blob: 7a7339469bfd06f981f225a01f72d0940575ed3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/util/exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../io.dart';
final _success = '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {});
final _failure = '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("failure", () => throw TestFailure("oh no"));
final _asyncFailure = '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("failure", () async {
await Future(() {}).then((_) {
throw 'oh no';
final _defaultConcurrency = math.max(1, Platform.numberOfProcessors ~/ 2);
final _usage = '''
Usage: dart test [files or directories...]
-h, --help Show this usage information.
--version Show the package:test version.
Selecting Tests:
-n, --name A substring of the name of the test to run.
Regular expression syntax is supported.
If passed multiple times, tests must match all substrings.
-N, --plain-name A plain-text substring of the name of the test to run.
If passed multiple times, tests must match all substrings.
-t, --tags Run only tests with all of the specified tags.
Supports boolean selector syntax.
-x, --exclude-tags Don't run tests with any of the specified tags.
Supports boolean selector syntax.
--[no-]run-skipped Run skipped tests instead of skipping them.
Running Tests:
-p, --platform The platform(s) on which to run the tests.
-P, --preset The configuration preset(s) to use.
-j, --concurrency=<threads> The number of concurrent test suites run.
(defaults to "$_defaultConcurrency")
--total-shards The total number of invocations of the test runner being run.
--shard-index The index of this test runner invocation (of --total-shards).
--pub-serve=<port> The port of a pub serve instance serving "test/".
--timeout The default test timeout. For example: 15s, 2x, none
(defaults to "30s")
--ignore-timeouts Ignore all timeouts (useful if debugging)
--pause-after-load Pause for debugging before any tests execute.
Implies --concurrency=1, --debug, and --ignore-timeouts.
Currently only supported for browser tests.
--debug Run the VM and Chrome tests in debug mode.
--coverage=<directory> Gather coverage and output it to the specified directory.
Implies --debug.
--[no-]chain-stack-traces Use chained stack traces to provide greater exception details
especially for asynchronous code. It may be useful to disable
to provide improved test performance but at the cost of
--no-retry Don't rerun tests that have retry set.
--use-data-isolate-strategy Use `data:` uri isolates when spawning VM tests instead of the
default strategy. This may be faster when you only ever run a
single test suite at a time.
--test-randomize-ordering-seed Use the specified seed to randomize the execution order of test cases.
Must be a 32bit unsigned integer or "random".
If "random", pick a random seed to use.
If not passed, do not randomize test case execution order.
-r, --reporter=<option> Set how to print test results.
[compact] A single line, updated continuously.
[expanded] (default) A separate line for each update.
[github] A custom reporter for GitHub Actions (the default reporter when running on GitHub Actions).
[json] A machine-readable format (see
--file-reporter Enable an additional reporter writing test results to a file.
Should be in the form <reporter>:<filepath>, Example: "json:reports/tests.json"
--verbose-trace Emit stack traces with core library frames.
--js-trace Emit raw JavaScript stack traces for browser tests.
--[no-]color Use terminal colors.
(auto-detected by default)
final _browsers = '[vm (default), chrome, firefox'
'${Platform.isMacOS ? ', safari' : ''}'
'${Platform.isWindows ? ', ie' : ''}, node]';
void main() {
test('prints help information', () async {
var test = await runTest(['--help']);
expectStdoutEquals(test, '''
Runs tests in this package.
await test.shouldExit(0);
group('fails gracefully if', () {
test('an invalid option is passed', () async {
var test = await runTest(['--asdf']);
expectStderrEquals(test, '''
Could not find an option named "asdf".
await test.shouldExit(exit_codes.usage);
test('a non-existent file is passed', () async {
var test = await runTest(['file']);
'-1: loading file [E]',
'Failed to load "file": Does not exist.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
test("the default directory doesn't exist", () async {
var test = await runTest([]);
expectStderrEquals(test, '''
No test files were passed and the default "test/" directory doesn't exist.
await test.shouldExit(;
test('a test file fails to load', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'invalid Dart file').create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
'Failed to load "test.dart":',
"test.dart:1:9: Error: Expected ';' after this.",
'invalid Dart file'
await test.shouldExit(1);
// This syntax error is detected lazily, and so requires some extra
// machinery to support.
test('a test file fails to parse due to a missing semicolon', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void main() {foo}').create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart":',
"test.dart:1:14: Error: Expected ';' after this"
await test.shouldExit(1);
// This is slightly different from the above test because it's an error
// that's caught first by the analyzer when it's used to parse the file.
test('a test file fails to parse', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '@TestOn)').create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart":',
"test.dart:1:8: Error: Expected a declaration, but got ')'",
await test.shouldExit(1);
test("an annotation's contents are invalid", () async {
await d.file('test.dart', "@TestOn('zim')\nlibrary foo;").create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart":',
'Error on line 1, column 10: Undefined variable.',
' ^^^'
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('a test file throws', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', "void main() => throw 'oh no';").create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": oh no'
await test.shouldExit(1);
test("a test file doesn't have a main defined", () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void foo() {}').create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
contains('-1: loading test.dart [E]'),
contains("Error: Getter not found: 'main'"),
contains("Error: Undefined name 'main'"),
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('a test file has a non-function main', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'int main = 0;').create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('-1: loading test.dart [E]')));
"A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type "
"A value of type 'int' can't be returned from a function with "
"return type 'Function'",
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('a test file has a main with arguments', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'void main(arg) {}').create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
'-1: loading test.dart [E]',
'Failed to load "test.dart": Top-level main() function takes arguments.'
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('multiple load errors occur', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', 'invalid Dart file').create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart', 'nonexistent.dart']);
await test.stdoutStream().toList(),
contains('loading nonexistent.dart [E]'),
contains('Failed to load "nonexistent.dart": Does not exist'),
contains('loading test.dart [E]'),
contains('Failed to load "test.dart"'),
await test.shouldExit(1);
// TODO(nweiz): test what happens when a test file is unreadable once issue
// 15078 is fixed.
group('runs successful tests', () {
test('defined in a single file', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _success).create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('defined in a directory', () async {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await d.file('${i}_test.dart', _success).create();
var test = await runTest(['.']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+3: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('defaulting to the test directory', () async {
await d
Iterable.generate(3, (i) {
return d.file('${i}_test.dart', _success);
var test = await runTest([]);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+3: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('directly', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _success).create();
var test = await runDart(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
// Regression test; this broke in 0.12.0-beta.9.
test('on a file in a subdirectory', () async {
await d.dir('dir', [d.file('test.dart', _success)]).create();
var test = await runTest(['dir/test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
group('runs successful tests with async setup', () {
setUp(() async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() async {
test("success 1", () {});
await () async {};
test("success 2", () {});
test('defined in a single file', () async {
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+2: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('directly', () async {
var test = await runDart(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
group('runs failing tests', () {
test('respects the chain-stack-traces flag', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _asyncFailure).create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart', '--chain-stack-traces']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('asynchronous gap')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('defaults to not chaining stack traces', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _asyncFailure).create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
'00:00 +0: failure',
'00:00 +0 -1: failure [E]',
'oh no',
'test.dart 8:7 main.<fn>.<fn>',
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('defined in a single file', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _failure).create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('-1: Some tests failed.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('defined in a directory', () async {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await d.file('${i}_test.dart', _failure).create();
var test = await runTest(['.']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('-3: Some tests failed.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('defaulting to the test directory', () async {
await d
Iterable.generate(3, (i) {
return d.file('${i}_test.dart', _failure);
var test = await runTest([]);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('-3: Some tests failed.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('directly', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _failure).create();
var test = await runDart(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('Some tests failed.')));
await test.shouldExit(255);
test('runs tests even when a file fails to load', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _success).create();
var test = await runTest(['test.dart', 'nonexistent.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1 -1: Some tests failed.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
group('with a top-level @Skip declaration', () {
setUp(() async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {});
test('skips all tests', () async {
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+0 ~1: All tests skipped.')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('runs all tests with --run-skipped', () async {
var test = await runTest(['--run-skipped', 'test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
group('with onPlatform', () {
test('respects matching Skips', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("fail", () => throw 'oh no', onPlatform: {"vm": Skip()});
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+0 ~1: All tests skipped.')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('ignores non-matching Skips', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {}, onPlatform: {"chrome": Skip()});
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('respects matching Timeouts', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("fail", () async {
await Future.delayed(;
throw 'oh no';
}, onPlatform: {
"vm": Timeout(
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
['Test timed out after 0 seconds.', '-1: Some tests failed.']));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('ignores non-matching Timeouts', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {}, onPlatform: {
"chrome": Timeout(Duration(seconds: 0))
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('applies matching platforms in order', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {}, onPlatform: {
"vm": Skip("first"),
"vm || windows": Skip("second"),
"vm || linux": Skip("third"),
"vm || mac-os": Skip("fourth"),
"vm || android": Skip("fifth")
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('Skip: first')));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('Skip: second')));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('Skip: third')));
expect(test.stdoutStream(), neverEmits(contains('Skip: fourth')));
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('Skip: fifth')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('applies platforms to a group', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group("group", () {
test("success", () {});
}, onPlatform: {
"vm": Skip()
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('All tests skipped.')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
group('with an @OnPlatform annotation', () {
test('respects matching Skips', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
@OnPlatform(const {"vm": const Skip()})
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("fail", () => throw 'oh no');
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+0 ~1: All tests skipped.')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('ignores non-matching Skips', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
@OnPlatform(const {"chrome": const Skip()})
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {});
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('respects matching Timeouts', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
@OnPlatform(const {
"vm": const Timeout(const Duration(seconds: 0))
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("fail", () async {
await Future.delayed(;
throw 'oh no';
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
['Test timed out after 0 seconds.', '-1: Some tests failed.']));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('ignores non-matching Timeouts', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
@OnPlatform(const {
"chrome": const Timeout(const Duration(seconds: 0))
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {});
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
test('with the --color flag, uses colors', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _failure).create();
var test = await runTest(['--color', 'test.dart']);
// This is the color code for red.
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('\u001b[31m')));
await test.shouldExit();
group('runs tests successfully more than once when calling runTests', () {
test('defined in a single file', () async {
await d.file('test.dart', _success).create();
await d.file('runner.dart', '''
import 'package:test_core/src/executable.dart' as test;
void main(List<String> args) async {
await test.runTests(args);
await test.runTests(args);
var test = await runDart([
], description: 'dart runner.dart -- test.dart');
'+0: loading test.dart',
'+0: success',
'+1: success',
'All tests passed!'
'+0: loading test.dart',
'+0: success',
'+1: success',
'+1: All tests passed!',
await test.shouldExit(0);
}, onPlatform: const {
'windows': Skip('')
group('nnbd', () {
final testContents = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'opted_out.dart';
void main() {
test("success", () {
expect(foo, true);
setUp(() async {
await d.file('opted_out.dart', '''
// @dart=2.8
final foo = true;''').create();
test('sound null safety is enabled if the entrypoint opts in explicitly',
() async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
// @dart=2.12
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
'Error: A library can\'t opt out of null safety by default, '
'when using sound null safety.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('sound null safety is disabled if the entrypoint opts out explicitly',
() async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
// @dart=2.8
var test = await runTest(['test.dart']);
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
group('defaults', () {
late PackageConfig currentPackageConfig;
setUpAll(() async {
currentPackageConfig =
await loadPackageConfigUri((await Isolate.packageConfig)!);
setUp(() async {
await d.file('test.dart', testContents).create();
test('sound null safety is enabled if the package is opted in', () async {
var newPackageConfig = PackageConfig([
Package('example', Uri.file('${d.sandbox}/'),
languageVersion: LanguageVersion(2, 12),
// TODO:
packageUriRoot: Uri.file('${d.sandbox}/')),
await d
var test = await runTest(['test.dart'],
packageConfig: p.join(d.sandbox, 'package_config.json'));
'Error: A library can\'t opt out of null safety by default, '
'when using sound null safety.')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
test('sound null safety is disabled if the package is opted out',
() async {
var newPackageConfig = PackageConfig([
Package('example', Uri.file('${d.sandbox}/'),
languageVersion: LanguageVersion(2, 8),
// TODO:
packageUriRoot: Uri.file('${d.sandbox}/')),
await d
var test = await runTest(['test.dart'],
packageConfig: p.join(d.sandbox, 'package_config.json'));
expect(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);
group('language experiments', () {
group('are inherited from the executable arguments', () {
setUp(() async {
await d.file('test.dart', '''
// @dart=2.10
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// Compile time error if the experiment is enabled
int x;
void main() {
test('x is null', () {
expect(x, isNull);
for (var platform in ['vm', 'chrome']) {
test('on the $platform platform', () async {
var test = await runTest(['test.dart', '-p', platform],
vmArgs: ['--enable-experiment=non-nullable']);
await expectLater(test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('int x;')));
await test.shouldExit(1);
// Test that they can be removed on subsequent runs as well
test = await runTest(['test.dart', '-p', platform]);
await expectLater(
test.stdout, emitsThrough(contains('+1: All tests passed!')));
await test.shouldExit(0);