? jsTrace,
bool? runSkipped,
Iterable<String>? dart2jsArgs,
String? precompiledPath,
Iterable<CompilerSelection>? compilerSelections,
Iterable<RuntimeSelection>? runtimes,
Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? tags,
Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? onPlatform,
bool? ignoreTimeouts,
// Test-level configuration
Timeout? timeout,
bool? verboseTrace,
bool? chainStackTraces,
bool? skip,
int? retry,
String? skipReason,
PlatformSelector? testOn,
Iterable<String>? addTags}) =>
allowDuplicateTestNames: allowDuplicateTestNames,
allowTestRandomization: allowTestRandomization,
jsTrace: jsTrace,
runSkipped: runSkipped,
dart2jsArgs: dart2jsArgs,
precompiledPath: precompiledPath,
compilerSelections: compilerSelections,
runtimes: runtimes,
tags: tags,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
ignoreTimeouts: ignoreTimeouts,
timeout: timeout,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace,
chainStackTraces: chainStackTraces,
skip: skip,
retry: retry,
skipReason: skipReason,
testOn: testOn,
addTags: addTags);
Configuration configuration(
{bool? help,
String? customHtmlTemplatePath,
bool? version,
bool? pauseAfterLoad,
bool? debug,
bool? color,
String? configurationPath,
String? reporter,
Map<String, String>? fileReporters,
String? coverage,
int? pubServePort,
int? concurrency,
int? shardIndex,
int? totalShards,
Map<String, Set<TestSelection>>? testSelections,
Iterable<String>? foldTraceExcept,
Iterable<String>? foldTraceOnly,
Glob? filename,
Iterable<String>? chosenPresets,
Map<String, Configuration>? presets,
Map<String, RuntimeSettings>? overrideRuntimes,
Map<String, CustomRuntime>? defineRuntimes,
bool? noRetry,
bool? ignoreTimeouts,
// Suite-level configuration
bool? allowDuplicateTestNames,
bool? allowTestRandomization,
bool? jsTrace,
bool? runSkipped,
Iterable<String>? dart2jsArgs,
String? precompiledPath,
Iterable<Pattern>? globalPatterns,
Iterable<CompilerSelection>? compilerSelections,
Iterable<RuntimeSelection>? runtimes,
BooleanSelector? includeTags,
BooleanSelector? excludeTags,
Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? tags,
Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration>? onPlatform,
int? testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
// Test-level configuration
Timeout? timeout,
bool? verboseTrace,
bool? chainStackTraces,
bool? skip,
int? retry,
String? skipReason,
PlatformSelector? testOn,
Iterable<String>? addTags}) =>
help: help,
customHtmlTemplatePath: customHtmlTemplatePath,
version: version,
pauseAfterLoad: pauseAfterLoad,
debug: debug,
color: color,
configurationPath: configurationPath,
reporter: reporter,
fileReporters: fileReporters,
coverage: coverage,
pubServePort: pubServePort,
concurrency: concurrency,
shardIndex: shardIndex,
totalShards: totalShards,
testSelections: testSelections,
foldTraceExcept: foldTraceExcept,
foldTraceOnly: foldTraceOnly,
filename: filename,
chosenPresets: chosenPresets,
presets: presets,
overrideRuntimes: overrideRuntimes,
defineRuntimes: defineRuntimes,
noRetry: noRetry,
ignoreTimeouts: ignoreTimeouts,
allowDuplicateTestNames: allowDuplicateTestNames,
allowTestRandomization: allowTestRandomization,
jsTrace: jsTrace,
runSkipped: runSkipped,
dart2jsArgs: dart2jsArgs,
precompiledPath: precompiledPath,
globalPatterns: globalPatterns,
compilerSelections: compilerSelections,
runtimes: runtimes,
includeTags: includeTags,
excludeTags: excludeTags,
tags: tags,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
stopOnFirstFailure: false,
timeout: timeout,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace,
chainStackTraces: chainStackTraces,
skip: skip,
retry: retry,
skipReason: skipReason,
testOn: testOn,
addTags: addTags);