blob: 8f2f07368d64d673dad427da4bd0395705b09fed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:checks/context.dart';
extension FutureChecks<T> on Subject<Future<T>> {
/// Expects that the `Future` completes to a value without throwing.
/// Fails if the future completes as an error.
/// Pass [completionCondition] to check expectations on the completion result.
/// The returned future will complete when the subject future has completed,
/// and [completionCondition] has optionally been checked.
Future<void> completes([AsyncCondition<T>? completionCondition]) async {
await context.nestAsync<T>(() => ['completes to a value'], (actual) async {
try {
return Extracted.value(await actual);
} catch (e, st) {
return Extracted.rejection(actual: [
'a future that completes as an error'
], which: [
...prefixFirst('threw ', postfixLast(' at:', literal(e))),
...const LineSplitter().convert(st.toString())
}, completionCondition);
/// Expects that the `Future` never completes as a value or an error.
/// Immediately returns and does not cause the test to remain running if it
/// ends.
/// If the future completes at any time, raises a test failure. This may
/// happen after the test has already appeared to succeed.
/// Not compatible with [softCheck] or [softCheckAsync] since there is no
/// concrete end point where this condition has definitely succeeded.
void doesNotComplete() {
context.expectUnawaited(() => ['does not complete'], (actual, reject) {
unawaited(actual.then((r) {
actual: prefixFirst('a future that completed to ', literal(r))));
}, onError: (e, st) {
reject(Rejection(actual: [
'a future that completed as an error:'
], which: [
...prefixFirst('threw ', literal(e)),
...const LineSplitter().convert(st.toString())
/// Expects that the `Future` completes as an error.
/// Fails if the future completes to a value.
/// Pass [errorCondition] to check expectations on the error thrown by the
/// future.
/// The returned future will complete when the subject future has completed,
/// and [errorCondition] has optionally been checked.
Future<void> throws<E extends Object>(
[AsyncCondition<E>? errorCondition]) async {
await context.nestAsync<E>(
() => ['completes to an error${E == Object ? '' : ' of type $E'}'],
(actual) async {
try {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: prefixFirst('completed to ', literal(await actual)),
which: ['did not throw']);
} on E catch (e) {
return Extracted.value(e);
} catch (e, st) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: prefixFirst('completed to error ', literal(e)),
which: [
'threw an exception that is not a $E at:',
...const LineSplitter().convert(st.toString())
}, errorCondition);
/// Expectations on a [StreamQueue].
/// Streams should be wrapped in user test code so that any reuse of the same
/// Stream, and the full stream lifecycle, is explicit.
extension StreamChecks<T> on Subject<StreamQueue<T>> {
/// Calls [Context.expectAsync] and wraps [predicate] with a transaction.
/// The transaction is committed if the check passes, or rejected if it fails.
Future<void> _expectAsync(Iterable<String> Function() clause,
FutureOr<Rejection?> Function(StreamQueue<T>) predicate) =>
context.expectAsync(clause, (actual) async {
final transaction = actual.startTransaction();
final copy = transaction.newQueue();
final result = await predicate(copy);
if (result == null) {
} else {
return result;
/// Expect that the `Stream` emits a value without first emitting an error.
/// Fails if the stream emits an error instead of a value, or closes without
/// emitting a value.
/// If an error is emitted the queue will be left in its original state, the
/// error will not be consumed.
/// If an event is emitted, it will be consumed from the queue.
/// Pass [emittedCondition] to check expectations on the value emitted by the
/// stream.
/// The returned future will complete when the stream has emitted, errored, or
/// ended, and the [emittedCondition] has optionally been checked.
Future<void> emits([AsyncCondition<T>? emittedCondition]) async {
await context.nestAsync<T>(() => ['emits a value'], (actual) async {
if (!await actual.hasNext) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: ['a stream'],
which: ['closed without emitting enough values']);
try {
await actual.peek;
return Extracted.value(await;
} catch (e, st) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: prefixFirst('a stream with error ', literal(e)),
which: [
'emitted an error instead of a value at:',
...const LineSplitter().convert(st.toString())
}, emittedCondition);
/// Expects that the stream emits an error of type [E].
/// Fails if the stream emits any value.
/// Fails if the stream emits an error with an incorrect type.
/// Fails if the stream closes without emitting an error.
/// If an event is emitted the queue will be left in its original state, the
/// event will not be consumed.
/// If an error is emitted, it will be consumed from the queue.
/// Pass [errorCondition] to check expectations on the error emitted by the
/// stream.
/// The returned future will complete when the stream has emitted, errored, or
/// ended, and the [errorCondition] has optionally been checked.
Future<void> emitsError<E extends Object>(
[AsyncCondition<E>? errorCondition]) async {
await context.nestAsync<E>(
() => ['emits an error${E == Object ? '' : ' of type $E'}'],
(actual) async {
if (!await actual.hasNext) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: ['a stream'],
which: ['closed without emitting an expected error']);
try {
final value = await actual.peek;
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: prefixFirst('a stream emitting value ', literal(value)),
which: ['closed without emitting an error']);
} on E catch (e) {
await<void>((_) {}, onError: (_) {});
return Extracted.value(e);
} catch (e, st) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: prefixFirst('a stream with error ', literal(e)),
which: [
'emitted an error which is not $E at:',
...const LineSplitter().convert(st.toString())
}, errorCondition);
/// Expects that the `Stream` emits any number of events before emitting an
/// event that satisfies [condition].
/// Returns a `Future` that completes after the stream has emitted an event
/// that satisfies [condition].
/// Fails if the stream emits an error or closes before emitting a matching
/// event.
/// If this expectation fails, the source queue will be left in its original
/// state.
/// If this expectation succeeds, consumes the matching event and all prior
/// events.
Future<void> emitsThrough(AsyncCondition<T> condition) async {
await _expectAsync(
() => [
'emits any values then emits a value that:',
], (actual) async {
var count = 0;
while (await actual.hasNext) {
if (softCheck(await, condition) == null) {
return null;
return Rejection(
actual: ['a stream'],
which: ['ended after emitting $count elements with none matching']);
/// Expects that the stream satisfies each condition in [conditions] serially.
/// Waits for each condition to be satisfied or rejected before checking the
/// next. Subsequent conditions will not see any events consumed by earlier
/// conditions.
/// ```dart
/// await check(someStream).withQueue.inOrder([
/// (s) => s.emits(equals(0)),
/// (s) => s.emits(equals(1)),
// ]);
/// ```
/// If this expectation fails, the source queue will be left in its original
/// state.
/// If this expectation succeeds, consumes as many events from the source
/// stream as are consumed by all the conditions.
Future<void> inOrder(
Iterable<AsyncCondition<StreamQueue<T>>> conditions) async {
conditions = conditions.toList();
final descriptions = <String>[];
await _expectAsync(
() => descriptions.isEmpty
? ['satisfies ${conditions.length} conditions in order']
: descriptions, (actual) async {
var satisfiedCount = 0;
for (var condition in conditions) {
descriptions.addAll(await describeAsync(condition));
final failure = await softCheckAsync(actual, condition);
if (failure != null) {
final which = failure.rejection.which;
return Rejection(actual: [
'a stream'
], which: [
if (satisfiedCount > 0) 'satisfied $satisfiedCount conditions then',
'failed to satisfy the condition at index $satisfiedCount',
if (failure.detail.depth > 0) ...[
'because it:',
failure.detail.actual.skip(1), failure.detail.depth - 1),
...indent(prefixFirst('Actual: ', failure.rejection.actual),
if (which != null)
...indent(prefixFirst('Which: ', which), failure.detail.depth),
] else ...[
if (which != null) ...prefixFirst('because it ', which),
return null;
/// Expects that the stream statisfies at least one condition from
/// [conditions].
/// If this expectation fails, the source queue will be left in its original
/// state.
/// If this expectation succeeds, consumes the same events from the source
/// queue as the satisfied condition. If multiple conditions are satisfied,
/// chooses the condition which consumed the most events.
Future<void> anyOf(
Iterable<AsyncCondition<StreamQueue<T>>> conditions) async {
conditions = conditions.toList();
if (conditions.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError('conditions may not be empty');
final descriptions = <Iterable<String>>[];
await context.expectAsync(
() => descriptions.isEmpty
? ['satisfies any of ${conditions.length} conditions']
: [
'satisfies one of:',
for (var i = 0; i < descriptions.length; i++) ...[
if (i < descriptions.length - 1) 'or,'
], (actual) async {
final transaction = actual.startTransaction();
StreamQueue<T>? longestAccepted;
final descriptionFuture = Future.wait(;
final failures = await Future.wait( async {
final copy = transaction.newQueue();
final failure = await softCheckAsync(copy, condition);
if (failure == null &&
(longestAccepted == null ||
copy.eventsDispatched > longestAccepted!.eventsDispatched)) {
longestAccepted = copy;
return failure;
descriptions.addAll(await descriptionFuture);
if (longestAccepted != null) {
return null;
Iterable<String> failureDetails(int index, CheckFailure? failure) {
final actual = failure!.rejection.actual;
final which = failure.rejection.which;
final detail = failure.detail;
final failed = 'failed the condition at index $index';
if (detail.depth > 0) {
return [
'$failed because it:',
...indent(detail.actual.skip(1), detail.depth - 1),
...indent(prefixFirst('Actual: ', actual), detail.depth),
if (which != null)
...indent(prefixFirst('Which: ', which), detail.depth),
} else {
return [
if (which == null)
else ...[
'$failed because it:',
return Rejection(actual: [
'a stream'
], which: [
'failed to satisfy any condition',
for (var i = 0; i < failures.length; i++)
...failureDetails(i, failures[i]),
/// Expects that the stream closes without emitting any event that satisfies
/// [condition].
/// Returns a `Future` that completes after the stream has closed.
/// Fails if the stream emits any even that satisfies [condition].
/// If this expectation fails, the source queue will be left in its original
/// state.
/// If this expectation succeeds, consumes all the events that did not satisfy
/// [condition] until the end of the stream.
Future<void> neverEmits(AsyncCondition<T> condition) async {
await _expectAsync(
() => ['never emits a value that:', ...describe(condition)],
(actual) async {
var count = 0;
await for (var emitted in {
if (softCheck(emitted, condition) == null) {
return Rejection(actual: [
'a stream'
], which: [
...prefixFirst('emitted ', literal(emitted)),
if (count > 0) 'following $count other items'
return null;
/// Optionally consumes an event that matches [condition] from the stream.
/// This expectation never fails.
/// If a non-matching event is emitted, no events are consumed.
/// If a matching event is emitted, that event is consumed.
Future<void> mayEmit(AsyncCondition<T> condition) async {
await context
.expectAsync(() => ['may emit a value that:', ...describe(condition)],
(actual) async {
if (!await actual.hasNext) return null;
try {
final value = await actual.peek;
if (softCheck(value, condition) == null) {
} catch (_) {
// Ignore an emitted error - it does not match he event.
return null;
/// Optionally consumes events that match [condition] from the stream.
/// This expectation never fails.
/// Consumes matching events until one of the following happens:
/// - A non-matching event is emitted.
/// - An error is emitted.
/// - The stream closes.
Future<void> mayEmitMultiple(AsyncCondition<T> condition) async {
await context
.expectAsync(() => ['may emit a value that:', ...describe(condition)],
(actual) async {
while (await actual.hasNext) {
try {
final value = await actual.peek;
if (softCheck(value, condition) == null) {
} else {
return null;
} catch (_) {
return null;
return null;
/// Expects that the stream closes without emitting any events or errors.
/// If this expectation fails, the source queue will be left in its original
/// state, the event or error that caused it to fail will not be consumed.
Future<void> isDone() async {
await _expectAsync(() => ['is done'], (actual) async {
if (!await actual.hasNext) return null;
try {
return Rejection(
actual: ['a stream'],
which: prefixFirst(
'emitted an unexpected value: ', literal(await;
} catch (e, st) {
return Rejection(actual: [
'a stream'
], which: [
...prefixFirst('emitted an unexpected error: ', literal(e)),
...const LineSplitter().convert(st.toString())
extension WithQueueExtension<T> on Subject<Stream<T>> {
/// Wrap the stream in a [StreamQueue] to allow using checks from
/// [StreamChecks].
/// Stream expectations operate on a queue, instead of directly on the stream,
/// so that they can support conditional expectations and check multiple
/// possibilities from the same point in the stream.
Subject<StreamQueue<T>> get withQueue =>
context.nest(() => [], (actual) => Extracted.value(StreamQueue(actual)),
atSameLevel: true);