blob: 634ca5f0be8c44fddea7289b56f4c54219401815 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:checks/context.dart';
import 'core.dart' show HasField;
extension IterableChecks<T> on Check<Iterable<T>> {
Check<int> get length => has((l) => l.length, 'length');
Check<T> get first => has((l) => l.first, 'first element');
Check<T> get last => has((l) => l.last, 'last element');
Check<T> get single => has((l) => l.single, 'single element');
void isEmpty() {
context.expect(() => const ['is empty'], (actual) {
if (actual.isEmpty) return null;
return Rejection(actual: literal(actual), which: ['is not empty']);
void isNotEmpty() {
context.expect(() => const ['is not empty'], (actual) {
if (actual.isEmpty) return null;
return Rejection(actual: literal(actual), which: ['is not empty']);
/// Expects that the iterable contains [element] according to
/// [Iterable.contains].
void contains(T element) {
context.expect(() {
return [
'contains ${literal(element)}',
}, (actual) {
if (actual.isEmpty) return Rejection(actual: 'an empty iterable');
if (actual.contains(element)) return null;
return Rejection(
actual: literal(actual),
which: ['does not contain ${literal(element)}']);
/// Expects that the iterable contains at least on element such that
/// [elementCondition] is satisfied.
void any(void Function(Check<T>) elementCondition) {
context.expect(() {
final conditionDescription = describe(elementCondition);
return [
'contains a value that:',
}, (actual) {
if (actual.isEmpty) return Rejection(actual: 'an empty iterable');
for (var e in actual) {
if (softCheck(e, elementCondition) == null) return null;
return Rejection(
actual: '${literal(actual)}',
which: ['Contains no matching element']);