blob: 29c4dd33c4599a0fffdf5435d2ac32cef22e15a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(nweiz): This is under lib so that it can be used by the unittest dummy
// package. Once that package is no longer being updated, move this back into
// bin.
library test.executable;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'runner.dart';
import 'runner/application_exception.dart';
import 'runner/configuration.dart';
import 'util/exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import 'util/io.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A merged stream of all signals that tell the test runner to shut down
/// gracefully.
/// Signals will only be captured as long as this has an active subscription.
/// Otherwise, they'll be handled by Dart's default signal handler, which
/// terminates the program immediately.
final _signals = Platform.isWindows
: mergeStreams([,
/// Returns whether the current package has a pubspec which uses the
/// `test/pub_serve` transformer.
bool get _usesTransformer {
if (!new File('pubspec.yaml').existsSync()) return false;
var contents = new File('pubspec.yaml').readAsStringSync();
var yaml;
try {
yaml = loadYaml(contents);
} on FormatException {
return false;
if (yaml is! Map) return false;
var transformers = yaml['transformers'];
if (transformers == null) return false;
if (transformers is! List) return false;
return transformers.any((transformer) {
if (transformer is String) return transformer == 'test/pub_serve';
if (transformer is! Map) return false;
if (transformer.keys.length != 1) return false;
return transformer.keys.single == 'test/pub_serve';
main(List<String> args) async {
var configuration;
try {
configuration = new Configuration.parse(args);
} on FormatException catch (error) {
exitCode = exit_codes.usage;
if ( {
if (configuration.version) {
if (!_printVersion()) {
stderr.writeln("Couldn't find version number.");
exitCode =;
if (configuration.pubServeUrl != null && !_usesTransformer) {
When using --pub-serve, you must include the "test/pub_serve" transformer in
your pubspec:
- test/pub_serve:
\$include: test/**_test.dart
exitCode =;
if (!configuration.explicitPaths &&
!new Directory(configuration.paths.single).existsSync()) {
_printUsage('No test files were passed and the default "test/" '
"directory doesn't exist.");
exitCode =;
var runner = new Runner(configuration);
var signalSubscription;
close() async {
if (signalSubscription == null) return;
signalSubscription = null;
stdinLines.cancel(immediate: true);
await runner.close();
signalSubscription = _signals.listen((_) => close());
try {
exitCode = (await ? 0 : 1;
} on ApplicationException catch (error) {
exitCode =;
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
stderr.writeln(new Trace.from(stackTrace).terse);
"This is an unexpected error. Please file an issue at "
"with the stack trace and instructions for reproducing the error.");
exitCode =;
} finally {
await close();
/// Print usage information for this command.
/// If [error] is passed, it's used in place of the usage message and the whole
/// thing is printed to stderr instead of stdout.
void _printUsage([String error]) {
var output = stdout;
var message = "Runs tests in this package.";
if (error != null) {
message = error;
output = stderr;
Usage: pub run test:test [files or directories...]
/// Prints the version number of the test package.
/// This loads the version number from the current package's lockfile. It
/// returns true if it successfully printed the version number and false if it
/// couldn't be loaded.
bool _printVersion() {
var lockfile;
try {
lockfile = loadYaml(new File("pubspec.lock").readAsStringSync());
} on FormatException catch (_) {
return false;
} on IOException catch (_) {
return false;
if (lockfile is! Map) return false;
var packages = lockfile["packages"];
if (packages is! Map) return false;
var package = packages["test"];
if (package is! Map) return false;
var source = package["source"];
if (source is! String) return false;
switch (source) {
case "hosted":
var version = package["version"];
if (version is! String) return false;
return true;
case "git":
var version = package["version"];
if (version is! String) return false;
var description = package["description"];
if (description is! Map) return false;
var ref = description["resolved-ref"];
if (ref is! String) return false;
print("$version (${ref.substring(0, 7)})");
return true;
case "path":
var version = package["version"];
if (version is! String) return false;
var description = package["description"];
if (description is! Map) return false;
var path = description["path"];
if (path is! String) return false;
print("$version (from $path)");
return true;
default: return false;