blob: 6212f91551a456c5d7dd717a0b45335aa8fad8b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:checks/context.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' as meta;
extension CoreChecks<T> on Subject<T> {
/// Extracts a property of the value for further expectations.
/// Sets up a clause that the value "has [name] that:" followed by any
/// expectations applied to the returned [Subject].
Subject<R> has<R>(R Function(T) extract, String name) {
return context.nest(() => ['has $name'], (value) {
try {
return Extracted.value(extract(value));
} catch (e, st) {
return Extracted.rejection(which: [
...prefixFirst('threw while trying to read $name: ', literal(e)),
...const LineSplitter().convert(st.toString())
/// Applies the expectations invoked in [condition] to this subject.
/// Use this method when it would otherwise not be possible to check multiple
/// expectations for this subject due to cascade notation already being used
/// in a way that would conflict.
/// ```
/// check(something)
/// ..has((s) =>, 'foo').equals(expectedFoo)
/// ..has((s) =>, 'bar').which((b) => b
/// ..isLessThan(10)
/// ..isGreaterThan(0));
/// ```
void which(Condition<T> condition) => condition(this);
/// Check that the expectations invoked in [condition] are not satisfied by
/// this value.
/// Asynchronous expectations are not allowed in [condition].
void not(Condition<T> condition) {
() => ['is not a value that:', ...indent(describe(condition))],
(actual) {
if (softCheck(actual, condition) != null) return null;
return Rejection(
which: ['is a value that: ', ...indent(describe(condition))],
/// Expects that the value satisfies the expectations invoked in at least one
/// condition from [conditions].
/// Asynchronous expectations are not allowed in [conditions].
void anyOf(Iterable<Condition<T>> conditions) {
() => prefixFirst('matches any condition in ', literal(conditions)),
(actual) {
for (final condition in conditions) {
if (softCheck(actual, condition) == null) return null;
return Rejection(which: ['did not match any condition']);
/// Expects that the value is assignable to type [T].
/// If the value is a [T], returns a [Subject] for further expectations.
Subject<R> isA<R>() {
return context.nest<R>(() => ['is a $R'], (actual) {
if (actual is! R) {
return Extracted.rejection(which: ['Is a ${actual.runtimeType}']);
return Extracted.value(actual);
}, atSameLevel: true);
/// Expects that the value is equal to [other] according to [operator ==].
void equals(T other) {
context.expect(() => prefixFirst('equals ', literal(other)), (actual) {
if (actual == other) return null;
return Rejection(which: ['are not equal']);
/// Expects that the value is [identical] to [other].
void identicalTo(T other) {
context.expect(() => prefixFirst('is identical to ', literal(other)),
(actual) {
if (identical(actual, other)) return null;
return Rejection(which: ['is not identical']);
extension BoolChecks on Subject<bool> {
void isTrue() {
() => ['is true'],
(actual) => actual
? null // force coverage
: Rejection(),
void isFalse() {
() => ['is false'],
(actual) => !actual
? null // force coverage
: Rejection(),
extension NullableChecks<T> on Subject<T?> {
Subject<T> isNotNull() {
return context.nest<T>(() => ['is not null'], (actual) {
if (actual == null) return Extracted.rejection();
return Extracted.value(actual);
}, atSameLevel: true);
void isNull() {
context.expect(() => const ['is null'], (actual) {
if (actual != null) return Rejection();
return null;
extension ComparableChecks<T> on Subject<Comparable<T>> {
/// Expects that this value is greater than [other].
void isGreaterThan(T other) {
context.expect(() => prefixFirst('is greater than ', literal(other)),
(actual) {
if (actual.compareTo(other) > 0) return null;
return Rejection(
which: prefixFirst('is not greater than ', literal(other)));
/// Expects that this value is greater than or equal to [other].
void isGreaterOrEqual(T other) {
() => prefixFirst('is greater than or equal to ', literal(other)),
(actual) {
if (actual.compareTo(other) >= 0) return null;
return Rejection(
prefixFirst('is not greater than or equal to ', literal(other)));
/// Expects that this value is less than [other].
void isLessThan(T other) {
context.expect(() => prefixFirst('is less than ', literal(other)),
(actual) {
if (actual.compareTo(other) < 0) return null;
return Rejection(which: prefixFirst('is not less than ', literal(other)));
/// Expects that this value is less than or equal to [other].
void isLessOrEqual(T other) {
.expect(() => prefixFirst('is less than or equal to ', literal(other)),
(actual) {
if (actual.compareTo(other) <= 0) return null;
return Rejection(
which: prefixFirst('is not less than or equal to ', literal(other)));