blob: 6d9545829c0317d34b4f28e7b2b9086261567bd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.backend.state;
/// The state of a [LiveTest].
/// A test's state is made up of two components, its [status] and its [result].
/// The [status] represents where the test is in its process of running; the
/// [result] represents the outcome as far as its known.
class State {
/// Where the test is in its process of running.
final Status status;
/// The outcome of the test, as far as it's known.
/// Note that if [status] is [Status.pending], [result] will always be
/// [Result.success] since the test hasn't yet had a chance to fail.
final Result result;
const State(this.status, this.result);
bool operator==(other) => other is State && status == other.status &&
result == other.result;
int get hashCode => status.hashCode ^ (7 * result.hashCode);
String toString() {
if (status == Status.pending) return "pending";
if (status == Status.complete) return result.toString();
if (result == Result.success) return "running";
return "running with $result";
/// Where the test is in its process of running.
class Status {
/// The test has not yet begun running.
static const pending = const Status._("pending");
/// The test is currently running.
static const running = const Status._("running");
/// The test has finished running.
/// Note that even if the test is marked [complete], it may still be running
/// code asynchronously. A test is considered complete either once it hits its
/// first error or when all [expectAsync] callbacks have been called and any
/// returned [Future] has completed, but it's possible for further processing
/// to happen, which may cause further errors.
static const complete = const Status._("complete");
/// The name of the status.
final String name;
factory Status.parse(String name) {
switch (name) {
case "pending": return Status.pending;
case "running": return Status.running;
case "complete": return Status.complete;
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid status name "$name".');
const Status._(;
String toString() => name;
/// The outcome of the test, as far as it's known.
class Result {
/// The test has not yet failed in any way.
/// Note that this doesn't mean that the test won't fail in the future.
static const success = const Result._("success");
/// The test has failed.
/// A failure is specifically caused by a [TestFailure] being thrown; any
/// other exception causes an error.
static const failure = const Result._("failure");
/// The test has crashed.
/// Any exception other than a [TestFailure] is considered to be an error.
static const error = const Result._("error");
/// The name of the result.
final String name;
factory Result.parse(String name) {
switch (name) {
case "success": return Result.success;
case "failure": return Result.failure;
case "error": return Result.error;
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid result name "$name".');
const Result._(;
String toString() => name;