blob: 7793d3084deaa94f9493ecd1f7b64039ea32b181 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'backend/operating_system.dart';
import 'util/cancelable_future.dart';
import 'util/path_handler.dart';
import 'util/stream_queue.dart';
/// The maximum console line length.
const _lineLength = 100;
/// A typedef for a possibly-asynchronous function.
/// The return type should only ever by [Future] or void.
typedef AsyncFunction();
/// A typedef for a zero-argument callback function.
typedef void Callback();
/// A converter that decodes bytes using UTF-8 and splits them on newlines.
final lineSplitter = UTF8.decoder.fuse(const LineSplitter());
/// A regular expression to match the exception prefix that some exceptions'
/// [Object.toString] values contain.
final _exceptionPrefix = new RegExp(r'^([A-Z][a-zA-Z]*)?(Exception|Error): ');
/// Directories that are specific to OS X.
/// This is used to try to distinguish OS X and Linux in [currentOSGuess].
final _macOSDirectories = new Set<String>.from([
/// Returns the best guess for the current operating system without using
/// `dart:io`.
/// This is useful for running test files directly and skipping tests as
/// appropriate. The only OS-specific information we have is the current path,
/// which we try to use to figure out the OS.
final OperatingSystem currentOSGuess = (() {
if ( == p.Style.url) return OperatingSystem.none;
if ( == return;
if (_macOSDirectories.any(p.current.startsWith)) return OperatingSystem.macOS;
return OperatingSystem.linux;
/// A pair of values.
class Pair<E, F> {
E first;
F last;
Pair(this.first, this.last);
String toString() => '($first, $last)';
bool operator==(other) {
if (other is! Pair) return false;
return other.first == first && other.last == last;
int get hashCode => first.hashCode ^ last.hashCode;
/// Get a string description of an exception.
/// Many exceptions include the exception class name at the beginning of their
/// [toString], so we remove that if it exists.
String getErrorMessage(error) =>
error.toString().replaceFirst(_exceptionPrefix, '');
/// Indent each line in [str] by two spaces.
String indent(String str) =>
str.replaceAll(new RegExp("^", multiLine: true), " ");
/// Returns a sentence fragment listing the elements of [iter].
/// This converts each element of [iter] to a string and separates them with
/// commas and/or "and" where appropriate.
String toSentence(Iterable iter) {
if (iter.length == 1) return iter.first.toString();
var result = iter.take(iter.length - 1).join(", ");
if (iter.length > 2) result += ",";
return "$result and ${iter.last}";
/// Wraps [text] so that it fits within [lineLength], which defaults to 100
/// characters.
/// This preserves existing newlines and doesn't consider terminal color escapes
/// part of a word's length.
String wordWrap(String text, {int lineLength}) {
if (lineLength == null) lineLength = _lineLength;
return text.split("\n").map((originalLine) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
var lengthSoFar = 0;
for (var word in originalLine.split(" ")) {
var wordLength = withoutColors(word).length;
if (wordLength > lineLength) {
if (lengthSoFar != 0) buffer.writeln();
} else if (lengthSoFar == 0) {
lengthSoFar = wordLength;
} else if (lengthSoFar + 1 + wordLength > lineLength) {
lengthSoFar = wordLength;
} else {
buffer.write(" $word");
lengthSoFar += 1 + wordLength;
return buffer.toString();
/// A regular expression matching terminal color codes.
final _colorCode = new RegExp('\u001b\\[[0-9;]+m');
/// Returns [str] without any color codes.
String withoutColors(String str) => str.replaceAll(_colorCode, '');
/// A regular expression matching the path to a temporary file used to start an
/// isolate.
/// These paths aren't relevant and are removed from stack traces.
final _isolatePath =
new RegExp(r"/test_[A-Za-z0-9]{6}/runInIsolate\.dart$");
/// Returns [stackTrace] converted to a [Chain] with all irrelevant frames
/// folded together.
/// If [verbose] is `true`, returns the chain for [stackTrace] unmodified.
Chain terseChain(StackTrace stackTrace, {bool verbose: false}) {
if (verbose) return new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace);
return new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace).foldFrames((frame) {
if (frame.package == 'test') return true;
// Filter out frames from our isolate bootstrap as well.
if (frame.uri.scheme != 'file') return false;
return frame.uri.path.contains(_isolatePath);
}, terse: true);
/// Flattens nested [Iterable]s inside an [Iterable] into a single [List]
/// containing only non-[Iterable] elements.
List flatten(Iterable nested) {
var result = [];
helper(iter) {
for (var element in iter) {
if (element is Iterable) {
} else {
return result;
/// Returns a new map with all values in both [map1] and [map2].
/// If there are conflicting keys, [map2]'s value wins.
Map mergeMaps(Map map1, Map map2) {
var result = {};
map1.forEach((key, value) {
result[key] = value;
map2.forEach((key, value) {
result[key] = value;
return result;
/// Returns a sink that maps events sent to [original] using [fn].
StreamSink mapSink(StreamSink original, fn(event)) {
var controller = new StreamController(sync: true);
(event) => original.add(fn(event)),
onError: (error, stackTrace) => original.addError(error, stackTrace),
onDone: () => original.close());
return controller.sink;
/// Like [runZoned], but [zoneValues] are set for the callbacks in
/// [zoneSpecification] and [onError].
runZonedWithValues(body(), {Map zoneValues,
ZoneSpecification zoneSpecification, Function onError}) {
return runZoned(() {
return runZoned(body,
zoneSpecification: zoneSpecification, onError: onError);
}, zoneValues: zoneValues);
/// Truncates [text] to fit within [maxLength].
/// This will try to truncate along word boundaries and preserve words both at
/// the beginning and the end of [text].
String truncate(String text, int maxLength) {
// Return the full message if it fits.
if (text.length <= maxLength) return text;
// If we can fit the first and last three words, do so.
var words = text.split(' ');
if (words.length > 1) {
var i = words.length;
var length = words.first.length + 4;
do {
length += 1 + words[i].length;
} while (length <= maxLength && i > 0);
if (length > maxLength || i == 0) i++;
if (i < words.length - 4) {
// Require at least 3 words at the end.
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write(' ...');
for ( ; i < words.length; i++) {
buffer.write(' ');
return buffer.toString();
// Otherwise truncate to return the trailing text, but attempt to start at
// the beginning of a word.
var result = text.substring(text.length - maxLength + 4);
var firstSpace = result.indexOf(' ');
if (firstSpace > 0) {
result = result.substring(firstSpace);
return '...$result';
/// Returns a human-friendly representation of [duration].
String niceDuration(Duration duration) {
var minutes = duration.inMinutes;
var seconds = duration.inSeconds % 59;
var decaseconds = (duration.inMilliseconds % 1000) ~/ 100;
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (minutes != 0) buffer.write("$minutes minutes");
if (minutes == 0 || seconds != 0) {
if (minutes != 0) buffer.write(", ");
if (decaseconds != 0) buffer.write(".$decaseconds");
buffer.write(" seconds");
return buffer.toString();
/// Merges [streams] into a single stream that emits events from all sources.
Stream mergeStreams(Iterable<Stream> streamIter) {
var streams = streamIter.toList();
var subscriptions = new Set();
var controller;
controller = new StreamController(sync: true, onListen: () {
for (var stream in streams) {
var subscription;
subscription = stream.listen(
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: () {
if (subscriptions.isEmpty) controller.close();
}, onPause: () {
for (var subscription in subscriptions) {
}, onResume: () {
for (var subscription in subscriptions) {
}, onCancel: () {
for (var subscription in subscriptions) {
/// Returns the first value [stream] emits, or `null` if [stream] closes before
/// emitting a value.
Future maybeFirst(Stream stream) {
var completer = new Completer();
var subscription;
subscription = stream.listen((data) {
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
}, onDone: () {
return completer.future;
/// Returns a [CancelableFuture] that returns the next value of [queue] unless
/// it's canceled.
/// If the future is canceled, [queue] is not moved forward at all. Note that
/// it's not safe to call further methods on [queue] until this future has
/// either completed or been canceled.
CancelableFuture cancelableNext(StreamQueue queue) {
var fork = queue.fork();
var completer = new CancelableCompleter(() => fork.cancel(immediate: true));
completer.complete( {
return completer.future;
/// Returns a single-subscription stream that emits the results of [futures] in
/// the order they complete.
/// If any futures in [futures] are [CancelableFuture]s, this will cancel them
/// if the subscription is canceled.
Stream inCompletionOrder(Iterable<Future> futures) {
var futureSet = futures.toSet();
var controller = new StreamController(sync: true, onCancel: () {
return Future.wait( {
return future is CancelableFuture ? future.cancel() : null;
}).where((future) => future != null));
for (var future in futureSet) {
.whenComplete(() {
if (futureSet.isEmpty) controller.close();
/// Returns a stream that emits [error] and [stackTrace], then closes.
/// This is useful for adding errors to streams defined via `async*`.
Stream errorStream(error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
var controller = new StreamController();
controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
/// Runs [fn] and discards its return value.
/// This is useful for making a block of code async without forcing the
/// containing method to return a future.
void invoke(fn()) {
/// Returns a random base64 string containing [bytes] bytes of data.
/// [seed] is passed to [math.Random]; [urlSafe] and [addLineSeparator] are
/// passed to [CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64].
String randomBase64(int bytes, {int seed, bool urlSafe: false,
bool addLineSeparator: false}) {
var random = new math.Random(seed);
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
return CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(data,
urlSafe: urlSafe, addLineSeparator: addLineSeparator);
/// Returns middleware that nests all requests beneath the URL prefix [beneath].
shelf.Middleware nestingMiddleware(String beneath) {
return (handler) {
var pathHandler = new PathHandler()..add(beneath, handler);
return pathHandler.handler;