blob: 47df545a462692f688ac4ffb24a467f33f0a98c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import '../../frontend/timeout.dart';
import '../../backend/test_platform.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
import '../configuration.dart';
import 'values.dart';
/// The parser used to parse the command-line arguments.
final ArgParser _parser = (() {
var parser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
var allPlatforms = TestPlatform.all.toList();
if (!Platform.isMacOS) allPlatforms.remove(TestPlatform.safari);
if (!Platform.isWindows) allPlatforms.remove(TestPlatform.internetExplorer);
parser.addFlag("help", abbr: "h", negatable: false,
help: "Shows this usage information.");
parser.addFlag("version", negatable: false,
help: "Shows the package's version.");
parser.addOption("package-root", hide: true);
// Note that defaultsTo declarations here are only for documentation purposes.
// We pass null values rather than defaults to [new Configuration] so that it
// merges properly with the config file.
parser.addSeparator("======== Selecting Tests");
abbr: 'n',
help: 'A substring of the name of the test to run.\n'
'Regular expression syntax is supported.');
abbr: 'N',
help: 'A plain-text substring of the name of the test to run.');
// TODO(nweiz): Support the full platform-selector syntax for choosing which
// tags to run. In the shorter term, disallow non-"identifier" tags.
abbr: 't',
help: 'Run only tests with all of the specified tags.',
allowMultiple: true);
parser.addOption("tag", hide: true, allowMultiple: true);
abbr: 'x',
help: "Don't run tests with any of the specified tags.",
allowMultiple: true);
parser.addOption("exclude-tag", hide: true, allowMultiple: true);
parser.addSeparator("======== Running Tests");
abbr: 'p',
help: 'The platform(s) on which to run the tests.',
defaultsTo: 'vm',
allowed: => platform.identifier).toList(),
allowMultiple: true);
abbr: 'j',
help: 'The number of concurrent test suites run.',
defaultsTo: defaultConcurrency.toString(),
valueHelp: 'threads');
help: 'The port of a pub serve instance serving "test/".',
valueHelp: 'port');
help: 'The default test timeout. For example: 15s, 2x, none',
defaultsTo: '30s');
help: 'Pauses for debugging before any tests execute.\n'
'Implies --concurrency=1 and --timeout=none.\n'
'Currently only supported for browser tests.',
negatable: false);
parser.addSeparator("======== Output");
abbr: 'r',
help: 'The runner used to print test results.',
defaultsTo: defaultReporter,
allowed: allReporters,
allowedHelp: {
'compact': 'A single line, updated continuously.',
'expanded': 'A separate line for each update.',
'json': 'A machine-readable format (see'
parser.addFlag("verbose-trace", negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to emit stack traces with core library frames.');
parser.addFlag("js-trace", negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to emit raw JavaScript stack traces for browser tests.');
help: 'Whether to use terminal colors.\n(auto-detected by default)');
return parser;
/// The usage string for the command-line arguments.
String get usage => _parser.usage;
/// Parses the configuration from [args].
/// Throws a [FormatException] if [args] are invalid.
Configuration parse(List<String> args) {
var options = _parser.parse(args);
var pattern;
if (options['name'] != null) {
if (options["plain-name"] != null) {
throw new FormatException(
"--name and --plain-name may not both be passed.");
pattern = _wrapFormatException(
options, 'name', (value) => new RegExp(value));
} else if (options['plain-name'] != null) {
pattern = options['plain-name'];
var tags = new Set();
tags.addAll(options['tags'] ?? []);
tags.addAll(options['tag'] ?? []);
var excludeTags = new Set();
excludeTags.addAll(options['exclude-tags'] ?? []);
excludeTags.addAll(options['exclude-tag'] ?? []);
var tagIntersection = tags.intersection(excludeTags);
if (tagIntersection.isNotEmpty) {
throw new FormatException(
'The ${pluralize('tag', tagIntersection.length)} '
'${toSentence(tagIntersection)} '
'${pluralize('was', tagIntersection.length, plural: 'were')} '
'both included and excluded.');
// If the user hasn't explicitly chosen a value, we want to pass null values
// to [new Configuration] so that it considers those fields unset when merging
// with configuration from the config file.
ifParsed(name) => options.wasParsed(name) ? options[name] : null;
return new Configuration(
help: ifParsed('help'),
version: ifParsed('version'),
verboseTrace: ifParsed('verbose-trace'),
jsTrace: ifParsed('js-trace'),
pauseAfterLoad: ifParsed('pause-after-load'),
color: ifParsed('color'),
packageRoot: ifParsed('package-root'),
reporter: ifParsed('reporter'),
pubServePort: _wrapFormatException(options, 'pub-serve', int.parse),
concurrency: _wrapFormatException(options, 'concurrency', int.parse),
timeout: _wrapFormatException(options, 'timeout',
(value) => new Timeout.parse(value)),
pattern: pattern,
platforms: ifParsed('platform')?.map(TestPlatform.find),
paths: ? null :,
tags: tags,
excludeTags: excludeTags);
/// Runs [parse] on the value of the option [name], and wraps any
/// [FormatException] it throws with additional information.
_wrapFormatException(ArgResults options, String name, parse(value)) {
if (!options.wasParsed(name)) return null;
var value = options[name];
if (value == null) return null;
try {
return parse(value);
} on FormatException catch (error) {
throw new FormatException('Couldn\'t parse --$name "${options[name]}": '