blob: 3773000263c90a4bea0b24d5f7a1a55b5621c3f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'package:test_api/hooks.dart';
import 'async_matcher.dart';
import 'util/pretty_print.dart';
/// The type used for functions that can be used to build up error reports
/// upon failures in [expect].
@Deprecated('Will be removed in 0.13.0.')
typedef ErrorFormatter = String Function(dynamic actual, Matcher matcher,
String? reason, Map matchState, bool verbose);
/// Assert that [actual] matches [matcher].
/// This is the main assertion function. [reason] is optional and is typically
/// not supplied, as a reason is generated from [matcher]; if [reason]
/// is included it is appended to the reason generated by the matcher.
/// [matcher] can be a value in which case it will be wrapped in an
/// [equals] matcher.
/// If the assertion fails a [TestFailure] is thrown.
/// If [skip] is a String or `true`, the assertion is skipped. The arguments are
/// still evaluated, but [actual] is not verified to match [matcher]. If
/// [actual] is a [Future], the test won't complete until the future emits a
/// value.
/// If [skip] is a string, it should explain why the assertion is skipped; this
/// reason will be printed when running the test.
/// Certain matchers, like [completion] and [throwsA], either match or fail
/// asynchronously. When you use [expect] with these matchers, it ensures that
/// the test doesn't complete until the matcher has either matched or failed. If
/// you want to wait for the matcher to complete before continuing the test, you
/// can call [expectLater] instead and `await` the result.
void expect(actual, matcher,
{String? reason,
@Deprecated('Will be removed in 0.13.0.') bool verbose = false,
@Deprecated('Will be removed in 0.13.0.') ErrorFormatter? formatter}) {
_expect(actual, matcher,
reason: reason, skip: skip, verbose: verbose, formatter: formatter);
/// Just like [expect], but returns a [Future] that completes when the matcher
/// has finished matching.
/// For the [completes] and [completion] matchers, as well as [throwsA] and
/// related matchers when they're matched against a [Future], the returned
/// future completes when the matched future completes. For the [prints]
/// matcher, it completes when the future returned by the callback completes.
/// Otherwise, it completes immediately.
/// If the matcher fails asynchronously, that failure is piped to the returned
/// future where it can be handled by user code.
Future expectLater(actual, matcher, {String? reason, skip}) =>
_expect(actual, matcher, reason: reason, skip: skip);
/// The implementation of [expect] and [expectLater].
Future _expect(actual, matcher,
{String? reason, skip, bool verbose = false, ErrorFormatter? formatter}) {
final test = TestHandle.current;
formatter ??= (actual, matcher, reason, matchState, verbose) {
var mismatchDescription = StringDescription();
matcher.describeMismatch(actual, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose);
return formatFailure(matcher, actual, mismatchDescription.toString(),
reason: reason);
if (skip != null && skip is! bool && skip is! String) {
throw ArgumentError.value(skip, 'skip', 'must be a bool or a String');
matcher = wrapMatcher(matcher);
if (skip != null && skip != false) {
String message;
if (skip is String) {
message = 'Skip expect: $skip';
} else if (reason != null) {
message = 'Skip expect ($reason).';
} else {
var description = StringDescription().addDescriptionOf(matcher);
message = 'Skip expect ($description).';
return Future.sync(() {});
if (matcher is AsyncMatcher) {
// Avoid async/await so that expect() throws synchronously when possible.
var result = matcher.matchAsync(actual);
anyOf([equals(null), TypeMatcher<Future>(), TypeMatcher<String>()]),
reason: 'matchAsync() may only return a String, a Future, or null.');
if (result is String) {
fail(formatFailure(matcher, actual, result, reason: reason));
} else if (result is Future) {
final outstandingWork = test.markPending();
return result.then((realResult) {
if (realResult == null) return;
fail(formatFailure(matcher as Matcher, actual, realResult as String,
reason: reason));
}).whenComplete(() {
// Always remove this, in case the failure is caught and handled
// gracefully.
return Future.sync(() {});
var matchState = {};
try {
if ((matcher as Matcher).matches(actual, matchState)) {
return Future.sync(() {});
} catch (e, trace) {
reason ??= '$e at $trace';
fail(formatter(actual, matcher as Matcher, reason, matchState, verbose));
/// Convenience method for throwing a new [TestFailure] with the provided
/// [message].
Never fail(String message) => throw TestFailure(message);
// The default error formatter.
@Deprecated('Will be removed in 0.13.0.')
String formatFailure(Matcher expected, actual, String which, {String? reason}) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln(indent(prettyPrint(expected), first: 'Expected: '));
buffer.writeln(indent(prettyPrint(actual), first: ' Actual: '));
if (which.isNotEmpty) buffer.writeln(indent(which, first: ' Which: '));
if (reason != null) buffer.writeln(reason);
return buffer.toString();