blob: 446bea25d3249715660f6d1e20ec3b1df15c1878 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:checks/context.dart';
extension TypeChecks on Check<Object?> {
/// Expects that the value is assignable to type [T].
/// If the value is a [T], returns a [Check<T>] for further expectations.
Check<T> isA<T>() {
return context.nest<T>('is a $T', (actual) {
if (actual is! T) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: literal(actual), which: ['Is a ${actual.runtimeType}']);
return Extracted.value(actual);
}, atSameLevel: true);
extension HasField<T> on Check<T> {
/// Extracts a property of the value for further expectations.
/// Sets up a clause that the value "has [name] that:" followed by any
/// expectations applied to the returned [Check].
Check<R> has<R>(R Function(T) extract, String name) {
return context.nest('has $name', (T value) {
try {
return Extracted.value(extract(value));
} catch (_) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: literal(value),
which: ['threw while trying to read property']);
/// Checks the expectations invoked in [condition] against this value.
/// Use this method when it would otherwise not be possible to check multiple
/// properties of this value due to cascade notation already being used in a
/// way that would conflict.
/// ```
/// checkThat(something)
/// ..has((s) =>, 'foo').equals(expectedFoo)
/// ..has((s) =>, 'bar').that((b) => b
/// ..isLessThan(10)
/// ..isGreaterThan(0));
/// ```
R that<R>(R Function(Check<T>) condition) => condition(this);
/// Check that the expectations invoked in [condition] are not satisfied by
/// this value.
/// Asynchronous expectations are not allowed in [condition].
void not(void Function(Check<T>) condition) {
() => ['is not a value that:', ...indent(describe(condition))],
(actual) {
if (softCheck(actual, condition) != null) return null;
return Rejection(
actual: literal(actual),
which: ['is a value that: ', ...indent(describe(condition))],
extension BoolChecks on Check<bool> {
void isTrue() {
() => ['is true'],
(actual) => actual
? null // force coverage
: Rejection(actual: literal(actual)),
void isFalse() {
() => ['is false'],
(actual) => !actual
? null // force coverage
: Rejection(actual: literal(actual)),
extension EqualityChecks<T> on Check<T> {
/// Expects that the value is equal to [other] according to [operator ==].
void equals(T other) {
context.expect(() => ['equals ${literal(other)}'], (actual) {
if (actual == other) return null;
return Rejection(actual: literal(actual), which: ['are not equal']);
/// Expects that the value is [identical] to [other].
void identicalTo(T other) {
context.expect(() => ['is identical to ${literal(other)}'], (actual) {
if (identical(actual, other)) return null;
return Rejection(actual: literal(actual), which: ['is not identical']);
extension NullabilityChecks<T> on Check<T?> {
Check<T> isNotNull() {
return context.nest<T>('is not null', (actual) {
if (actual == null) return Extracted.rejection(actual: literal(actual));
return Extracted.value(actual);
}, atSameLevel: true);
void isNull() {
context.expect(() => const ['is null'], (actual) {
if (actual != null) return Rejection(actual: literal(actual));
return null;
extension StringChecks on Check<String> {
/// Expects that the value contains [pattern] according to [String.contains];
void contains(Pattern pattern) {
context.expect(() => ['contains ${literal(pattern)}'], (actual) {
if (actual.contains(pattern)) return null;
return Rejection(
actual: literal(actual),
which: ['Does not contain ${literal(pattern)}'],
Check<int> get length => has((m) => m.length, 'length');
void isEmpty() {
context.expect(() => const ['is empty'], (actual) {
if (actual.isEmpty) return null;
return Rejection(actual: literal(actual), which: ['is not empty']);
void isNotEmpty() {
context.expect(() => const ['is not empty'], (actual) {
if (actual.isNotEmpty) return null;
return Rejection(actual: literal(actual), which: ['is empty']);
void startsWith(String other) {
() => ['starts with ${literal(other)}'],
(actual) {
if (actual.startsWith(other)) return null;
return Rejection(
actual: literal(actual),
which: ['does not start with ${literal(other)}'],
void endsWith(String other) {
() => ['ends with ${literal(other)}'],
(actual) {
if (actual.endsWith(other)) return null;
return Rejection(
actual: literal(actual),
which: ['does not end with ${literal(other)}'],