blob: dee7c1e3bd016b95a228836a8c499b212c1712a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test_api/hooks.dart';
import 'util/placeholder.dart';
// Function types returned by expectAsync# methods.
typedef Func0<T> = T Function();
typedef Func1<T, A> = T Function([A a]);
typedef Func2<T, A, B> = T Function([A a, B b]);
typedef Func3<T, A, B, C> = T Function([A a, B b, C c]);
typedef Func4<T, A, B, C, D> = T Function([A a, B b, C c, D d]);
typedef Func5<T, A, B, C, D, E> = T Function([A a, B b, C c, D d, E e]);
typedef Func6<T, A, B, C, D, E, F> = T Function([A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f]);
/// A wrapper for a function that ensures that it's called the appropriate
/// number of times.
/// The containing test won't be considered to have completed successfully until
/// this function has been called the appropriate number of times.
/// The wrapper function is accessible via [func]. It supports up to six
/// optional and/or required positional arguments, but no named arguments.
class _ExpectedFunction<T> {
/// The wrapped callback.
final Function _callback;
/// The minimum number of calls that are expected to be made to the function.
/// If fewer calls than this are made, the test will fail.
final int _minExpectedCalls;
/// The maximum number of calls that are expected to be made to the function.
/// If more calls than this are made, the test will fail.
final int _maxExpectedCalls;
/// A callback that should return whether the function is not expected to have
/// any more calls.
/// This will be called after every time the function is run. The test case
/// won't be allowed to terminate until it returns `true`.
/// This may be `null`. If so, the function is considered to be done after
/// it's been run once.
final bool Function()? _isDone;
/// A descriptive name for the function.
final String _id;
/// An optional description of why the function is expected to be called.
/// If not passed, this will be an empty string.
final String _reason;
/// The number of times the function has been called.
int _actualCalls = 0;
/// The test in which this function was wrapped.
late final TestHandle _test;
/// Whether this function has been called the requisite number of times.
late bool _complete;
OutstandingWork? _outstandingWork;
/// Wraps [callback] in a function that asserts that it's called at least
/// [minExpected] times and no more than [maxExpected] times.
/// If passed, [id] is used as a descriptive name fo the function and [reason]
/// as a reason it's expected to be called. If [isDone] is passed, the test
/// won't be allowed to complete until it returns `true`.
_ExpectedFunction(Function callback, int minExpected, int maxExpected,
{String? id, String? reason, bool Function()? isDone})
: _callback = callback,
_minExpectedCalls = minExpected,
_maxExpectedCalls =
(maxExpected == 0 && minExpected > 0) ? minExpected : maxExpected,
_isDone = isDone,
_reason = reason == null ? '' : '\n$reason',
_id = _makeCallbackId(id, callback) {
try {
_test = TestHandle.current;
} on OutsideTestException {
throw StateError('`expectAsync` must be called within a test.');
if (maxExpected > 0 && minExpected > maxExpected) {
throw ArgumentError('max ($maxExpected) may not be less than count '
if (isDone != null || minExpected > 0) {
_outstandingWork = _test.markPending();
_complete = false;
} else {
_complete = true;
/// Tries to find a reasonable name for [callback].
/// If [id] is passed, uses that. Otherwise, tries to determine a name from
/// calling `toString`. If no name can be found, returns the empty string.
static String _makeCallbackId(String? id, Function callback) {
if (id != null) return '$id ';
// If the callback is not an anonymous closure, try to get the
// name.
var toString = callback.toString();
var prefix = "Function '";
var start = toString.indexOf(prefix);
if (start == -1) return '';
start += prefix.length;
var end = toString.indexOf("'", start);
if (end == -1) return '';
return '${toString.substring(start, end)} ';
/// Returns a function that has the same number of positional arguments as the
/// wrapped function (up to a total of 6).
Function get func {
if (_callback is Function(Never, Never, Never, Never, Never, Never)) {
return max6;
if (_callback is Function(Never, Never, Never, Never, Never)) return max5;
if (_callback is Function(Never, Never, Never, Never)) return max4;
if (_callback is Function(Never, Never, Never)) return max3;
if (_callback is Function(Never, Never)) return max2;
if (_callback is Function(Never)) return max1;
if (_callback is Function()) return max0;
throw ArgumentError(
'The wrapped function has more than 6 required arguments');
// This indirection is critical. It ensures the returned function has an
// argument count of zero.
T max0() => max6();
T max1([Object? a0 = placeholder]) => max6(a0);
T max2([Object? a0 = placeholder, Object? a1 = placeholder]) => max6(a0, a1);
T max3(
[Object? a0 = placeholder,
Object? a1 = placeholder,
Object? a2 = placeholder]) =>
max6(a0, a1, a2);
T max4(
[Object? a0 = placeholder,
Object? a1 = placeholder,
Object? a2 = placeholder,
Object? a3 = placeholder]) =>
max6(a0, a1, a2, a3);
T max5(
[Object? a0 = placeholder,
Object? a1 = placeholder,
Object? a2 = placeholder,
Object? a3 = placeholder,
Object? a4 = placeholder]) =>
max6(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);
T max6(
[Object? a0 = placeholder,
Object? a1 = placeholder,
Object? a2 = placeholder,
Object? a3 = placeholder,
Object? a4 = placeholder,
Object? a5 = placeholder]) =>
_run([a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5].where((a) => a != placeholder));
/// Runs the wrapped function with [args] and returns its return value.
T _run(Iterable args) {
// Note that in the old test, this returned `null` if it encountered an
// error, where now it just re-throws that error because Zone machinery will
// pass it to the invoker anyway.
try {
if (_test.shouldBeDone) {
throw 'Callback ${_id}called ($_actualCalls) after test case '
'${} had already completed.$_reason';
} else if (_maxExpectedCalls >= 0 && _actualCalls > _maxExpectedCalls) {
throw TestFailure('Callback ${_id}called more times than expected '
return Function.apply(_callback, args.toList()) as T;
} finally {
/// After each time the function is run, check to see if it's complete.
void _afterRun() {
if (_complete) return;
if (_minExpectedCalls > 0 && _actualCalls < _minExpectedCalls) return;
if (_isDone != null && !_isDone!()) return;
// Mark this callback as complete and remove it from the test case's
// outstanding callback count; if that hits zero the test is done.
_complete = true;
/// This function is deprecated because it doesn't work well with strong mode.
/// Use [expectAsync0], [expectAsync1],
/// [expectAsync2], [expectAsync3], [expectAsync4], [expectAsync5], or
/// [expectAsync6] instead.
@Deprecated('Will be removed in 0.13.0')
Function expectAsync(Function callback,
{int count = 1, int max = 0, String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction(callback, count, max, id: id, reason: reason).func;
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 0 is expected to be
/// called [count] number of times (by default 1).
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// The test framework will wait for the callback to run the [count] times
/// before it considers the current test to be complete.
/// [max] can be used to specify an upper bound on the number of calls; if this
/// is exceeded the test will fail. If [max] is `0` (the default), the callback
/// is expected to be called exactly [count] times. If [max] is `-1`, the
/// callback is allowed to be called any number of times greater than [count].
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with zero arguments. See also
/// [expectAsync1], [expectAsync2], [expectAsync3], [expectAsync4],
/// [expectAsync5], and [expectAsync6] for callbacks with different arity.
Func0<T> expectAsync0<T>(T Function() callback,
{int count = 1, int max = 0, String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, count, max, id: id, reason: reason).max0;
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 1 is expected to be
/// called [count] number of times (by default 1).
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// The test framework will wait for the callback to run the [count] times
/// before it considers the current test to be complete.
/// [max] can be used to specify an upper bound on the number of calls; if this
/// is exceeded the test will fail. If [max] is `0` (the default), the callback
/// is expected to be called exactly [count] times. If [max] is `-1`, the
/// callback is allowed to be called any number of times greater than [count].
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with one argument. See also
/// [expectAsync0], [expectAsync2], [expectAsync3], [expectAsync4],
/// [expectAsync5], and [expectAsync6] for callbacks with different arity.
Func1<T, A> expectAsync1<T, A>(T Function(A) callback,
{int count = 1, int max = 0, String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, count, max, id: id, reason: reason).max1;
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 2 is expected to be
/// called [count] number of times (by default 1).
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// The test framework will wait for the callback to run the [count] times
/// before it considers the current test to be complete.
/// [max] can be used to specify an upper bound on the number of calls; if this
/// is exceeded the test will fail. If [max] is `0` (the default), the callback
/// is expected to be called exactly [count] times. If [max] is `-1`, the
/// callback is allowed to be called any number of times greater than [count].
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with two arguments. See also
/// [expectAsync0], [expectAsync1], [expectAsync3], [expectAsync4],
/// [expectAsync5], and [expectAsync6] for callbacks with different arity.
Func2<T, A, B> expectAsync2<T, A, B>(T Function(A, B) callback,
{int count = 1, int max = 0, String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, count, max, id: id, reason: reason).max2;
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 3 is expected to be
/// called [count] number of times (by default 1).
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// The test framework will wait for the callback to run the [count] times
/// before it considers the current test to be complete.
/// [max] can be used to specify an upper bound on the number of calls; if this
/// is exceeded the test will fail. If [max] is `0` (the default), the callback
/// is expected to be called exactly [count] times. If [max] is `-1`, the
/// callback is allowed to be called any number of times greater than [count].
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with three arguments. See also
/// [expectAsync0], [expectAsync1], [expectAsync2], [expectAsync4],
/// [expectAsync5], and [expectAsync6] for callbacks with different arity.
Func3<T, A, B, C> expectAsync3<T, A, B, C>(T Function(A, B, C) callback,
{int count = 1, int max = 0, String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, count, max, id: id, reason: reason).max3;
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 4 is expected to be
/// called [count] number of times (by default 1).
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// The test framework will wait for the callback to run the [count] times
/// before it considers the current test to be complete.
/// [max] can be used to specify an upper bound on the number of calls; if this
/// is exceeded the test will fail. If [max] is `0` (the default), the callback
/// is expected to be called exactly [count] times. If [max] is `-1`, the
/// callback is allowed to be called any number of times greater than [count].
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with four arguments. See also
/// [expectAsync0], [expectAsync1], [expectAsync2], [expectAsync3],
/// [expectAsync5], and [expectAsync6] for callbacks with different arity.
Func4<T, A, B, C, D> expectAsync4<T, A, B, C, D>(
T Function(A, B, C, D) callback,
{int count = 1,
int max = 0,
String? id,
String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, count, max, id: id, reason: reason).max4;
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 5 is expected to be
/// called [count] number of times (by default 1).
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// The test framework will wait for the callback to run the [count] times
/// before it considers the current test to be complete.
/// [max] can be used to specify an upper bound on the number of calls; if this
/// is exceeded the test will fail. If [max] is `0` (the default), the callback
/// is expected to be called exactly [count] times. If [max] is `-1`, the
/// callback is allowed to be called any number of times greater than [count].
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with five arguments. See also
/// [expectAsync0], [expectAsync1], [expectAsync2], [expectAsync3],
/// [expectAsync4], and [expectAsync6] for callbacks with different arity.
Func5<T, A, B, C, D, E> expectAsync5<T, A, B, C, D, E>(
T Function(A, B, C, D, E) callback,
{int count = 1,
int max = 0,
String? id,
String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, count, max, id: id, reason: reason).max5;
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 6 is expected to be
/// called [count] number of times (by default 1).
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// The test framework will wait for the callback to run the [count] times
/// before it considers the current test to be complete.
/// [max] can be used to specify an upper bound on the number of calls; if this
/// is exceeded the test will fail. If [max] is `0` (the default), the callback
/// is expected to be called exactly [count] times. If [max] is `-1`, the
/// callback is allowed to be called any number of times greater than [count].
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with six arguments. See also
/// [expectAsync0], [expectAsync1], [expectAsync2], [expectAsync3],
/// [expectAsync4], and [expectAsync5] for callbacks with different arity.
Func6<T, A, B, C, D, E, F> expectAsync6<T, A, B, C, D, E, F>(
T Function(A, B, C, D, E, F) callback,
{int count = 1,
int max = 0,
String? id,
String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, count, max, id: id, reason: reason).max6;
/// This function is deprecated because it doesn't work well with strong mode.
/// Use [expectAsyncUntil0], [expectAsyncUntil1],
/// [expectAsyncUntil2], [expectAsyncUntil3], [expectAsyncUntil4],
/// [expectAsyncUntil5], or [expectAsyncUntil6] instead.
@Deprecated('Will be removed in 0.13.0')
Function expectAsyncUntil(Function callback, bool Function() isDone,
{String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction(callback, 0, -1, id: id, reason: reason, isDone: isDone)
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 0 is expected to be
/// called until [isDone] returns true.
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// [isDone] is called after each time the function is run. Only when it returns
/// true will the callback be considered complete.
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with zero arguments. See also
/// [expectAsyncUntil1], [expectAsyncUntil2], [expectAsyncUntil3],
/// [expectAsyncUntil4], [expectAsyncUntil5], and [expectAsyncUntil6] for
/// callbacks with different arity.
Func0<T> expectAsyncUntil0<T>(T Function() callback, bool Function() isDone,
{String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, 0, -1,
id: id, reason: reason, isDone: isDone)
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 1 is expected to be
/// called until [isDone] returns true.
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// [isDone] is called after each time the function is run. Only when it returns
/// true will the callback be considered complete.
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with one argument. See also
/// [expectAsyncUntil0], [expectAsyncUntil2], [expectAsyncUntil3],
/// [expectAsyncUntil4], [expectAsyncUntil5], and [expectAsyncUntil6] for
/// callbacks with different arity.
Func1<T, A> expectAsyncUntil1<T, A>(
T Function(A) callback, bool Function() isDone,
{String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, 0, -1,
id: id, reason: reason, isDone: isDone)
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 2 is expected to be
/// called until [isDone] returns true.
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// [isDone] is called after each time the function is run. Only when it returns
/// true will the callback be considered complete.
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with two arguments. See also
/// [expectAsyncUntil0], [expectAsyncUntil1], [expectAsyncUntil3],
/// [expectAsyncUntil4], [expectAsyncUntil5], and [expectAsyncUntil6] for
/// callbacks with different arity.
Func2<T, A, B> expectAsyncUntil2<T, A, B>(
T Function(A, B) callback, bool Function() isDone,
{String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, 0, -1,
id: id, reason: reason, isDone: isDone)
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 3 is expected to be
/// called until [isDone] returns true.
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// [isDone] is called after each time the function is run. Only when it returns
/// true will the callback be considered complete.
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with three arguments. See also
/// [expectAsyncUntil0], [expectAsyncUntil1], [expectAsyncUntil2],
/// [expectAsyncUntil4], [expectAsyncUntil5], and [expectAsyncUntil6] for
/// callbacks with different arity.
Func3<T, A, B, C> expectAsyncUntil3<T, A, B, C>(
T Function(A, B, C) callback, bool Function() isDone,
{String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, 0, -1,
id: id, reason: reason, isDone: isDone)
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 4 is expected to be
/// called until [isDone] returns true.
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// [isDone] is called after each time the function is run. Only when it returns
/// true will the callback be considered complete.
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with four arguments. See also
/// [expectAsyncUntil0], [expectAsyncUntil1], [expectAsyncUntil2],
/// [expectAsyncUntil3], [expectAsyncUntil5], and [expectAsyncUntil6] for
/// callbacks with different arity.
Func4<T, A, B, C, D> expectAsyncUntil4<T, A, B, C, D>(
T Function(A, B, C, D) callback, bool Function() isDone,
{String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, 0, -1,
id: id, reason: reason, isDone: isDone)
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 5 is expected to be
/// called until [isDone] returns true.
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// [isDone] is called after each time the function is run. Only when it returns
/// true will the callback be considered complete.
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with five arguments. See also
/// [expectAsyncUntil0], [expectAsyncUntil1], [expectAsyncUntil2],
/// [expectAsyncUntil3], [expectAsyncUntil4], and [expectAsyncUntil6] for
/// callbacks with different arity.
Func5<T, A, B, C, D, E> expectAsyncUntil5<T, A, B, C, D, E>(
T Function(A, B, C, D, E) callback, bool Function() isDone,
{String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, 0, -1,
id: id, reason: reason, isDone: isDone)
/// Informs the framework that the given [callback] of arity 6 is expected to be
/// called until [isDone] returns true.
/// Returns a wrapped function that should be used as a replacement of the
/// original callback.
/// [isDone] is called after each time the function is run. Only when it returns
/// true will the callback be considered complete.
/// Both [id] and [reason] are optional and provide extra information about the
/// callback when debugging. [id] should be the name of the callback, while
/// [reason] should be the reason the callback is expected to be called.
/// This method takes callbacks with six arguments. See also
/// [expectAsyncUntil0], [expectAsyncUntil1], [expectAsyncUntil2],
/// [expectAsyncUntil3], [expectAsyncUntil4], and [expectAsyncUntil5] for
/// callbacks with different arity.
Func6<T, A, B, C, D, E, F> expectAsyncUntil6<T, A, B, C, D, E, F>(
T Function(A, B, C, D, E, F) callback, bool Function() isDone,
{String? id, String? reason}) =>
_ExpectedFunction<T>(callback, 0, -1,
id: id, reason: reason, isDone: isDone)