blob: 0442d82bd35819400cdce2c802d588f962c6142b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.runner.browser.browser_manager;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import '../../backend/metadata.dart';
import '../../backend/suite.dart';
import '../../backend/test_platform.dart';
import '../../util/multi_channel.dart';
import '../../util/remote_exception.dart';
import '../../util/stack_trace_mapper.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
import '../load_exception.dart';
import 'iframe_test.dart';
/// A class that manages the connection to a single running browser.
/// This is in charge of telling the browser which test suites to load and
/// converting its responses into [Suite] objects.
class BrowserManager {
/// The browser that this is managing.
final TestPlatform browser;
/// The channel used to communicate with the browser.
/// This is connected to a page running `static/host.dart`.
final MultiChannel _channel;
/// A pool that ensures that limits the number of initial connections the
/// manager will wait for at once.
/// This isn't the *total* number of connections; any number of iframes may be
/// loaded in the same browser. However, the browser can only load so many at
/// once, and we want a timeout in case they fail so we only wait for so many
/// at once.
final _pool = new Pool(8);
/// The ID of the next suite to be loaded.
/// This is used to ensure that the suites can be referred to consistently
/// across the client and server.
int _suiteId = 0;
/// Creates a new BrowserManager that communicates with [browser] over
/// [webSocket].
BrowserManager(this.browser, CompatibleWebSocket webSocket)
: _channel = new MultiChannel(,
mapSink(webSocket, JSON.encode));
/// Tells the browser the load a test suite from the URL [url].
/// [url] should be an HTML page with a reference to the JS-compiled test
/// suite. [path] is the path of the original test suite file, which is used
/// for reporting. [metadata] is the parsed metadata for the test suite.
/// If [mapper] is passed, it's used to map stack traces for errors coming
/// from this test suite.
Future<Suite> loadSuite(String path, Uri url, Metadata metadata,
{StackTraceMapper mapper}) async {
url = url.replace(fragment: Uri.encodeFull(JSON.encode({
"metadata": metadata.serialize(),
"browser": browser.identifier
// The stream may close before emitting a value if the browser is killed
// prematurely (e.g. via Control-C).
var suiteVirtualChannel = _channel.virtualChannel();
var suiteId = _suiteId++;
var suiteChannel;
closeIframe() {
"command": "closeSuite",
"id": suiteId
var response = await _pool.withResource(() {
"command": "loadSuite",
"url": url.toString(),
"id": _suiteId++,
// Create a nested MultiChannel because the iframe will be using a channel
// wrapped within the host's channel.
suiteChannel = new MultiChannel(, suiteVirtualChannel.sink);
var completer = new Completer(); {
if (response["type"] == "print") {
} else {
}, onDone: () {
if (!completer.isCompleted) completer.complete();
return completer.future.timeout(new Duration(minutes: 1), onTimeout: () {
throw new LoadException(
"Timed out waiting for the test suite to connect on "
if (response == null) {
return null;
if (response["type"] == "loadException") {
throw new LoadException(path, response["message"]);
if (response["type"] == "error") {
var asyncError = RemoteException.deserialize(response["error"]);
await new Future.error(
new LoadException(path, asyncError.error),
return new Suite(response["tests"].map((test) {
var testMetadata = new Metadata.deserialize(test['metadata']);
var testChannel = suiteChannel.virtualChannel(test['channel']);
return new IframeTest(test['name'], testMetadata, testChannel,
mapper: mapper);
}), metadata: metadata, path: path, onClose: () => closeIframe());