blob: 1ac2f004bce7992b7e1a268b6bb27e9548dfb138 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../io.dart';
void main() {
test("reports when no tests are run", () async {
await d.file("test.dart", "void main() {}").create();
var test = await runTest(["test.dart"], reporter: "compact");
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains("No tests ran.")));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test("runs several successful tests and reports when each completes", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('success 1', () {});
test('success 2', () {});
test('success 3', () {});""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: success 1
+1: success 1
+1: success 2
+2: success 2
+2: success 3
+3: success 3
+3: All tests passed!""");
test("runs several failing tests and reports when each fails", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('failure 1', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('failure 2', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('failure 3', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: failure 1
+0 -1: failure 1 [E]
oh no
test.dart 6:33 main.<fn>
+0 -1: failure 2
+0 -2: failure 2 [E]
oh no
test.dart 7:33 main.<fn>
+0 -2: failure 3
+0 -3: failure 3 [E]
oh no
test.dart 8:33 main.<fn>
+0 -3: Some tests failed.""");
test("includes the full stack trace with --verbose-trace", () async {
await d.file("test.dart", """
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("failure", () => throw "oh no");
var test =
await runTest(["--verbose-trace", "test.dart"], reporter: "compact");
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains("dart:async")));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test("runs failing tests along with successful tests", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('failure 1', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('success 1', () {});
test('failure 2', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('success 2', () {});""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: failure 1
+0 -1: failure 1 [E]
oh no
test.dart 6:33 main.<fn>
+0 -1: success 1
+1 -1: success 1
+1 -1: failure 2
+1 -2: failure 2 [E]
oh no
test.dart 8:33 main.<fn>
+1 -2: success 2
+2 -2: success 2
+2 -2: Some tests failed.""");
test("gracefully handles multiple test failures in a row", () {
return _expectReport("""
// This completer ensures that the test isolate isn't killed until all
// errors have been thrown.
var completer = new Completer();
test('failures', () {
new Future.microtask(() => throw 'first error');
new Future.microtask(() => throw 'second error');
new Future.microtask(() => throw 'third error');
new Future.microtask(completer.complete);
test('wait', () => completer.future);""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: failures
+0 -1: failures [E]
first error
test.dart 10:38 main.<fn>.<fn>
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async Future.Future.microtask
test.dart 10:15 main.<fn>
second error
test.dart 11:38 main.<fn>.<fn>
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async Future.Future.microtask
test.dart 11:15 main.<fn>
third error
test.dart 12:38 main.<fn>.<fn>
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async Future.Future.microtask
test.dart 12:15 main.<fn>
+0 -1: wait
+1 -1: wait
+1 -1: Some tests failed.""");
test("prints the full test name before an error", () {
return _expectReport("""
'really gosh dang long test name. Even longer than that. No, yet '
'longer. Even more. We have to get to at least 200 characters. '
'I know that seems like a lot, but I believe in you. A little '
'more... okay, that should do it.',
() => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: really ... than that. No, yet longer. Even more. We have to get to at least 200 characters. I know that seems like a lot, but I believe in you. A little more... okay, that should do it.
+0 -1: really gosh dang long test name. Even longer than that. No, yet longer. Even more. We have to get to at least 200 characters. I know that seems like a lot, but I believe in you. A little more... okay, that should do it. [E]
oh no
test.dart 11:18 main.<fn>
+0 -1: Some tests failed.""");
group("print:", () {
test("handles multiple prints", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('test', () {
});""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: test
+1: test
+1: All tests passed!""");
test("handles a print after the test completes", () {
return _expectReport("""
// This completer ensures that the test isolate isn't killed until all
// prints have happened.
var testDone = new Completer();
var waitStarted = new Completer();
test('test', () {
waitStarted.future.then((_) {
new Future(() => print("one"));
new Future(() => print("two"));
new Future(() => print("three"));
new Future(() => print("four"));
new Future(testDone.complete);
test('wait', () {
return testDone.future;
});""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: test
+1: test
+1: wait
+1: test
+2: wait
+2: All tests passed!""");
test("interleaves prints and errors", () {
return _expectReport("""
// This completer ensures that the test isolate isn't killed until all
// prints have happened.
var completer = new Completer();
test('test', () {
scheduleMicrotask(() {
throw "second error";
scheduleMicrotask(() {
throw "first error";
test('wait', () => completer.future);""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: test
+0 -1: test [E]
first error
test.dart 24:11 main.<fn>
second error
test.dart 13:13 main.<fn>.<fn>
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async scheduleMicrotask
test.dart 10:11 main.<fn>
+0 -1: wait
+1 -1: wait
+1 -1: Some tests failed.""");
test("prints the full test name before a print", () {
return _expectReport("""
'really gosh dang long test name. Even longer than that. No, yet '
'longer. Even more. We have to get to at least 200 '
'characters. I know that seems like a lot, but I believe in '
'you. A little more... okay, that should do it.',
() => print('hello'));""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: really ... than that. No, yet longer. Even more. We have to get to at least 200 characters. I know that seems like a lot, but I believe in you. A little more... okay, that should do it.
+0: really gosh dang long test name. Even longer than that. No, yet longer. Even more. We have to get to at least 200 characters. I know that seems like a lot, but I believe in you. A little more... okay, that should do it.
+1: really ... than that. No, yet longer. Even more. We have to get to at least 200 characters. I know that seems like a lot, but I believe in you. A little more... okay, that should do it.
+1: All tests passed!""");
test("doesn't print a clock update between two prints", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('slow', () async {
await new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 3));
});""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: slow
+1: slow
+1: All tests passed!""");
group("skip:", () {
test("displays skipped tests separately", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('skip 1', () {}, skip: true);
test('skip 2', () {}, skip: true);
test('skip 3', () {}, skip: true);""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: skip 1
+0 ~1: skip 1
+0 ~1: skip 2
+0 ~2: skip 2
+0 ~2: skip 3
+0 ~3: skip 3
+0 ~3: All tests skipped.""");
test("displays a skipped group", () {
return _expectReport("""
group('skip', () {
test('test 1', () {});
test('test 2', () {});
test('test 3', () {});
}, skip: true);""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: skip test 1
+0 ~1: skip test 1
+0 ~1: skip test 2
+0 ~2: skip test 2
+0 ~2: skip test 3
+0 ~3: skip test 3
+0 ~3: All tests skipped.""");
test("runs skipped tests along with successful tests", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('skip 1', () {}, skip: true);
test('success 1', () {});
test('skip 2', () {}, skip: true);
test('success 2', () {});""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: skip 1
+0 ~1: skip 1
+0 ~1: success 1
+1 ~1: success 1
+1 ~1: skip 2
+1 ~2: skip 2
+1 ~2: success 2
+2 ~2: success 2
+2 ~2: All tests passed!""");
test("runs skipped tests along with successful and failing tests", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('failure 1', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('skip 1', () {}, skip: true);
test('success 1', () {});
test('failure 2', () => throw new TestFailure('oh no'));
test('skip 2', () {}, skip: true);
test('success 2', () {});""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: failure 1
+0 -1: failure 1 [E]
oh no
test.dart 6:35 main.<fn>
+0 -1: skip 1
+0 ~1 -1: skip 1
+0 ~1 -1: success 1
+1 ~1 -1: success 1
+1 ~1 -1: failure 2
+1 ~1 -2: failure 2 [E]
oh no
test.dart 9:35 main.<fn>
+1 ~1 -2: skip 2
+1 ~2 -2: skip 2
+1 ~2 -2: success 2
+2 ~2 -2: success 2
+2 ~2 -2: Some tests failed.""");
test("displays the skip reason if available", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('skip 1', () {}, skip: 'some reason');
test('skip 2', () {}, skip: 'or another');""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: skip 1
Skip: some reason
+0 ~1: skip 1
+0 ~1: skip 2
Skip: or another
+0 ~2: skip 2
+0 ~2: All tests skipped.""");
test("runs skipped tests with --run-skipped", () {
return _expectReport("""
test('skip 1', () {}, skip: 'some reason');
test('skip 2', () {}, skip: 'or another');""", """
+0: loading test.dart
+0: skip 1
+1: skip 1
+1: skip 2
+2: skip 2
+2: All tests passed!""", args: ["--run-skipped"]);
Future _expectReport(String tests, String expected, {List<String> args}) async {
await d.file("test.dart", """
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
var test =
await runTest(["test.dart"]..addAll(args ?? []), reporter: "compact");
await test.shouldExit();
var stdoutLines = await;
// Skip the first CR, remove excess trailing whitespace, and trim off
// timestamps.
String lastLine;
var actual = stdoutLines.skip(1).map((line) {
if (line.startsWith(" ") || line.isEmpty) return line.trimRight();
var trimmed = line.trim().replaceFirst(RegExp("^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} "), "");
// Trim identical lines so the test isn't dependent on how fast each test
// runs.
if (trimmed == lastLine) return null;
lastLine = trimmed;
return trimmed;
}).where((line) => line != null);
// Un-indent the expected string.
var indentation = expected.indexOf(RegExp("[^ ]"));
var expectedLines = expected.split("\n").map((line) {
if (line.isEmpty) return line;
return line.substring(indentation);
// In Dart 1.24, stack traces with Future constructors output as
// `new Future` instead of `Future.Future`.
// Support running tests in both old and new styles.
.map((s) => s.replaceAll(' Future.Future.', ' new Future.')))));