blob: 12f7fb80f10c00615a27dfed61d1d88d72d8e1b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/application_exception.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/util/errors.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:typed_data/typed_data.dart';
/// An interface for running browser instances.
/// This is intentionally coarse-grained: browsers are controlled primary from
/// inside a single tab. Thus this interface only provides support for closing
/// the browser and seeing if it closes itself.
/// Any errors starting or running the browser process are reported through
/// [onExit].
abstract class Browser {
String get name;
/// The Observatory URL for this browser.
/// This will complete to `null` for browsers that aren't running the Dart VM,
/// or if the Observatory URL can't be found.
Future<Uri?> get observatoryUrl async => null;
/// The remote debugger URL for this browser.
/// This will complete to `null` for browsers that don't support remote
/// debugging, or if the remote debugging URL can't be found.
Future<Uri?> get remoteDebuggerUrl async => null;
/// The underlying process.
/// This will fire once the process has started successfully.
Future<Process> get _process => _processCompleter.future;
final _processCompleter = Completer<Process>();
/// Whether [close] has been called.
var _closed = false;
/// A future that completes when the browser exits.
/// If there's a problem starting or running the browser, this will complete
/// with an error.
Future<void> get onExit => _onExitCompleter.future;
final _onExitCompleter = Completer<void>();
/// Standard IO streams for the underlying browser process.
final _ioSubscriptions = <StreamSubscription<List<int>>>[];
final output = Uint8Buffer();
/// Creates a new browser.
/// This is intended to be called by subclasses. They pass in [startBrowser],
/// which asynchronously returns the browser process. Any errors in
/// [startBrowser] (even those raised asynchronously after it returns) are
/// piped to [onExit] and will cause the browser to be killed.
Browser(Future<Process> Function() startBrowser) {
// Don't return a Future here because there's no need for the caller to wait
// for the process to actually start. They should just wait for the HTTP
// request instead.
runZonedGuarded(() async {
var process = await startBrowser();
void drainOutput(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
try {
.add(stream.listen(output.addAll, cancelOnError: true));
} on StateError catch (_) {}
// If we don't drain the stdout and stderr the process can hang.
var exitCode = await process.exitCode;
// This hack dodges an otherwise intractable race condition. When the user
// presses Control-C, the signal is sent to the browser and the test
// runner at the same time. It's possible for the browser to exit before
// the [Browser.close] is called, which would trigger the error below.
// A negative exit code signals that the process exited due to a signal.
// However, it's possible that this signal didn't come from the user's
// Control-C, in which case we do want to throw the error. The only way to
// resolve the ambiguity is to wait a brief amount of time and see if this
// browser is actually closed.
if (!_closed && exitCode < 0) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 200));
if (!_closed && exitCode != 0) {
var outputString = utf8.decode(output);
var message = '$name failed with exit code $exitCode.';
if (outputString.isNotEmpty) {
message += '\nStandard output:\n$outputString';
throw ApplicationException(message);
}, (error, stackTrace) {
// Ignore any errors after the browser has been closed.
if (_closed) return;
// Make sure the process dies even if the error wasn't fatal.
_process.then((process) => process.kill());
if (_onExitCompleter.isCompleted) return;
'Failed to run $name: ${getErrorMessage(error)}.'),
/// Kills the browser process.
/// Returns the same [Future] as [onExit], except that it won't emit
/// exceptions.
Future<void> close() async {
_closed = true;
// If we don't manually close the stream the test runner can hang.
// For example this happens with Chrome Headless.
// See SDK issue:
for (var stream in _ioSubscriptions) {
(await _process).kill();
// Swallow exceptions. The user should explicitly use [onExit] for these.
return onExit.onError((_, __) {});