blob: ffcb008330bf9066be351d96c281227c57e45751 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show isTest, isTestGroup;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test_api/backend.dart';
import 'package:test_api/scaffolding.dart' show Timeout, pumpEventQueue;
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/declarer.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/invoker.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'runner/engine.dart';
import 'runner/plugin/environment.dart';
import 'runner/reporter/expanded.dart';
import 'runner/runner_suite.dart';
import 'runner/suite.dart';
import 'util/async.dart';
import 'util/os.dart';
import 'util/print_sink.dart';
// Hide implementations which don't support being run directly.
// This file is an almost direct copy of import below, but with the global
// declarer added.
export 'package:test_api/scaffolding.dart'
hide group, setUp, setUpAll, tearDown, tearDownAll, test;
/// The global declarer.
/// This is used if a test file is run directly, rather than through the runner.
Declarer? _globalDeclarer;
/// Gets the declarer for the current scope.
/// When using the runner, this returns the [Zone]-scoped declarer that's set by
/// [RemoteListener]. If the test file is run directly, this returns
/// [_globalDeclarer] (and sets it up on the first call).
Declarer get _declarer {
var declarer = Declarer.current;
if (declarer != null) return declarer;
if (_globalDeclarer != null) return _globalDeclarer!;
// Since there's no Zone-scoped declarer, the test file is being run directly.
// In order to run the tests, we set up our own Declarer via
// [_globalDeclarer], and pump the event queue as a best effort to wait for
// all tests to be defined before starting them.
_globalDeclarer = Declarer();
() async {
await pumpEventQueue();
var suite = RunnerSuite(
const PluginEnvironment(),
SuitePlatform(Runtime.vm, compiler: null, os: currentOSGuess),
path: p.prettyUri(Uri.base));
var engine = Engine();
engine.suiteSink.close();, PrintSink(),
color: true, printPath: false, printPlatform: false);
var success = await runZoned(() => Invoker.guard(,
zoneValues: {#test.declarer: _globalDeclarer});
if (success == true) return null;
unawaited(Future.error('Dummy exception to set exit code.'));
return _globalDeclarer!;
// TODO(nweiz): This and other top-level functions should throw exceptions if
// they're called after the declarer has finished declaring.
/// Creates a new test case with the given description (converted to a string)
/// and body.
/// The description will be added to the descriptions of any surrounding
/// [group]s. If [testOn] is passed, it's parsed as a [platform selector][]; the
/// test will only be run on matching platforms.
/// [platform selector]:
/// If [timeout] is passed, it's used to modify or replace the default timeout
/// of 30 seconds. Timeout modifications take precedence in suite-group-test
/// order, so [timeout] will also modify any timeouts set on the group or suite.
/// If [skip] is a String or `true`, the test is skipped. If it's a String, it
/// should explain why the test is skipped; this reason will be printed instead
/// of running the test.
/// If [tags] is passed, it declares user-defined tags that are applied to the
/// test. These tags can be used to select or skip the test on the command line,
/// or to do bulk test configuration. All tags should be declared in the
/// [package configuration file][configuring tags]. The parameter can be an
/// [Iterable] of tag names, or a [String] representing a single tag.
/// If [retry] is passed, the test will be retried the provided number of times
/// before being marked as a failure.
/// [configuring tags]:
/// [onPlatform] allows tests to be configured on a platform-by-platform
/// basis. It's a map from strings that are parsed as [PlatformSelector]s to
/// annotation classes: [Timeout], [Skip], or lists of those. These
/// annotations apply only on the given platforms. For example:
/// test('potentially slow test', () {
/// // ...
/// }, onPlatform: {
/// // This test is especially slow on Windows.
/// 'windows': Timeout.factor(2),
/// 'browser': [
/// Skip('TODO: add browser support'),
/// // This will be slow on browsers once it works on them.
/// Timeout.factor(2)
/// ]
/// });
/// If multiple platforms match, the annotations apply in order as through
/// they were in nested groups.
/// If the `solo` flag is `true`, only tests and groups marked as
/// "solo" will be be run. This only restricts tests *within this test
/// suite*—tests in other suites will run as normal. We recommend that users
/// avoid this flag if possible and instead use the test runner flag `-n` to
/// filter tests by name.
void test(Object? description, dynamic Function() body,
{String? testOn,
Timeout? timeout,
Object? skip,
Object? tags,
Map<String, dynamic>? onPlatform,
int? retry,
@Deprecated('Debug only') bool solo = false}) {
_declarer.test(description.toString(), body,
testOn: testOn,
timeout: timeout,
skip: skip,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
tags: tags,
retry: retry,
solo: solo);
// Force dart2js not to inline this function. We need it to be separate from
// `main()` in JS stack traces in order to properly determine the line and
// column where the test was defined. See sdk#26705.
return; // ignore: dead_code
/// Creates a group of tests.
/// A group's description (converted to a string) is included in the descriptions
/// of any tests or sub-groups it contains. [setUp] and [tearDown] are also scoped
/// to the containing group.
/// If [testOn] is passed, it's parsed as a [platform selector][]; the test will
/// only be run on matching platforms.
/// [platform selector]:
/// If [timeout] is passed, it's used to modify or replace the default timeout
/// of 30 seconds. Timeout modifications take precedence in suite-group-test
/// order, so [timeout] will also modify any timeouts set on the suite, and will
/// be modified by any timeouts set on individual tests.
/// If [skip] is a String or `true`, the group is skipped. If it's a String, it
/// should explain why the group is skipped; this reason will be printed instead
/// of running the group's tests.
/// If [tags] is passed, it declares user-defined tags that are applied to the
/// test. These tags can be used to select or skip the test on the command line,
/// or to do bulk test configuration. All tags should be declared in the
/// [package configuration file][configuring tags]. The parameter can be an
/// [Iterable] of tag names, or a [String] representing a single tag.
/// [configuring tags]:
/// [onPlatform] allows groups to be configured on a platform-by-platform
/// basis. It's a map from strings that are parsed as [PlatformSelector]s to
/// annotation classes: [Timeout], [Skip], or lists of those. These
/// annotations apply only on the given platforms. For example:
/// group('potentially slow tests', () {
/// // ...
/// }, onPlatform: {
/// // These tests are especially slow on Windows.
/// 'windows': Timeout.factor(2),
/// 'browser': [
/// Skip('TODO: add browser support'),
/// // They'll be slow on browsers once it works on them.
/// Timeout.factor(2)
/// ]
/// });
/// If multiple platforms match, the annotations apply in order as through
/// they were in nested groups.
/// If the `solo` flag is `true`, only tests and groups marked as
/// "solo" will be be run. This only restricts tests *within this test
/// suite*—tests in other suites will run as normal. We recommend that users
/// avoid this flag if possible, and instead use the test runner flag `-n` to
/// filter tests by name.
void group(Object? description, dynamic Function() body,
{String? testOn,
Timeout? timeout,
Object? skip,
Object? tags,
Map<String, dynamic>? onPlatform,
int? retry,
@Deprecated('Debug only') bool solo = false}) {, body,
testOn: testOn,
timeout: timeout,
skip: skip,
tags: tags,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
retry: retry,
solo: solo);
// Force dart2js not to inline this function. We need it to be separate from
// `main()` in JS stack traces in order to properly determine the line and
// column where the test was defined. See sdk#26705.
return; // ignore: dead_code
/// Registers a function to be run before tests.
/// This function will be called before each test is run. [callback] may be
/// asynchronous; if so, it must return a [Future].
/// If this is called within a test group, it applies only to tests in that
/// group. [callback] will be run after any set-up callbacks in parent groups or
/// at the top level.
/// Each callback at the top level or in a given group will be run in the order
/// they were declared.
void setUp(dynamic Function() callback) => _declarer.setUp(callback);
/// Registers a function to be run after tests.
/// This function will be called after each test is run. [callback] may be
/// asynchronous; if so, it must return a [Future].
/// If this is called within a test group, it applies only to tests in that
/// group. [callback] will be run before any tear-down callbacks in parent
/// groups or at the top level.
/// Each callback at the top level or in a given group will be run in the
/// reverse of the order they were declared.
/// See also [addTearDown], which adds tear-downs to a running test.
void tearDown(dynamic Function() callback) => _declarer.tearDown(callback);
/// Registers a function to be run once before all tests.
/// [callback] may be asynchronous; if so, it must return a [Future].
/// If this is called within a test group, [callback] will run before all tests
/// in that group. It will be run after any [setUpAll] callbacks in parent
/// groups or at the top level. It won't be run if none of the tests in the
/// group are run.
/// **Note**: This function makes it very easy to accidentally introduce hidden
/// dependencies between tests that should be isolated. In general, you should
/// prefer [setUp], and only use [setUpAll] if the callback is prohibitively
/// slow.
void setUpAll(dynamic Function() callback) => _declarer.setUpAll(callback);
/// Registers a function to be run once after all tests.
/// If this is called within a test group, [callback] will run after all tests
/// in that group. It will be run before any [tearDownAll] callbacks in parent
/// groups or at the top level. It won't be run if none of the tests in the
/// group are run.
/// **Note**: This function makes it very easy to accidentally introduce hidden
/// dependencies between tests that should be isolated. In general, you should
/// prefer [tearDown], and only use [tearDownAll] if the callback is
/// prohibitively slow.
void tearDownAll(dynamic Function() callback) =>