blob: 322c24a7e804d0b3e9ef1d64cf51c1c169a0ec58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../../io.dart';
final _success = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {});
final _failure = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("failure", () => throw TestFailure("oh no"));
void main() {
group('fails gracefully if', () {
test('a test file fails to compile', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'invalid Dart file').create();
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'Error: Compilation failed.',
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": dart2js failed.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('a test file throws', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', "void main() => throw 'oh no';").create();
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": oh no'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test("a test file doesn't have a main defined", () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void foo() {}').create();
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": No top-level main() function defined.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome', skip: '');
test('a test file has a non-function main', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'int main;').create();
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": Top-level main getter is not a function.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome', skip: '');
test('a test file has a main with arguments', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void main(arg) {}').create();
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": Top-level main() function takes arguments.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('a custom HTML file has no script tag', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void main() {}').create();
await d.file('test.html', '''
<link rel="x-dart-test" href="test.dart">
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": "test.html" must contain '
'<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('a custom HTML file has no link', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void main() {}').create();
await d.file('test.html', '''
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": Expected exactly 1 '
'<link rel="x-dart-test"> in test.html, found 0.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('a custom HTML file has too many links', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void main() {}').create();
await d.file('test.html', '''
<link rel='x-dart-test' href='test.dart'>
<link rel='x-dart-test' href='test.dart'>
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": Expected exactly 1 '
'<link rel="x-dart-test"> in test.html, found 2.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('a custom HTML file has no href in the link', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void main() {}').create();
await d.file('test.html', '''
<link rel='x-dart-test'>
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": Expected <link rel="x-dart-test"> in '
'test.html to have an "href" attribute.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('a custom HTML file has an invalid test URL', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void main() {}').create();
await d.file('test.html', '''
<link rel='x-dart-test' href='wrong.dart'>
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": Failed to load script at '
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
'still errors even with a custom HTML template set since it will take precedence',
() async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void main() {}').create();
await d.file('test.html', '''
<link rel="x-dart-test" href="test.dart">
await d
{'custom_html_template_path': 'html_template.html.tpl'}))
await d.file('html_template.html.tpl', '''
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="foo"></div>
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart'],
environment: {'DART_TEST_CONFIG': 'global_test.yaml'});
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": "test.html" must contain '
'<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
group('with a custom HTML template', () {
setUp(() async {
await d.file('test.dart', _success).create();
await d
{'custom_html_template_path': 'html_template.html.tpl'}))
test('that does not exist', () async {
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart'],
environment: {'DART_TEST_CONFIG': 'global_test.yaml'});
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": "html_template.html.tpl" does not exist or is not readable'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test("that doesn't contain the {{testScript}} tag", () async {
await d.file('html_template.html.tpl', '''
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="foo"></div>
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart'],
environment: {'DART_TEST_CONFIG': 'global_test.yaml'});
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": "html_template.html.tpl" must contain exactly one {{testScript}} placeholder'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('that contains more than one {{testScript}} tag', () async {
await d.file('html_template.html.tpl', '''
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="foo"></div>
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart'],
environment: {'DART_TEST_CONFIG': 'global_test.yaml'});
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": "html_template.html.tpl" must contain exactly one {{testScript}} placeholder'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('that has no script tag', () async {
await d.file('html_template.html.tpl', '''
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart'],
environment: {'DART_TEST_CONFIG': 'global_test.yaml'});
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": "html_template.html.tpl" must contain '
'<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('that is named like the test file', () async {
await d.file('test.html', '''
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
await d
jsonEncode({'custom_html_template_path': 'test.html'}))
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart'],
environment: {'DART_TEST_CONFIG': 'global_test_2.yaml'});
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": template file "test.html" cannot be named '
'like the test file.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
group('runs successful tests', () {
test('on a browser and the VM', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _success).create();
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', '-p', 'vm', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+2: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('with setUpAll', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', r'''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
setUpAll(() => print("in setUpAll"));
test("test", () {});
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+0: (setUpAll)')));
expect(test.stdout, emits('in setUpAll'));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('with tearDownAll', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', r'''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
tearDownAll(() => print("in tearDownAll"));
test("test", () {});
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: (tearDownAll)')));
expect(test.stdout, emits('in tearDownAll'));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
// Regression test; this broke in 0.12.0-beta.9.
test('on a file in a subdirectory', () async {
await d.dir('dir', [d.file('test.dart', _success)]).create();
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'dir/test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
group('with a custom HTML template file', () {
group('without a {{testName}} tag', () {
setUp(() async {
await d
{'custom_html_template_path': 'html_template.html.tpl'}))
await d.file('html_template.html.tpl', '''
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="foo"></div>
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'package:test/src/runner/browser/dom.dart' as dom;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {
expect(dom.document.querySelector('#foo'), isNotNull);
test('on Chrome', () async {
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart'],
environment: {'DART_TEST_CONFIG': 'global_test.yaml'});
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
group('with a {{testName}} tag', () {
setUp(() async {
await d
{'custom_html_template_path': 'html_template.html.tpl'}))
await d.file('html_template.html.tpl', '''
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="foo"></div>
await d.file('test-with-title.dart', '''
import 'package:test/src/runner/browser/dom.dart' as dom;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {
expect(dom.document.querySelector('#foo'), isNotNull);
test("title", () {
expect(dom.document.title, 'test-with-title.dart');
test('on Chrome', () async {
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test-with-title.dart'],
environment: {'DART_TEST_CONFIG': 'global_test.yaml'});
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+2: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
group('with a custom HTML file', () {
setUp(() async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'package:test/src/runner/browser/dom.dart' as dom;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {
expect(dom.document.querySelector('#foo'), isNotNull);
await d.file('test.html', '''
<link rel='x-dart-test' href='test.dart'>
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="foo"></div>
test('on Chrome', () async {
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
// Regression test for
test('ignores irrelevant link tags', () async {
await d.file('test.html', '''
<link rel='x-dart-test-not'>
<link rel='other' href='test.dart'>
<link rel='x-dart-test' href='test.dart'>
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="foo"></div>
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('takes precedence over provided HTML template', () async {
await d
{'custom_html_template_path': 'html_template.html.tpl'}))
await d.file('html_template.html.tpl', '''
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="not-foo"></div>
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart'],
environment: {'DART_TEST_CONFIG': 'global_test.yaml'});
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
group('runs failing tests', () {
test('that fail only on the browser', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("test", () {
if ( == p.Style.url) throw TestFailure("oh no");
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', '-p', 'vm', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1 -1: Some tests failed.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('that fail only on the VM', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("test", () {
if ( != p.Style.url) throw TestFailure("oh no");
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', '-p', 'vm', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1 -1: Some tests failed.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
group('with a custom HTML file', () {
setUp(() async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'package:test/src/runner/browser/dom.dart' as dom;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("failure", () {
expect(dom.document.querySelector('#foo'), isNull);
await d.file('test.html', '''
<link rel='x-dart-test' href='test.dart'>
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
<div id="foo"></div>
test('on Chrome', () async {
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('-1: Some tests failed.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('the compiler uses colors if the test runner uses colors', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '{').create();
var test = await runTest(['--color', '-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('\u001b[31m')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('forwards prints from the browser test', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("test", () {
return Future(() => print("world!"));
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsInOrder([emitsThrough('Hello,'), 'world!']));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('dartifies stack traces for JS-compiled tests by default', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _failure).create();
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', '--verbose-trace', 'test.dart']);
containsInOrder([' main.<fn>', 'package:test', 'dart:async/zone.dart']),
skip: '');
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test("doesn't dartify stack traces for JS-compiled tests with --js-trace",
() async {
await d.file('test.dart', _failure).create();
var test = await runTest(
['-p', 'chrome', '--verbose-trace', '--js-trace', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(endsWith(' main.<fn>')));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('package:test')));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('dart:async/zone.dart')));
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('-1: Some tests failed.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('respects top-level @Timeout declarations', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
@Timeout(const Duration(seconds: 0))
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("timeout", () => Future.delayed(;
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
['Test timed out after 0 seconds.', '-1: Some tests failed.']));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
group('with onPlatform', () {
test('respects matching Skips', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("fail", () => throw 'oh no', onPlatform: {"browser": Skip()});
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+0 ~1: All tests skipped.')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('ignores non-matching Skips', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {}, onPlatform: {"vm": Skip()});
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('respects matching Timeouts', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("fail", () async {
await Future.delayed(;
throw 'oh no';
}, onPlatform: {
"browser": Timeout(
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
['Test timed out after 0 seconds.', '-1: Some tests failed.']));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('ignores non-matching Timeouts', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {}, onPlatform: {
"vm": Timeout(Duration(seconds: 0))
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('applies matching platforms in order', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {}, onPlatform: {
"browser": Skip("first"),
"browser || windows": Skip("second"),
"browser || linux": Skip("third"),
"browser || mac-os": Skip("fourth"),
"browser || android": Skip("fifth")
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('Skip: first')));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('Skip: second')));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('Skip: third')));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('Skip: fourth')));
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('Skip: fifth')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
group('with an @OnPlatform annotation', () {
test('respects matching Skips', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
@OnPlatform(const {"browser": const Skip()})
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("fail", () => throw 'oh no');
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('~1: All tests skipped.')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('ignores non-matching Skips', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
@OnPlatform(const {"vm": const Skip()})
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {});
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('respects matching Timeouts', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
@OnPlatform(const {
"browser": const Timeout(const Duration(seconds: 0))
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("fail", () async {
await Future.delayed(;
throw 'oh no';
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
['Test timed out after 0 seconds.', '-1: Some tests failed.']));
await test.shouldExit(1);
}, tags: 'chrome');
test('ignores non-matching Timeouts', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
@OnPlatform(const {
"vm": const Timeout(const Duration(seconds: 0))
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {});
var test = await runTest(['-p', 'chrome', 'test.dart']);
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, tags: 'chrome');