blob: 43ba5d73c46ed13f909a186dee501ae89bcce755 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:checks/checks.dart';
import 'package:checks/context.dart';
import 'package:test/scaffolding.dart';
import 'package:test_api/hooks.dart';
import '../test_shared.dart';
void main() {
group('FutureChecks', () {
group('completes', () {
test('succeeds for a future that completes to a value', () async {
await check(_futureSuccess()).completes((it) => it.equals(42));
test('rejects futures which complete as errors', () async {
await check(_futureFail()).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.completes((it) => it.equals(1)),
actual: ['a future that completes as an error'],
which: ['threw <UnimplementedError> at:', 'fake trace'],
test('can be described', () async {
await check((Subject<Future> it) => it.completes())
(it) => it.deepEquals([' completes to a value']));
await check((Subject<Future> it) => it.completes((it) => it.equals(42)))
.hasAsyncDescriptionWhich((it) => it.deepEquals([
' completes to a value that:',
' equals <42>',
group('throws', () {
'succeeds for a future that compeletes to an error of the expected type',
() async {
await check(_futureFail()).throws<UnimplementedError>(
(it) => it.has((p0) => p0.message, 'message').isNull());
test('fails for futures that complete to a value', () async {
await check(_futureSuccess()).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.throws(),
actual: ['completed to <42>'],
which: ['did not throw'],
test('failes for futures that complete to an error of the wrong type',
() async {
await check(_futureFail()).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.throws<StateError>(),
actual: ['completed to error <UnimplementedError>'],
which: [
'threw an exception that is not a StateError at:',
'fake trace'
test('can be described', () async {
await check((Subject<Future<void>> it) => it.throws())
(it) => it.deepEquals([' completes to an error']));
await check((Subject<Future<void>> it) => it.throws<StateError>())
.hasAsyncDescriptionWhich((it) =>
it.deepEquals([' completes to an error of type StateError']));
group('doesNotComplete', () {
test('succeeds for a Future that never completes', () async {
test('fails for a Future that completes as a value', () async {
Object? testFailure;
runZonedGuarded(() {
final completer = Completer<String>();
}, (e, st) {
testFailure = e;
await pumpEventQueue();
.has((f) => f.message, 'message')
Expected: a Future<String> that:
does not complete
Actual: a future that completed to 'value\'''');
test('fails for a Future that completes as an error', () async {
Object? testFailure;
runZonedGuarded(() {
final completer = Completer<String>();
completer.completeError('error', StackTrace.fromString('fake trace'));
}, (e, st) {
testFailure = e;
await pumpEventQueue();
.has((f) => f.message, 'message')
Expected: a Future<String> that:
does not complete
Actual: a future that completed as an error:
Which: threw 'error'
fake trace''');
test('can be described', () async {
await check((Subject<Future<void>> it) => it.doesNotComplete())
(it) => it.deepEquals([' does not complete']));
group('StreamChecks', () {
group('emits', () {
test('succeeds for a stream that emits a value', () async {
await check(_countingStream(5)).emits((it) => it.equals(0));
test('fails for a stream that closes without emitting', () async {
await check(_countingStream(0)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.emits(),
actual: ['a stream'],
which: ['closed without emitting enough values'],
test('fails for a stream that emits an error', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1, errorAt: 0)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.emits(),
actual: ['a stream with error <UnimplementedError: Error at 1>'],
which: ['emitted an error instead of a value at:', 'fake trace'],
test('can be described', () async {
await check((Subject<StreamQueue<void>> it) => it.emits())
(it) => it.deepEquals([' emits a value']));
await check((Subject<StreamQueue<int>> it) =>
it.emits((it) => it.equals(42)))
.hasAsyncDescriptionWhich((it) => it.deepEquals([
' emits a value that:',
' equals <42>',
test('does not consume error', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(1, errorAt: 0);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(queue, (it) => it.emits());
await check(queue).emitsError();
group('emitsError', () {
test('succeeds for a stream that emits an error', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1, errorAt: 0))
test('fails for a stream that closes without emitting an error',
() async {
await check(_countingStream(0)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.emitsError(),
actual: ['a stream'],
which: ['closed without emitting an expected error'],
test('fails for a stream that emits value', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.emitsError(),
actual: ['a stream emitting value <0>'],
which: ['closed without emitting an error'],
test('fails for a stream that emits an error of the incorrect type',
() async {
await check(_countingStream(1, errorAt: 0)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.emitsError<StateError>(),
actual: ['a stream with error <UnimplementedError: Error at 1>'],
which: ['emitted an error which is not StateError at:', 'fake trace'],
test('can be described', () async {
await check((Subject<StreamQueue<void>> it) => it.emitsError())
(it) => it.deepEquals([' emits an error']));
await check(
(Subject<StreamQueue<void>> it) => it.emitsError<StateError>())
(it) => it.deepEquals([' emits an error of type StateError']));
await check((Subject<StreamQueue<void>> it) => it
(it) => it.has((e) => e.message, 'message').equals('foo')))
.hasAsyncDescriptionWhich((it) => it.deepEquals([
' emits an error of type StateError that:',
' has message that:',
' equals \'foo\''
test('uses a transaction', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(1);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(queue, (it) => it.emitsError());
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(0));
group('emitsThrough', () {
test('succeeds for a stream that eventuall emits a matching value',
() async {
await check(_countingStream(5)).emitsThrough((it) => it.equals(4));
test('fails for a stream that closes without emitting a matching value',
() async {
await check(_countingStream(4)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.emitsThrough((it) => it.equals(5)),
actual: ['a stream'],
which: ['ended after emitting 4 elements with none matching'],
test('can be described', () async {
await check((Subject<StreamQueue<int>> it) =>
it.emitsThrough((it) => it.equals(42)))
.hasAsyncDescriptionWhich((it) => it.deepEquals([
' emits any values then emits a value that:',
' equals <42>'
test('uses a transaction', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(1);
await softCheckAsync(
(Subject<StreamQueue<int>> it) =>
it.emitsThrough((it) => it.equals(42)));
check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(0));
test('consumes events', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(3);
await check(queue).emitsThrough((it) => it.equals(1));
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(2));
group('emitsInOrder', () {
test('succeeds for happy case', () async {
await check(_countingStream(2)).inOrder([
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(0)),
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(1)),
(it) => it.isDone(),
test('reports which condition failed', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.inOrder([(it) => it.emits(), (it) => it.emits()]),
actual: ['a stream'],
which: [
'satisfied 1 conditions then',
'failed to satisfy the condition at index 1',
'because it closed without emitting enough values'
test('nestes the report for deep failures', () async {
await check(_countingStream(2)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.inOrder(
[(it) => it.emits(), (it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(2))]),
actual: ['a stream'],
which: [
'satisfied 1 conditions then',
'failed to satisfy the condition at index 1',
'because it:',
' emits a value that:',
' Actual: <1>',
' Which: are not equal',
test('gets described with the number of conditions', () async {
await check(
(Subject<StreamQueue<int>> it) => it.inOrder([(_) {}, (_) {}]))
(it) => it.deepEquals([' satisfies 2 conditions in order']));
test('uses a transaction', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(3);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(
(it) => it.inOrder([
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(0)),
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(1)),
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(42)),
await check(queue).inOrder([
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(0)),
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(1)),
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(2)),
(it) => it.isDone(),
test('consumes events', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(3);
await check(queue).inOrder([(it) => it.emits(), (it) => it.emits()]);
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(2));
group('neverEmits', () {
'succeeds for a stream that closes without emitting a matching value',
() async {
await check(_countingStream(5)).neverEmits((it) => it.equals(5));
test('fails for a stream that emits a matching value', () async {
await check(_countingStream(6)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.neverEmits((it) => it.equals(5)),
actual: ['a stream'],
which: ['emitted <5>', 'following 5 other items'],
test('can be described', () async {
await check((Subject<StreamQueue<int>> it) =>
it.neverEmits((it) => it.equals(42)))
.hasAsyncDescriptionWhich((it) => it.deepEquals([
' never emits a value that:',
' equals <42>',
test('uses a transaction', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(2);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(
queue, (it) => it.neverEmits((it) => it.equals(1)));
await check(queue).inOrder([
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(0)),
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(1)),
(it) => it.isDone(),
group('mayEmit', () {
test('succeeds for a stream that emits a matching value', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1)).mayEmit((it) => it.equals(0));
test('succeeds for a stream that emits an error', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1, errorAt: 0))
.mayEmit((it) => it.equals(0));
test('succeeds for a stream that closes', () async {
await check(_countingStream(0)).mayEmit((it) => it.equals(42));
test('consumes a matching event', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(2);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(
queue, (it) => it.mayEmit((it) => it.equals(0)));
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(1));
test('does not consume a non-matching event', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(2);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(
queue, (it) => it.mayEmit((it) => it.equals(1)));
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(0));
test('does not consume an error', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(1, errorAt: 0);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(
queue, (it) => it.mayEmit((it) => it.equals(0)));
await check(queue).emitsError<UnimplementedError>(
(it) => it.has((e) => e.message, 'message').equals('Error at 1'));
group('mayEmitMultiple', () {
test('succeeds for a stream that emits a matching value', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1)).mayEmitMultiple((it) => it.equals(0));
test('succeeds for a stream that emits an error', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1, errorAt: 0))
.mayEmitMultiple((it) => it.equals(0));
test('succeeds for a stream that closes', () async {
await check(_countingStream(0)).mayEmitMultiple((it) => it.equals(42));
test('consumes matching events', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(3);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(
queue, (it) => it.mayEmitMultiple((it) => it.isLessThan(2)));
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(2));
test('consumes no events if no events match', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(2);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(
queue, (it) => it.mayEmitMultiple((it) => it.isLessThan(0)));
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(0));
test('does not consume an error', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(1, errorAt: 0);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(
queue, (it) => it.mayEmitMultiple((it) => it.equals(0)));
await check(queue).emitsError<UnimplementedError>(
(it) => it.has((e) => e.message, 'message').equals('Error at 1'));
group('isDone', () {
test('succeeds for an empty stream', () async {
await check(_countingStream(0)).isDone();
test('fails for a stream that emits a value', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1)).isRejectedByAsync((it) => it.isDone(),
actual: ['a stream'], which: ['emitted an unexpected value: <0>']);
test('fails for a stream that emits an error', () async {
final controller = StreamController<void>();
controller.addError('sad', StackTrace.fromString('fake trace'));
await check(StreamQueue(
(it) => it.isDone(),
actual: ['a stream'],
which: ['emitted an unexpected error: \'sad\'', 'fake trace']);
test('uses a transaction', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(1);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(queue, (it) => it.isDone());
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(0));
test('can be described', () async {
await check((Subject<StreamQueue<int>> it) => it.isDone())
.hasAsyncDescriptionWhich((it) => it.deepEquals([' is done']));
group('emitsAnyOf', () {
test('succeeds for a stream that matches one condition', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1)).anyOf([
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(42)),
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(0))
test('fails for a stream that matches no conditions', () async {
await check(_countingStream(0)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.anyOf([
(it) => it.emits(),
(it) => it.emitsThrough((it) => it.equals(1)),
actual: [
'a stream'
which: [
'failed to satisfy any condition',
'failed the condition at index 0 because it:',
' closed without emitting enough values',
'failed the condition at index 1 because it:',
' ended after emitting 0 elements with none matching',
test('includes nested details for nested failures', () async {
await check(_countingStream(1)).isRejectedByAsync(
(it) => it.anyOf([
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(42)),
(it) => it.emitsThrough((it) => it.equals(10)),
actual: [
'a stream'
which: [
'failed to satisfy any condition',
'failed the condition at index 0 because it:',
' emits a value that:',
' Actual: <0>',
' Which: are not equal',
'failed the condition at index 1 because it:',
' ended after emitting 1 elements with none matching',
test('gets described with the number of conditions', () async {
await check((Subject<StreamQueue<int>> it) =>
it..anyOf([(it) => it.emits(), (it) => it.emits()]))
(it) => it.deepEquals([' satisfies any of 2 conditions']));
test('uses a transaction', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(1);
await softCheckAsync<StreamQueue<int>>(
(it) => it.anyOf([
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(10)),
(it) => it.emitsThrough((it) => it.equals(42)),
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(0));
test('consumes events', () async {
final queue = _countingStream(3);
await check(queue).anyOf([
(it) => it.emits((it) => it.equals(1)),
(it) => it.emitsThrough((it) => it.equals(1))
await check(queue).emits((it) => it.equals(2));
group('StreamQueueWrap', () {
test('can wrap streams in a queue', () async {
await check(Stream.value(1)).withQueue.emits();
Future<int> _futureSuccess() => Future.microtask(() => 42);
Future<int> _futureFail() =>
Future.error(UnimplementedError(), StackTrace.fromString('fake trace'));
StreamQueue<int> _countingStream(int count, {int? errorAt}) => StreamQueue(
Iterable<int>.generate(count, (index) {
if (index == errorAt) {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(UnimplementedError('Error at $count'),
StackTrace.fromString('fake trace'));
return index;