blob: 1aee139a4926638219a79d5894668235747261fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/state.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
void main() {
group('[doesNotComplete]', () {
test('fails when provided a non future', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(10, doesNotComplete);
expectTestFailed(liveTest, contains('10 is not a Future'));
test('succeeds when a future does not complete', () {
var completer = Completer();
expect(completer.future, doesNotComplete);
test('fails when a future does complete', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
var completer = Completer();
expect(completer.future, doesNotComplete);
'Future was not expected to complete but completed with a value of'
' null');
test('fails when a future completes after the expect', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
var completer = Completer();
expect(completer.future, doesNotComplete);
'Future was not expected to complete but completed with a value of'
' null');
test('fails when a future eventually completes', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
var completer = Completer();
expect(completer.future, doesNotComplete);
Future(() async {
await pumpEventQueue(times: 10);
'Future was not expected to complete but completed with a value of'
' null');
group('[completes]', () {
test('blocks the test until the Future completes', () {
return expectTestBlocks(() {
var completer = Completer();
expect(completer.future, completes);
return completer;
}, (completer) => completer.complete());
test('with an error', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(Future.error('X'), completes);
expect(liveTest.state.status, equals(Status.complete));
expect(liveTest.state.result, equals(Result.error));
expect(liveTest.errors, hasLength(1));
expect(liveTest.errors.first.error, equals('X'));
test('with a failure', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(Future.error(TestFailure('oh no')), completes);
expectTestFailed(liveTest, 'oh no');
test('with a non-future', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(10, completes);
'Expected: completes successfully\n'
' Actual: <10>\n'
' Which: was not a Future\n');
test('with a successful future', () {
expect(Future.value('1'), completes);
group('[completion]', () {
test('blocks the test until the Future completes', () {
return expectTestBlocks(() {
var completer = Completer();
expect(completer.future, completion(isNull));
return completer;
}, (completer) => completer.complete());
test('with an error', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(Future.error('X'), completion(isNull));
expect(liveTest.state.status, equals(Status.complete));
expect(liveTest.state.result, equals(Result.error));
expect(liveTest.errors, hasLength(1));
expect(liveTest.errors.first.error, equals('X'));
test('with a failure', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(Future.error(TestFailure('oh no')), completion(isNull));
expectTestFailed(liveTest, 'oh no');
test('with a non-future', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(10, completion(equals(10)));
'Expected: completes to a value that <10>\n'
' Actual: <10>\n'
' Which: was not a Future\n');
test('with an incorrect value', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(Future.value('a'), completion(equals('b')));
startsWith("Expected: completes to a value that 'b'\n"
' Actual: <'),
" Which: emitted 'a'\n"
' which is different.\n'
' Expected: b\n'
' Actual: a\n'
' ^\n'
' Differ at offset 0\n')
test("blocks expectLater's Future", () async {
var completer = Completer();
var fired = false;
unawaited(expectLater(completer.future, completion(equals(1))).then((_) {
fired = true;
await pumpEventQueue();
expect(fired, isFalse);
await pumpEventQueue();
expect(fired, isTrue);