blob: 041471638998cad96e71af190e5bc112925aca79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'backend/group.dart';
import 'backend/group_entry.dart';
import 'backend/operating_system.dart';
import 'backend/platform_selector.dart';
import 'backend/suite.dart';
import 'backend/test.dart';
import 'backend/test_platform.dart';
import 'runner/application_exception.dart';
import 'runner/configuration.dart';
import 'runner/debugger.dart';
import 'runner/engine.dart';
import 'runner/load_exception.dart';
import 'runner/load_suite.dart';
import 'runner/loader.dart';
import 'runner/reporter.dart';
import 'runner/reporter/compact.dart';
import 'runner/reporter/expanded.dart';
import 'runner/reporter/json.dart';
import 'util/io.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A class that loads and runs tests based on a [Configuration].
/// This maintains a [Loader] and an [Engine] and passes test suites from one to
/// the other, as well as printing out tests with a [CompactReporter] or an
/// [ExpandedReporter].
class Runner {
/// The test runner configuration.
final _config = Configuration.current;
/// The loader that loads the test suites from the filesystem.
final _loader = new Loader();
/// The engine that runs the test suites.
final Engine _engine;
/// The reporter that's emitting the test runner's results.
final Reporter _reporter;
/// The subscription to the stream returned by [_loadSuites].
StreamSubscription _suiteSubscription;
/// The set of suite paths for which [_warnForUnknownTags] has already been
/// called.
/// This is used to avoid printing duplicate warnings when a suite is loaded
/// on multiple platforms.
final _tagWarningSuites = new Set<String>();
/// The current debug operation, if any.
/// This is stored so that we can cancel it when the runner is closed.
CancelableOperation _debugOperation;
/// The memoizer for ensuring [close] only runs once.
final _closeMemo = new AsyncMemoizer();
bool get _closed => _closeMemo.hasRun;
/// Creates a new runner based on [configuration].
factory Runner(Configuration config) => config.asCurrent(() {
var engine = new Engine(concurrency: config.concurrency);
var reporter;
switch (config.reporter) {
case "expanded":
reporter =
color: config.color,
printPath: config.paths.length > 1 ||
new Directory(config.paths.single).existsSync(),
printPlatform: config.suiteDefaults.platforms.length > 1);
case "compact":
reporter =;
case "json":
reporter =;
return new Runner._(engine, reporter);
Runner._(this._engine, this._reporter);
/// Starts the runner.
/// This starts running tests and printing their progress. It returns whether
/// or not they ran successfully.
Future<bool> run() => _config.asCurrent(() async {
if (_closed) {
throw new StateError("run() may not be called on a closed Runner.");
var suites = _loadSuites();
var success;
if (_config.pauseAfterLoad) {
success = await _loadThenPause(suites);
} else {
_suiteSubscription = suites.listen(_engine.suiteSink.add);
var results = await Future.wait(<Future>[
_suiteSubscription.asFuture().then((_) => _engine.suiteSink.close()),
], eagerError: true);
success = results.last;
if (_closed) return false;
if (_engine.passed.length == 0 &&
_engine.failed.length == 0 &&
_engine.skipped.length == 0 &&
_config.suiteDefaults.patterns.isNotEmpty) {
var patterns = toSentence(
(pattern) => pattern is RegExp
? 'regular expression "${pattern.pattern}"'
: '"$pattern"'));
throw new ApplicationException('No tests match $patterns.');
// Explicitly check "== true" here because [] can return `null`
// if the engine was closed prematurely.
return success == true;
/// Emits a warning if the user is trying to run on a platform that's
/// unsupported for the entire package.
void _warnForUnsupportedPlatforms() {
var testOn = _config.suiteDefaults.metadata.testOn;
if (testOn == PlatformSelector.all) return;
var unsupportedPlatforms = _config.suiteDefaults.platforms
.where((platform) => !testOn.evaluate(platform, os: currentOS))
if (unsupportedPlatforms.isEmpty) return;
// Human-readable names for all unsupported platforms.
var unsupportedNames = [];
// If the user tried to run on one or moe unsupported browsers, figure out
// whether we should warn about the individual browsers or whether all
// browsers are unsupported.
var unsupportedBrowsers = unsupportedPlatforms
.where((platform) => platform.isBrowser);
if (unsupportedBrowsers.isNotEmpty) {
var supportsAnyBrowser = TestPlatform.all
.where((platform) => platform.isBrowser)
.any((platform) => testOn.evaluate(platform));
if (supportsAnyBrowser) {
unsupportedNames.addAll( =>;
} else {
// If the user tried to run on the VM and it's not supported, figure out if
// that's because of the current OS or whether the VM is unsupported.
if (unsupportedPlatforms.contains(TestPlatform.vm)) {
var supportsAnyOS = OperatingSystem.all.any((os) =>
testOn.evaluate(TestPlatform.vm, os: os));
if (supportsAnyOS) {
} else {
unsupportedNames.add("the Dart VM");
warn("this package doesn't support running tests on " +
toSentence(unsupportedNames, conjunction: "or") + ".");
/// Closes the runner.
/// This stops any future test suites from running. It will wait for any
/// currently-running VM tests, in case they have stuff to clean up on the
/// filesystem.
Future close() => _closeMemo.runOnce(() async {
var timer;
if (!_engine.isIdle) {
// Wait a bit to print this message, since printing it eagerly looks weird
// if the tests then finish immediately.
timer = new Timer(new Duration(seconds: 1), () {
// Pause the reporter while we print to ensure that we don't interfere
// with its output.
print("Waiting for current test(s) to finish.");
print("Press Control-C again to terminate immediately.");
if (_debugOperation != null) await _debugOperation.cancel();
if (_suiteSubscription != null) _suiteSubscription.cancel();
_suiteSubscription = null;
// Make sure we close the engine *before* the loader. Otherwise,
// LoadSuites provided by the loader may get into bad states.
// We close the loader's browsers while we're closing the engine because
// browser tests don't store any state we care about and we want them to
// shut down without waiting for their tear-downs.
await Future.wait([
if (timer != null) timer.cancel();
await _loader.close();
/// Return a stream of [LoadSuite]s in [_config.paths].
/// Only tests that match [_config.patterns] will be included in the
/// suites once they're loaded.
Stream<LoadSuite> _loadSuites() {
return StreamGroup.merge( {
if (new Directory(path).existsSync()) {
return _loader.loadDir(path, _config.suiteDefaults);
} else if (new File(path).existsSync()) {
return _loader.loadFile(path, _config.suiteDefaults);
} else {
return new Stream.fromIterable([
new LoadSuite.forLoadException(
new LoadException(path, 'Does not exist.'),
})).map((loadSuite) {
return loadSuite.changeSuite((suite) {
return _shardSuite(suite.filter((test) {
// Skip any tests that don't match all the given patterns.
if (!suite.config.patterns
.every((pattern) => {
return false;
// If the user provided tags, skip tests that don't match all of them.
if (!suite.config.includeTags.evaluate(test.metadata.tags)) {
return false;
// Skip tests that do match any tags the user wants to exclude.
if (suite.config.excludeTags.evaluate(test.metadata.tags)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Prints a warning for any unknown tags referenced in [suite] or its
/// children.
void _warnForUnknownTags(Suite suite) {
if (_tagWarningSuites.contains(suite.path)) return;
var unknownTags = _collectUnknownTags(suite);
if (unknownTags.isEmpty) return;
var yellow = _config.color ? '\u001b[33m' : '';
var bold = _config.color ? '\u001b[1m' : '';
var noColor = _config.color ? '\u001b[0m' : '';
var buffer = new StringBuffer()
..write("${yellow}Warning:$noColor ")
..write(unknownTags.length == 1 ? "A tag was " : "Tags were ")
..write("used that ")
..write(unknownTags.length == 1 ? "wasn't " : "weren't ")
..writeln("specified in dart_test.yaml.");
unknownTags.forEach((tag, entries) {
buffer.write(" $bold$tag$noColor was used in");
if (entries.length == 1) {
buffer.writeln(" ${_entryDescription(entries.single)}");
for (var entry in entries) {
buffer.write("\n ${_entryDescription(entry)}");
/// Collects all tags used by [suite] or its children that aren't also passed
/// on the command line.
/// This returns a map from tag names to lists of entries that use those tags.
Map<String, List<GroupEntry>> _collectUnknownTags(Suite suite) {
var unknownTags = <String, List<GroupEntry>>{};
var currentTags = new Set<String>();
collect(entry) {
var newTags = new Set<String>();
for (var unknownTag in
entry.metadata.tags.difference(_config.knownTags)) {
if (currentTags.contains(unknownTag)) continue;
unknownTags.putIfAbsent(unknownTag, () => []).add(entry);
if (entry is! Group) return;
for (var child in entry.entries) {
return unknownTags;
/// Returns a human-readable description of [entry], including its type.
String _entryDescription(GroupEntry entry) {
if (entry is Test) return 'the test "${}"';
if ( != null) return 'the group "${}"';
return 'the suite itself';
/// If sharding is enabled, filters [suite] to only include the tests that
/// should be run in this shard.
/// We just take a slice of the tests in each suite corresponding to the shard
/// index. This makes the tests pretty tests across shards, and since the
/// tests are continuous, makes us more likely to be able to re-use
/// `setUpAll()` logic.
Suite _shardSuite(Suite suite) {
if (_config.totalShards == null) return suite;
var shardSize = / _config.totalShards;
var shardStart = (shardSize * _config.shardIndex).round();
var shardEnd = (shardSize * (_config.shardIndex + 1)).round();
var count = -1;
var filtered = suite.filter((test) {
return count >= shardStart && count < shardEnd;
return filtered;
/// Loads each suite in [suites] in order, pausing after load for platforms
/// that support debugging.
Future<bool> _loadThenPause(Stream<LoadSuite> suites) async {
if (_config.suiteDefaults.platforms.contains(TestPlatform.vm)) {
warn("Debugging is currently unsupported on the Dart VM.",
color: _config.color);
_suiteSubscription = suites.asyncMap((loadSuite) async {
_debugOperation = debug(_engine, _reporter, loadSuite);
await _debugOperation.valueOrCancellation();
var results = await Future.wait(<Future>[
_suiteSubscription.asFuture().then((_) => _engine.suiteSink.close()),
], eagerError: true);
return results.last;