blob: ce3bd4274f4f3ebe2f6ff760f7e198e493766e29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/util/exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../io.dart';
import 'json_reporter_utils.dart';
void main() {
test('runs successful tests with a stdout reporter and file reporter', () {
return _expectReports('''
test('success 1', () {});
test('success 2', () {});
test('success 3', () {});
''', '''
+0: loading test.dart
+0: success 1
+1: success 2
+2: success 3
+3: All tests passed!''', [
testStartJson(1, 'loading test.dart', groupIDs: []),
testDoneJson(1, hidden: true),
groupJson(2, testCount: 3),
testStartJson(3, 'success 1', line: 6, column: 7),
testStartJson(4, 'success 2', line: 7, column: 7),
testStartJson(5, 'success 3', line: 8, column: 7),
], doneJson());
test('runs failing tests with a stdout reporter and file reporter', () {
return _expectReports('''
test('failure 1', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('failure 2', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('failure 3', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
''', '''
+0: loading test.dart
+0: failure 1
+0 -1: failure 1 [E]
oh no
test.dart 6:31 main.<fn>
+0 -1: failure 2
+0 -2: failure 2 [E]
oh no
test.dart 7:31 main.<fn>
+0 -2: failure 3
+0 -3: failure 3 [E]
oh no
test.dart 8:31 main.<fn>
+0 -3: Some tests failed.''', [
testStartJson(1, 'loading test.dart', groupIDs: []),
testDoneJson(1, hidden: true),
groupJson(2, testCount: 3),
testStartJson(3, 'failure 1', line: 6, column: 7),
errorJson(3, 'oh no', isFailure: true),
testDoneJson(3, result: 'failure'),
testStartJson(4, 'failure 2', line: 7, column: 7),
errorJson(4, 'oh no', isFailure: true),
testDoneJson(4, result: 'failure'),
testStartJson(5, 'failure 3', line: 8, column: 7),
errorJson(5, 'oh no', isFailure: true),
testDoneJson(5, result: 'failure'),
], doneJson(success: false));
group('reports an error if --file-reporter', () {
test('is not in the form <reporter>:<filepath>', () async {
var test = await runTest(['--file-reporter=json']);
emits(contains('option must be in the form <reporter>:<filepath>')));
await test.shouldExit(exit_codes.usage);
test('targets a non-existent reporter', () async {
var test = await runTest(['--file-reporter=nope:output.txt']);
test.stderr, emits(contains('"nope" is not a supported reporter')));
await test.shouldExit(exit_codes.usage);
Future<void> _expectReports(
String tests,
String stdoutExpected,
List<List<Object /*Map|Matcher*/ >> jsonFileExpected,
Map<Object, Object> jsonFileDone,
{List<String> args = const []}) async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
var test = await runTest(['test.dart', '--chain-stack-traces', ...args],
// Write to a file within a dir that doesn't yet exist to verify that the
// file is created recursively.
fileReporter: 'json:reports/tests.json');
await test.shouldExit();
// ---- stdout reporter verification ----
var stdoutLines = await test.stdoutStream().toList();
// Remove excess trailing whitespace and trim off timestamps.
var actual = {
if (line.startsWith(' ') || line.isEmpty) return line.trimRight();
return line.trim().replaceFirst(RegExp('^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} '), '');
// Un-indent the expected string.
var indentation = stdoutExpected.indexOf(RegExp('[^ ]'));
stdoutExpected = stdoutExpected.split('\n').map((line) {
if (line.isEmpty) return line;
return line.substring(indentation);
expect(actual, equals(stdoutExpected));
// ---- file reporter verification ----
var fileOutputLines =
File(p.join(d.sandbox, 'reports', 'tests.json')).readAsLinesSync();
await expectJsonReport(
fileOutputLines,, jsonFileExpected, jsonFileDone);