blob: 1a5898fb62eb708c0cf67e318aec54492cbd9fcb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import '../util/io.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'console.dart';
import 'engine.dart';
import 'load_suite.dart';
import 'reporter.dart';
import 'runner_suite.dart';
/// Runs [loadSuite] in debugging mode.
/// Runs the suite's tests using [engine]. The [reporter] should already be
/// watching [engine], and the [config] should contain the user configuration
/// for the test runner.
/// Returns a [CancelableOperation] that will complete once the suite has
/// finished running. If the operation is canceled, the debugger will clean up
/// any resources it allocated.
CancelableOperation debug(
Engine engine, Reporter reporter, LoadSuite loadSuite) {
_Debugger debugger;
var canceled = false;
return CancelableOperation.fromFuture(() async {
// Make the underlying suite null so that the engine doesn't start running
// it immediately.
engine.suiteSink.add(loadSuite.changeSuite((runnerSuite) {
return runnerSuite;
var suite = await loadSuite.suite;
if (canceled || suite == null) return;
debugger = _Debugger(engine, reporter, suite);
}(), onCancel: () {
canceled = true;
// Make sure the load test finishes so the engine can close.
if (debugger != null) debugger.close();
// TODO(nweiz): Test using the console and restarting a test once sdk#25369 is
// fixed and the VM service client is released
/// A debugger for a single test suite.
class _Debugger {
/// The test runner configuration.
final _config = Configuration.current;
/// The engine that will run the suite.
final Engine _engine;
/// The reporter that's reporting [_engine]'s progress.
final Reporter _reporter;
/// The suite to run.
final RunnerSuite _suite;
/// The console through which the user can control the debugger.
/// This is only visible when the test environment is paused, so as not to
/// overlap with the reporter's reporting.
final Console _console;
/// A completer that's used to manually unpause the test if the debugger is
/// closed.
final _pauseCompleter = CancelableCompleter();
/// The subscription to [_suite.onDebugging].
StreamSubscription<bool> _onDebuggingSubscription;
/// The subscription to [_suite.environment.onRestart].
StreamSubscription _onRestartSubscription;
/// Whether [close] has been called.
bool _closed = false;
bool get _json => _config.reporter == 'json';
_Debugger(this._engine, this._reporter, this._suite)
: _console = Console(color: Configuration.current.color) {
"Restart the current test after it finishes running.", _restartTest);
_onRestartSubscription = _suite.environment.onRestart.listen((_) {
/// Runs the debugger.
/// This prints information about the suite's debugger, then once the user has
/// had a chance to set breakpoints, runs the suite's tests.
Future run() async {
try {
await _pause();
if (_closed) return;
_onDebuggingSubscription = _suite.onDebugging.listen((debugging) {
if (debugging) {
} else {
await _engine.onIdle.first;
} finally {
/// Prints URLs for the [_suite]'s debugger and waits for the user to tell the
/// suite to run.
Future _pause() async {
if (_suite.platform == null) return;
if (!_suite.environment.supportsDebugging) return;
try {
if (!_json) {
var bold = _config.color ? '\u001b[1m' : '';
var yellow = _config.color ? '\u001b[33m' : '';
var noColor = _config.color ? '\u001b[0m' : '';
var runtime = _suite.platform.runtime;
if (runtime.isDartVM) {
var url = _suite.environment.observatoryUrl;
if (url == null) {
print("${yellow}Observatory URL not found. Make sure you're using "
"${} 1.11 or later.$noColor");
} else {
print("Observatory URL: $bold$url$noColor");
if (runtime.isHeadless && !runtime.isDartVM) {
var url = _suite.environment.remoteDebuggerUrl;
if (url == null) {
print("${yellow}Remote debugger URL not found.$noColor");
} else {
print("Remote debugger URL: $bold$url$noColor");
var buffer =
StringBuffer("${bold}The test runner is paused.${noColor} ");
if (runtime.isDartVM) {
buffer.write("Open the Observatory ");
} else {
if (!runtime.isHeadless) {
buffer.write("Open the dev console in $runtime ");
} else {
buffer.write("Open the remote debugger ");
buffer.write("and set breakpoints. Once you're finished, return to "
"this terminal and press Enter.");
await inCompletionOrder([
stdinLines.cancelable((queue) =>,
} finally {
if (!_json) _reporter.resume();
/// Handles the environment pausing to debug.
/// This starts the interactive console.
void _onDebugging() {
if (!_json) _reporter.pause();
if (!_json) {
print('\nEntering debugging console. Type "help" for help.');
/// Handles the environment starting up again.
/// This closes the interactive console.
void _onNotDebugging() {
if (!_json) _reporter.resume();
/// Restarts the current test.
void _restartTest() {
if ( return;
var liveTest =;
if (!_json) {
'Will restart "${}" once it finishes running.'));
/// Closes the debugger and releases its resources.
void close() {
_closed = true;