blob: fe4d0fbac50223e2719a0ae6e0e666f6a758fdb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library unittest.backend.invoker;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../frontend/expect.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'live_test.dart';
import 'live_test_controller.dart';
import 'metadata.dart';
import 'state.dart';
import 'suite.dart';
import 'test.dart';
/// A test in this isolate.
class LocalTest implements Test {
final String name;
final Metadata metadata;
/// The test body.
final AsyncFunction _body;
/// The callback used to clean up after the test.
/// This is separated out from [_body] because it needs to run once the test's
/// asynchronous computation has finished, even if that's different from the
/// completion of the main body of the test.
final AsyncFunction _tearDown;
LocalTest(, this.metadata, body(), {tearDown()})
: _body = body,
_tearDown = tearDown;
/// Loads a single runnable instance of this test.
LiveTest load(Suite suite) {
var invoker = new Invoker._(suite, this);
return invoker.liveTest;
/// The class responsible for managing the lifecycle of a single local test.
/// The current invoker is accessible within the zone scope of the running test
/// using [Invoker.current]. It's used to track asynchronous callbacks and
/// report asynchronous errors.
class Invoker {
/// The live test being driven by the invoker.
/// This provides a view into the state of the test being executed.
LiveTest get liveTest => _controller.liveTest;
LiveTestController _controller;
/// The test being run.
LocalTest get _test => liveTest.test as LocalTest;
/// Note that this is meaningless once [_onCompleteCompleter] is complete.
var _outstandingCallbacks = 0;
/// The completer to complete once the test body finishes.
/// This is distinct from [_controller.completer] because a tear-down may need
/// to run before the test is truly finished.
final _completer = new Completer();
/// The current invoker, or `null` if none is defined.
/// An invoker is only set within the zone scope of a running test.
static Invoker get current {
// TODO(nweiz): Use a private symbol when dart2js supports it (issue 17526).
return Zone.current[#unittest.invoker];
Invoker._(Suite suite, LocalTest test) {
_controller = new LiveTestController(suite, test, _onRun);
/// Tells the invoker that there's a callback running that it should wait for
/// before considering the test successful.
/// Each call to [addOutstandingCallback] should be followed by a call to
/// [removeOutstandingCallback] once the callbak is no longer running. Note
/// that only successful tests wait for outstanding callbacks; as soon as a
/// test experiences an error, any further calls to [addOutstandingCallback]
/// or [removeOutstandingCallback] will do nothing.
void addOutstandingCallback() {
/// Tells the invoker that a callback declared with [addOutstandingCallback]
/// is no longer running.
void removeOutstandingCallback() {
if (_outstandingCallbacks != 0) return;
if (_completer.isCompleted) return;
// The test must be passing if we get here, because if there were an error
// the completer would already be completed.
assert(liveTest.state.result == Result.success);
/// Notifies the invoker of an asynchronous error.
/// Note that calling this explicitly is rarely necessary, since any
/// otherwise-uncaught errors will be forwarded to the invoker anyway.
void handleError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
if (stackTrace == null) stackTrace = new Chain.current();
var afterSuccess = liveTest.isComplete &&
liveTest.state.result == Result.success;
if (error is! TestFailure) {
_controller.setState(const State(Status.complete, Result.error));
} else if (liveTest.state.result != Result.error) {
_controller.setState(const State(Status.complete, Result.failure));
_controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
if (!_completer.isCompleted) _completer.complete();
// If a test was marked as success but then had an error, that indicates
// that it was poorly-written and could be flaky.
if (!afterSuccess) return;
"This test failed after it had already completed. Make sure to use "
"or the [completes] matcher when testing async code.",
/// The method that's run when the test is started.
void _onRun() {
_controller.setState(const State(Status.running, Result.success));
Chain.capture(() {
runZoned(() {
// TODO(nweiz): Make the timeout configurable.
// TODO(nweiz): Reset this timer whenever the user's code interacts with
// the library.
var timer = new Timer(new Duration(seconds: 30), () {
if (liveTest.isComplete) return;
new TimeoutException(
"Test timed out after 30 seconds.",
new Duration(seconds: 30)));
// Run the test asynchronously so that the "running" state change has a
// chance to hit its event handler(s) before the test produces an error.
// If an error is emitted before the first state change is handled, we
// can end up with [onError] callbacks firing before the corresponding
// [onStateChange], which violates the timing guarantees.
new Future(_test._body)
.then((_) => removeOutstandingCallback());
// Explicitly handle an error here so that we can return the [Future].
// If a [Future] returned from an error zone would throw an error
// through the zone boundary, it instead never completes, and we want to
// avoid that.
_completer.future.then((_) {
if (_test._tearDown == null) return null;
return new Future.sync(_test._tearDown);
}).catchError(Zone.current.handleUncaughtError).then((_) {
new State(Status.complete, liveTest.state.result));
// Use [] here to avoid starving the DOM or other
// non-microtask events.;
zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification(
print: (self, parent, zone, line) => _controller.print(line)),
zoneValues: {#unittest.invoker: this},
onError: handleError);