blob: e48609a2d1c6e79a3abed2f162c559c700100bca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:node_preamble/preamble.dart' as preamble;
import 'package:package_resolver/package_resolver.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import '../../backend/test_platform.dart';
import '../../util/io.dart';
import '../../util/stack_trace_mapper.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
import '../compiler_pool.dart';
import '../configuration.dart';
import '../configuration/suite.dart';
import '../load_exception.dart';
import '../plugin/environment.dart';
import '../plugin/platform.dart';
import '../plugin/platform_helpers.dart';
import '../runner_suite.dart';
/// A platform that loads tests in Node.js processes.
class NodePlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
/// The test runner configuration.
final Configuration _config;
/// The [CompilerPool] managing active instances of `dart2js`.
final _compilers = new CompilerPool(["-Dnode=true"]);
/// The temporary directory in which compiled JS is emitted.
final _compiledDir = createTempDir();
/// The HTTP client to use when fetching JS files for `pub serve`.
final HttpClient _http;
/// The Node executable to use.
String get _executable => Platform.isWindows ? "node.exe" : "node";
: _config = Configuration.current,
_http =
Configuration.current.pubServeUrl == null ? null : new HttpClient();
StreamChannel loadChannel(String path, TestPlatform platform) =>
throw new UnimplementedError();
Future<RunnerSuite> load(String path, TestPlatform platform,
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig) async {
assert(platform == TestPlatform.nodeJS);
var pair = await _loadChannel(path, suiteConfig);
var controller = await deserializeSuite(
path, platform, suiteConfig, new PluginEnvironment(), pair.first,
mapper: pair.last);
return controller.suite;
/// Loads a [StreamChannel] communicating with the test suite at [path].
/// Returns that channel along with a [StackTraceMapper] representing the
/// source map for the compiled suite.
Future<Pair<StreamChannel, StackTraceMapper>> _loadChannel(
String path, SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig) async {
var pair = await _spawnProcess(path, suiteConfig);
var process = pair.first;
// Node normally doesn't emit any standard error, but if it does we forward
// it to the print handler so it's associated with the load test.
var channel = new StreamChannel.withGuarantees(
process.stdout, process.stdin)
.transform(new StreamChannelTransformer.fromCodec(UTF8))
.transformStream(new StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(handleDone: (sink) {
if (process != null) process.kill();
return new Pair(channel, pair.last);
/// Spawns a Node.js process that loads the Dart test suite at [path].
/// Returns that channel along with a [StackTraceMapper] representing the
/// source map for the compiled suite.
Future<Pair<Process, StackTraceMapper>> _spawnProcess(
String path, SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig) async {
var dir = new Directory(_compiledDir).createTempSync('test_').path;
var jsPath = p.join(dir, p.basename(path) + ".node_test.dart.js");
if (_config.pubServeUrl == null) {
await _compilers.compile(
import "package:test/src/bootstrap/node.dart";
import "${p.toUri(p.absolute(path))}" as test;
void main() {
internalBootstrapNodeTest(() => test.main);
// Add the Node.js preamble to ensure that the dart2js output is
// compatible. Use the minified version so the source map remains valid.
var jsFile = new File(jsPath);
await jsFile.writeAsString(
preamble.getPreamble(minified: true) + await jsFile.readAsString());
StackTraceMapper mapper;
if (!suiteConfig.jsTrace) {
var mapPath = jsPath + '.map';
mapper = new StackTraceMapper(await new File(mapPath).readAsString(),
mapUrl: p.toUri(mapPath),
packageResolver: await PackageResolver.current.asSync,
sdkRoot: p.toUri(sdkDir));
return new Pair(await Process.start(_executable, [jsPath]), mapper);
var url = _config.pubServeUrl.resolveUri(
p.toUri(p.relative(path, from: 'test') + '.node_test.dart.js'));
var js = await _get(url, path);
await new File(jsPath)
.writeAsString(preamble.getPreamble(minified: true) + js);
StackTraceMapper mapper;
if (!suiteConfig.jsTrace) {
var mapUrl = url.replace(path: url.path + '.map');
mapper = new StackTraceMapper(await _get(mapUrl, path),
mapUrl: mapUrl,
packageResolver: new SyncPackageResolver.root('packages'),
sdkRoot: p.toUri('packages/\$sdk'));
return new Pair(await Process.start(_executable, [jsPath]), mapper);
/// Runs an HTTP GET on [url].
/// If this fails, throws a [LoadException] for [suitePath].
Future<String> _get(Uri url, String suitePath) async {
try {
var response = await (await _http.getUrl(url)).close();
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
// We don't care about the response body, but we have to drain it or
// else the process can't exit.
throw new LoadException(
"Error getting $url: ${response.statusCode} "
'Make sure "pub serve" is serving the test/ directory.');
return await UTF8.decodeStream(response);
} on IOException catch (error) {
var message = getErrorMessage(error);
if (error is SocketException) {
message = "${error.osError.message} "
"(errno ${error.osError.errorCode})";
throw new LoadException(
"Error getting $url: $message\n"
'Make sure "pub serve" is running.');
Future close() => _closeMemo.runOnce(() async {
await _compilers.close();
if (_config.pubServeUrl == null) {
new Directory(_compiledDir).deleteSync(recursive: true);
} else {
final _closeMemo = new AsyncMemoizer();