blob: acab425e7baa71cd494fb1be0ea90a58a57907a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.runner.browser.content_shell;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import '../../util/io.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
import '../application_exception.dart';
import 'browser.dart';
final _observatoryRegExp = new RegExp(r"^Observatory listening on ([^ ]+)");
/// A class for running an instance of the Dartium content shell.
/// Most of the communication with the browser is expected to happen via HTTP,
/// so this exposes a bare-bones API. The browser starts as soon as the class is
/// constructed, and is killed when [close] is called.
/// Any errors starting or running the process are reported through [onExit].
class ContentShell extends Browser {
final name = "Content Shell";
final Future<Uri> observatoryUrl;
final Future<Uri> remoteDebuggerUrl;
factory ContentShell(url, {String executable, bool debug: false}) {
var observatoryCompleter = new Completer.sync();
var remoteDebuggerCompleter = new Completer.sync();
return new ContentShell._(() {
if (executable == null) executable = _defaultExecutable();
tryPort([port]) async {
var args = ["--dump-render-tree", url.toString()];
if (port != null) args.add("--remote-debugging-port=$port");
var process = await Process.start(executable, args,
environment: {"DART_FLAGS": "--checked"});
if (debug) {
.map((line) {
var match = _observatoryRegExp.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) return null;
return Uri.parse(match[1]);
}).where((uri) => uri != null).first);
} else {
var stderr = new StreamIterator(lineSplitter.bind(process.stderr));
// Before we can consider content_shell started successfully, we have to
// make sure it's not expired and that the remote debugging port worked.
// Any errors from this will always come before the "Running without
// renderer sanxbox" message.
while (await stderr.moveNext() &&
!stderr.current.endsWith("Running without renderer sandbox")) {
if (stderr.current == "[dartToStderr]: Dartium build has expired") {
// TODO(nweiz): link to once it has download links for
// content shell
// (
throw new ApplicationException(
"You're using an expired content_shell. Upgrade to the latest "
} else if (stderr.current.contains("bind() returned an error")) {
// If we failed to bind to the port, return null to tell
// getUnusedPort to try another one.
return null;
if (port != null) {
} else {
return process;
if (!debug) return tryPort();
return getUnusedPort(tryPort);
}, observatoryCompleter.future, remoteDebuggerCompleter.future);
/// Returns the full URL of the remote debugger for the host page.
/// This takes the base remote debugger URL (which points to a browser-wide
/// page) and uses its JSON API to find the resolved URL for debugging the
/// host page.
static Future<Uri> _getRemoteDebuggerUrl(Uri base) async {
try {
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = await client.getUrl(base.resolve("/json/list"));
var response = await request.close();
var json = await JSON.fuse(UTF8).decoder.bind(response).single;
return base.resolve(json.first["devtoolsFrontendUrl"]);
} catch (_) {
// If we fail to talk to the remote debugger protocol, give up and return
// the raw URL rather than crashing.
return base;
ContentShell._(Future<Process> startBrowser(), this.observatoryUrl,
: super(startBrowser);
/// Return the default executable for the current operating system.
static String _defaultExecutable() =>
Platform.isWindows ? "content_shell.exe" : "content_shell";