blob: 4ad28da4a41180fb1df9a2cbf837930e18fa4728 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.runner.browser.safari;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../../util/io.dart';
import 'browser.dart';
/// A class for running an instance of Safari.
/// Any errors starting or running the process are reported through [onExit].
class Safari implements Browser {
/// The underlying process.
Process _process;
Future get onExit => _onExitCompleter.future;
final _onExitCompleter = new Completer();
/// A future that completes when the browser process has started.
/// This is used to ensure that [close] works regardless of when it's called.
Future get _onProcessStarted => _onProcessStartedCompleter.future;
final _onProcessStartedCompleter = new Completer();
/// Starts a new instance of Safari open to the given [url], which may be a
/// [Uri] or a [String].
/// If [executable] is passed, it's used as the Safari executable. Otherwise
/// the default executable name for the current OS will be used.
Safari(url, {String executable}) {
if (executable == null) {
executable = '/Applications/';
// Don't return a Future here because there's no need for the caller to wait
// for the process to actually start. They should just wait for the HTTP
// request instead.
withTempDir((dir) {
// Safari will only open files (not general URLs) via the command-line
// API, so we create a dummy file to redirect it to the page we actually
// want it to load.
var redirect = p.join(dir, 'redirect.html');
new File(redirect).writeAsStringSync(
"<script>location = " + JSON.encode(url.toString()) + "</script>");
return Process.start(executable, [redirect]).then((process) {
_process = process;
// TODO(nweiz): the browser's standard output is almost always useless
// noise, but we should allow the user to opt in to seeing it.
return _process.exitCode;
}).then((exitCode) {
if (exitCode != 0) throw "Safari failed with exit code $exitCode.";
Future close() {
_onProcessStarted.then((_) => _process.kill());
// Swallow exceptions. The user should explicitly use [onExit] for these.
return onExit.catchError((_) {});