blob: b836f1ee5714a02687fa35fafb444bab79b4f932 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:checks/context.dart';
import '../collection_equality.dart';
import 'core.dart';
extension MapChecks<K, V> on Subject<Map<K, V>> {
Subject<Iterable<MapEntry<K, V>>> get entries =>
has((m) => m.entries, 'entries');
Subject<Iterable<K>> get keys => has((m) => m.keys, 'keys');
Subject<Iterable<V>> get values => has((m) => m.values, 'values');
Subject<int> get length => has((m) => m.length, 'length');
Subject<V> operator [](K key) {
final keyString = literal(key).join(r'\n');
return context.nest('contains a value for $keyString', (actual) {
if (!actual.containsKey(key)) {
return Extracted.rejection(
which: ['does not contain the key $keyString']);
return Extracted.value(actual[key] as V);
void isEmpty() {
context.expect(() => const ['is empty'], (actual) {
if (actual.isEmpty) return null;
return Rejection(which: ['is not empty']);
void isNotEmpty() {
context.expect(() => const ['is not empty'], (actual) {
if (actual.isNotEmpty) return null;
return Rejection(which: ['is not empty']);
/// Expects that the map contains [key] according to [Map.containsKey].
void containsKey(K key) {
final keyString = literal(key).join(r'\n');
context.expect(() => ['contains key $keyString'], (actual) {
if (actual.containsKey(key)) return null;
return Rejection(which: ['does not contain key $keyString']);
/// Expects that the map contains some key such that [keyCondition] is
/// satisfied.
void containsKeyThat(Condition<K> keyCondition) {
context.expect(() {
final conditionDescription = describe(keyCondition);
return [
'contains a key that:',
}, (actual) {
if (actual.isEmpty) return Rejection(actual: ['an empty map']);
for (var k in actual.keys) {
if (softCheck(k, keyCondition) == null) return null;
return Rejection(which: ['Contains no matching key']);
/// Expects that the map contains [value] according to [Map.containsValue].
void containsValue(V value) {
final valueString = literal(value).join(r'\n');
context.expect(() => ['contains value $valueString'], (actual) {
if (actual.containsValue(value)) return null;
return Rejection(which: ['does not contain value $valueString']);
/// Expects that the map contains some value such that [valueCondition] is
/// satisfied.
void containsValueThat(Condition<V> valueCondition) {
context.expect(() {
final conditionDescription = describe(valueCondition);
return [
'contains a value that:',
}, (actual) {
if (actual.isEmpty) return Rejection(actual: ['an empty map']);
for (var v in actual.values) {
if (softCheck(v, valueCondition) == null) return null;
return Rejection(which: ['Contains no matching value']);
/// Expects that the map contains entries that are deeply equal to the entries
/// of [expected].
/// {@macro deep_collection_equals}
void deepEquals(Map<Object?, Object?> expected) => context
.expect(() => prefixFirst('is deeply equal to ', literal(expected)),
(actual) {
final which = deepCollectionEquals(actual, expected);
if (which == null) return null;
return Rejection(which: which);