blob: bd119472781d856158db44912d88cdac5baf9eb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:checks/context.dart';
/// Returns a descriptive `which` for a rejection if the elements of [actual]
/// are unequal to the elements of [expected].
/// {@template deep_collection_equals}
/// Elements, keys, or values, which are a collections are deeply compared for
/// equality, and do not use the native identity based equality or custom
/// equality operator overrides.
/// Elements, keys, or values, which are a [Condition] instances are checked
/// against actual values.
/// All other value or key types use `operator ==`.
/// Comparing sets or maps will have a runtime which is polynomial on the the
/// size of those collections. Does not use [Set.contains] or [Map.containsKey],
/// there will not be runtime benefits from hashing. Custom collection behavior
/// is ignored. For example, it is not possible to distinguish between a `Set`
/// and a `Set.identity`.
/// Collections may be nested to a maximum depth of 1000. Recursive collections
/// are not allowed.
/// {@endtemplate}
Iterable<String>? deepCollectionEquals(Object actual, Object expected) {
try {
return _deepCollectionEquals(actual, expected, 0);
} on _ExceededDepthError {
return ['exceeds the depth limit of $_maxDepth'];
const _maxDepth = 1000;
class _ExceededDepthError extends Error {}
Iterable<String>? _deepCollectionEquals(
Object actual, Object expected, int depth) {
assert(actual is Iterable || actual is Map);
assert(expected is Iterable || expected is Map);
final queue = Queue.of([_Search(_Path.root(), actual, expected, depth)]);
while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
final toCheck = queue.removeFirst();
final currentActual = toCheck.actual;
final currentExpected = toCheck.expected;
final path = toCheck.path;
final currentDepth = toCheck.depth;
Iterable<String>? rejectionWhich;
if (currentExpected is Set) {
rejectionWhich = _findSetDifference(
currentActual, currentExpected, path, currentDepth);
} else if (currentExpected is Iterable) {
rejectionWhich = _findIterableDifference(
currentActual, currentExpected, path, queue, currentDepth);
} else {
currentExpected as Map;
rejectionWhich = _findMapDifference(
currentActual, currentExpected, path, currentDepth);
if (rejectionWhich != null) return rejectionWhich;
return null;
List<String>? _findIterableDifference(Object? actual,
Iterable<Object?> expected, _Path path, Queue<_Search> queue, int depth) {
if (actual is! Iterable) {
return ['${path}is not an Iterable'];
var actualIterator = actual.iterator;
var expectedIterator = expected.iterator;
for (var index = 0;; index++) {
var actualNext = actualIterator.moveNext();
var expectedNext = expectedIterator.moveNext();
if (!expectedNext && !actualNext) break;
if (!expectedNext) {
return [
'${path}has more elements than expected',
'expected an iterable with $index element(s)'
if (!actualNext) {
return [
'${path}has too few elements',
'expected an iterable with at least ${index + 1} element(s)'
var actualValue = actualIterator.current;
var expectedValue = expectedIterator.current;
if (expectedValue is Iterable || expectedValue is Map) {
if (depth + 1 > _maxDepth) throw _ExceededDepthError();
_Search(path.append(index), actualValue, expectedValue, depth + 1));
} else if (expectedValue is Condition) {
final failure = softCheck(actualValue, expectedValue);
if (failure != null) {
final which = failure.rejection.which;
return [
'has an element ${path.append(index)}that:',
...indent(prefixFirst('Actual: ', failure.rejection.actual),
failure.detail.depth + 1),
if (which != null)
...indent(prefixFirst('which ', which), failure.detail.depth + 1)
} else {
if (actualValue != expectedValue) {
return [
...prefixFirst('${path.append(index)}is ', literal(actualValue)),
...prefixFirst('which does not equal ', literal(expectedValue))
return null;
bool _elementMatches(Object? actual, Object? expected, int depth) {
if (expected == null) return actual == null;
if (expected is Iterable || expected is Map) {
if (++depth > _maxDepth) throw _ExceededDepthError();
return actual != null &&
_deepCollectionEquals(actual, expected, depth) == null;
if (expected is Condition) {
return softCheck(actual, expected) == null;
return expected == actual;
Iterable<String>? _findSetDifference(
Object? actual, Set<Object?> expected, _Path path, int depth) {
if (actual is! Set) {
return ['${path}is not a Set'];
return unorderedCompare(
(actual, expected) => _elementMatches(actual, expected, depth),
(expected, _, count) => [
...prefixFirst('${path}has no element to match ', literal(expected)),
if (count > 1) 'or ${count - 1} other elements',
(actual, _, count) => [
...prefixFirst('${path}has an unexpected element ', literal(actual)),
if (count > 1) 'and ${count - 1} other unexpected elements',
Iterable<String>? _findMapDifference(
Object? actual, Map<Object?, Object?> expected, _Path path, int depth) {
if (actual is! Map) {
return ['${path}is not a Map'];
Iterable<String> describeEntry(MapEntry<Object?, Object?> entry) {
final key = literal(entry.key);
final value = literal(entry.value);
return [
...key.take(key.length - 1),
'${key.last}: ${value.first}',
return unorderedCompare(
(actual, expected) =>
_elementMatches(actual.key, expected.key, depth) &&
_elementMatches(actual.value, expected.value, depth),
(expectedEntry, _, count) => [
'${path}has no entry to match ', describeEntry(expectedEntry)),
if (count > 1) 'or ${count - 1} other entries',
(actualEntry, _, count) => [
'${path}has unexpected entry ', describeEntry(actualEntry)),
if (count > 1) 'and ${count - 1} other unexpected entries',
class _Path {
final _Path? parent;
final Object? index;
_Path._(this.parent, this.index);
: parent = null,
index = '';
_Path append(Object? index) => _Path._(this, index);
String toString() {
if (parent == null && index == '') return '';
final stack = Queue.of([this]);
var current = parent;
while (current?.parent != null) {
current = current.parent;
final result = StringBuffer('at ');
while (stack.isNotEmpty) {
result.write(' ');
return result.toString();
class _Search {
final _Path path;
final Object? actual;
final Object? expected;
final int depth;
_Search(this.path, this.actual, this.expected, this.depth);
/// Returns the `which` for a Rejection if there is no pairing between the
/// elements of [actual] and [expected] using [elementsEqual].
/// If there are unmatched expected elements - either actual was too short, or
/// has mismatched elements - returns a rejection reason from calling
/// [unmatchedExpected] with an expected value that could not be paired, it's
/// index, and the count of unmatched elements.
/// Otherwise, if there are unmatched actual elements - actual was too long -
/// returns a rejection reason from calling [unmatchedActual] with an actual
/// value that could not be paired, it's index, and the count of unmatched
/// elements.
/// Runtime is at least `O(|actual||expected|)`, and for collections with many
/// elements which compare as equal the runtime can reach
/// `O((|actual| + |expected|)^2.5)`.
Iterable<String>? unorderedCompare<T, E>(
Iterable<T> actual,
Iterable<E> expected,
bool Function(T, E) elementsEqual,
Iterable<String> Function(E, int index, int count) unmatchedExpected,
Iterable<String> Function(T, int index, int count) unmatchedActual) {
final indexedExpected = expected.toList();
final indexedActual = actual.toList();
final adjacency = <List<int>>[];
for (int i = 0; i < indexedExpected.length; i++) {
final expectedElement = indexedExpected[i];
final pairs = [
for (var j = 0; j < indexedActual.length; j++)
if (elementsEqual(indexedActual[j], expectedElement)) j
final unpaired = _findUnpaired(adjacency, indexedActual.length);
if (unpaired.first.isNotEmpty) {
final firstUnmatched = indexedExpected[unpaired.first.first];
return unmatchedExpected(
firstUnmatched, unpaired.first.first, unpaired.first.length);
if (unpaired.last.isNotEmpty) {
final firstUnmatched = indexedActual[unpaired.last.first];
return unmatchedActual(
firstUnmatched, unpaired.last.first, unpaired.last.length);
return null;
/// Returns the indices which are unmatched in an optimal pairing in the
/// bipartite graph represented by [adjacency].
/// Vertices are represented as integers. The two sets of vertices (`U` and `V`)
/// in the biparte graph are represented as:
/// - `U` - the indices of [adjacency].
/// - `V` - values smaller than [rightVertexCount].
/// An edge from `U[n]` to `V[m]` is represented by the value `m` being present
/// in the list at index `n`.
/// The largest value within any list in [adjacency] must be smaller than
/// [rightVertexCount].
/// Returns a List with two values, the unpaired values of `U` and `V` in the
/// maximum-caridnality matching betweeen them.
/// If there is a perfect pairing, the returned lists will both be empty.
/// Uses the Hopcroft–Karp algorithm based on pseudocode from
List<List<int>> _findUnpaired(List<List<int>> adjacency, int rightVertexCount) {
final leftLength = adjacency.length;
final rightLength = rightVertexCount;
// The last index represents a "dummy vertex"
final distances = List<num>.filled(leftLength + 1, double.infinity);
// Initially everything is paired with the "dummy vertex" of the opposite set
final leftPairs = List.filled(leftLength, rightLength);
final rightPairs = List.filled(rightLength, leftLength);
bool bfs() {
final queue = Queue<int>();
for (int leftIndex = 0; leftIndex < leftLength; leftIndex++) {
if (leftPairs[leftIndex] == rightLength) {
distances[leftIndex] = 0;
} else {
distances[leftIndex] = double.infinity;
distances.last = double.infinity;
while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
final current = queue.removeFirst();
if (distances[current] < distances[leftLength]) {
for (final rightIndex in adjacency[current]) {
if (distances[rightPairs[rightIndex]].isInfinite) {
distances[rightPairs[rightIndex]] = distances[current] + 1;
return !distances.last.isInfinite;
bool dfs(int leftIndex) {
if (leftIndex == leftLength) return true;
for (final rightIndex in adjacency[leftIndex]) {
if (distances[rightPairs[rightIndex]] == distances[leftIndex] + 1) {
if (dfs(rightPairs[rightIndex])) {
leftPairs[leftIndex] = rightIndex;
rightPairs[rightIndex] = leftIndex;
return true;
distances[leftIndex] = double.infinity;
return false;
while (bfs()) {
for (int leftIndex = 0; leftIndex < leftLength; leftIndex++) {
if (leftPairs[leftIndex] == rightLength) {
return [
for (int i = 0; i < leftLength; i++)
if (leftPairs[i] == rightLength) i
for (int i = 0; i < rightLength; i++)
if (rightPairs[i] == leftLength) i