blob: 217d287803c5058d77567d900956c010895b0465 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:checks/checks.dart';
import 'package:test/scaffolding.dart';
import 'package:test_api/hooks.dart' show TestFailure;
void main() {
group('failures', () {
test('includes expected, actual, and which', () {
check(() {
Expected: a int that:
is greater than <2>
Actual: <1>
Which: is not greater than <2>''');
test('includes matching portions of actual', () {
check(() {
Expected: a List<dynamic> that:
has length that:
equals <1>
Actual: a List<dynamic> that:
has length that:
Actual: <0>
Which: are not equal''');
test('include a reason when provided', () {
check(() {
check(because: 'Some reason', 1).isGreaterThan(2);
}).throwsFailure().endsWith('Reason: Some reason');
test('retain type label following isNotNull', () {
check(() {
}).throwsFailure().startsWith('Expected: a int? that:\n');
test('retain reason following isNotNull', () {
check(() {
check<int?>(because: 'Some reason', 1).isNotNull().isGreaterThan(2);
}).throwsFailure().endsWith('Reason: Some reason');
extension on Subject<void Function()> {
Subject<String> throwsFailure() =>
throws<TestFailure>().has((f) => f.message, 'message').isNotNull();