blob: 0ded7ae17db3a274e6bf257d937ddd08601a6ba7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import './../platform.dart';
/// An interface for [PlatformPlugin]s that support per-platform customization.
/// If a [PlatformPlugin] implements this, the user will be able to override the
/// [Runtime]s it supports using the
/// [`override_platforms`][override_platforms] configuration field, and define
/// new runtimes based on them using the [`define_platforms`][define_platforms]
/// field. The custom settings will be passed to the plugin using
/// [customizePlatform].
/// [override_platforms]:
/// [define_platforms]:
/// Plugins that implement this **must** support children of recognized runtimes
/// (created by [Runtime.extend]) in their [load] methods.
abstract class CustomizablePlatform<T extends Object> extends PlatformPlugin {
/// Parses user-provided [settings] for a custom platform into a
/// plugin-defined format.
/// The [settings] come from a user's configuration file. The parsed output
/// will be passed to [customizePlatform].
/// Subclasses should throw [SourceSpanFormatException]s if [settings]
/// contains invalid configuration. Unrecognized fields should be ignored if
/// possible.
T parsePlatformSettings(YamlMap settings);
/// Merges [settings1] with [settings2] and returns a new settings object that
/// includes the configuration of both.
/// When the settings conflict, [settings2] should take priority.
/// This is used to merge global settings with local settings, or a custom
/// platform's settings with its parent's.
T mergePlatformSettings(T settings1, T settings2);
/// Defines user-provided [settings] for [runtime].
/// The [runtime] is a runtime this plugin was declared to accept when
/// registered with [Loader.registerPlatformPlugin], or a runtime whose
/// [Runtime.parent] is one of those runtimes. Subclasses should customize the
/// behavior for these runtimes when [loadChannel] or [load] is called with
/// the given [runtime], using the [settings] which are parsed by
/// [parsePlatformSettings]. This is guaranteed to be called before either
/// `load` method.
void customizePlatform(Runtime runtime, T settings);