blob: fef0c11edd8b44e2f6ba11864fe0edbd858ecae4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library unittest.backend.live_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'state.dart';
import 'suite.dart';
import 'test.dart';
/// A runnable instance of a test.
/// This is distinct from [Test] in order to keep [Test]. Running a test
/// requires state, and [LiveTest] provides a view of the state of the test as
/// it runs.
/// If the state changes, [state] will be updated before [onStateChange] fires.
/// Likewise, if an error is caught, it will be added to [errors] before being
/// emitted via [onError]. If an error causes a state change, [onStateChange]
/// will fire before [onError]. If an error or other state change causes the
/// test to complete, [onComplete] will complete after [onStateChange] and
/// [onError] fire.
abstract class LiveTest {
/// The suite within which this test is being run.
Suite get suite;
/// The running test.
Test get test;
/// The current state of the running test.
/// This starts as [Status.pending] and [Result.success]. It will be updated
/// before [onStateChange] fires.
/// Note that even if this is marked [Status.complete], the test may still be
/// running code asynchronously. A test is considered complete either once it
/// hits its first error or when all [expectAsync] callbacks have been called
/// and any returned [Future] has completed, but it's possible for further
/// processing to happen, which may cause further errors. It's even possible
/// for a test that was marked [Status.complete] and [Result.success] to be
/// marked as [Result.error] later.
State get state;
/// Returns whether this test has completed.
/// This is equivalent to [state.status] being [Status.complete].
/// Note that even if this returns `true`, the test may still be
/// running code asynchronously. A test is considered complete either once it
/// hits its first error or when all [expectAsync] callbacks have been called
/// and any returned [Future] has completed, but it's possible for further
/// processing to happen, which may cause further errors.
bool get isComplete => state.status == Status.complete;
// A stream that emits a new [State] whenever [state] changes.
// This will only ever emit a [State] if it's different than the previous
// [state]. It will emit an event after [state] has been updated. Note that
// since this is an asynchronous stream, it's possible for [state] not to
// match the [State] that it emits within the [Stream.listen] callback.
Stream<State> get onStateChange;
/// An unmodifiable list of all errors that have been caught while running
/// this test.
/// This will be updated before [onError] fires. These errors are not
/// guaranteed to have the same types as when they were thrown; for example,
/// they may need to be serialized across isolate boundaries. The stack traces
/// will be [Chain]s.
List<AsyncError> get errors;
/// A stream that emits a new [AsyncError] whenever an error is caught.
/// This will be emit an event after [errors] is updated. These errors are not
/// guaranteed to have the same types as when they were thrown; for example,
/// they may need to be serialized across isolate boundaries. The stack traces
/// will be [Chain]s.
Stream<AsyncError> get onError;
/// A [Future] that completes once the test is complete.
/// This will complete after [onStateChange] has fired, and after [onError]
/// has fired if the test completes because of an error. It's the same as the
/// [Future] returned by [run].
/// Note that even once this completes, the test may still be running code
/// asynchronously. A test is considered complete either once it hits its
/// first error or when all [expectAsync] callbacks have been called and any
/// returned [Future] has completed, but it's possible for further processing
/// to happen, which may cause further errors.
Future get onComplete;
/// Signals that this test should start running as soon as possible.
/// A test may not start running immediately for various reasons specific to
/// the means by which it's defined. Until it starts running, [state] will
/// continue to be marked [Status.pending].
/// This returns the same [Future] as [onComplete]. It may not be called more
/// than once.
Future run();
/// Signals that this test should stop emitting events and release any
/// resources it may have allocated.
/// Once [close] is called, [onComplete] will complete if it hasn't already
/// and [onStateChange] and [onError] will close immediately. This means that,
/// if the test was running at the time [close] is called, it will never emit
/// a [Status.complete] state-change event.
/// This doesn't automatically happen after the test completes because there
/// may be more asynchronous work going on in the background that could
/// produce new errors.
Future close();