A bunch of general cleanup (#23)

Set the SDK constraint to stable
Bump dependencies to stable versions
  drop unneeded deps
Move last bit of code to null safety
Update CI
Enable and fix standard lints
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-package.yml b/.github/workflows/test-package.yml
index 21a3c50..e47bf66 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test-package.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-package.yml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
         sdk: [dev]
       - uses: actions/checkout@v2
-      - uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v0.3
+      - uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v1.0
           sdk: ${{ matrix.sdk }}
       - id: install
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@
         # Add macos-latest and/or windows-latest if relevant for this package.
         os: [ubuntu-latest]
-        sdk: [dev]
+        sdk: [2.12.0, dev]
       - uses: actions/checkout@v2
-      - uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v0.3
+      - uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v1.0
           sdk: ${{ matrix.sdk }}
       - id: install
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 15cbaf5..f2cd28f 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+## 1.2.1-dev
 ## 1.2.0
 * Stable release for null safety.
diff --git a/analysis_options.yaml b/analysis_options.yaml
index 108d105..acbc3d0 100644
--- a/analysis_options.yaml
+++ b/analysis_options.yaml
@@ -1 +1,78 @@
 include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.yaml
+  strong-mode:
+    implicit-casts: false
+  rules:
+    - avoid_bool_literals_in_conditional_expressions
+    - avoid_catching_errors
+    - avoid_classes_with_only_static_members
+    - avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls
+    - avoid_private_typedef_functions
+    - avoid_redundant_argument_values
+    - avoid_renaming_method_parameters
+    - avoid_returning_null
+    - avoid_returning_null_for_future
+    - avoid_returning_null_for_void
+    - avoid_returning_this
+    - avoid_single_cascade_in_expression_statements
+    - avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
+    - avoid_void_async
+    - await_only_futures
+    - camel_case_types
+    - cancel_subscriptions
+    #- cascade_invocations
+    - comment_references
+    - constant_identifier_names
+    - control_flow_in_finally
+    - directives_ordering
+    - empty_statements
+    - file_names
+    - hash_and_equals
+    - implementation_imports
+    - invariant_booleans
+    - iterable_contains_unrelated_type
+    - join_return_with_assignment
+    #- lines_longer_than_80_chars
+    - list_remove_unrelated_type
+    - literal_only_boolean_expressions
+    - missing_whitespace_between_adjacent_strings
+    - no_adjacent_strings_in_list
+    - no_runtimeType_toString
+    - non_constant_identifier_names
+    - only_throw_errors
+    - overridden_fields
+    - package_api_docs
+    - package_names
+    - package_prefixed_library_names
+    - prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists
+    - prefer_const_constructors
+    - prefer_const_declarations
+    - prefer_expression_function_bodies
+    - prefer_final_locals
+    - prefer_function_declarations_over_variables
+    - prefer_initializing_formals
+    - prefer_inlined_adds
+    - prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings
+    - prefer_is_not_operator
+    - prefer_null_aware_operators
+    - prefer_relative_imports
+    - prefer_typing_uninitialized_variables
+    - prefer_void_to_null
+    - provide_deprecation_message
+    - sort_pub_dependencies
+    - test_types_in_equals
+    - throw_in_finally
+    - unnecessary_await_in_return
+    - unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
+    - unnecessary_getters_setters
+    - unnecessary_lambdas
+    - unnecessary_null_aware_assignments
+    - unnecessary_overrides
+    - unnecessary_parenthesis
+    - unnecessary_statements
+    - unnecessary_string_interpolations
+    - use_string_buffers
+    - void_checks
diff --git a/lib/src/generated/ascii_glyph_set.dart b/lib/src/generated/ascii_glyph_set.dart
index e0c3a49..7c97d7f 100644
--- a/lib/src/generated/ascii_glyph_set.dart
+++ b/lib/src/generated/ascii_glyph_set.dart
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 class AsciiGlyphSet implements GlyphSet {
   const AsciiGlyphSet();
-  /// Returns [glyph] if [this] supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
+  /// Returns [glyph] if `this` supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
   /// otherwise.
   String glyphOrAscii(String glyph, String alternative) => alternative;
diff --git a/lib/src/generated/glyph_set.dart b/lib/src/generated/glyph_set.dart
index 941da4f..10713b2 100644
--- a/lib/src/generated/glyph_set.dart
+++ b/lib/src/generated/glyph_set.dart
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 /// A class that provides access to every configurable glyph.
 /// This is provided as a class so that individual chunks of code can choose
-/// between [ascii] and [unicode] glyphs. For example:
+/// between `ascii` and `unicode` glyphs. For example:
 /// ```dart
 /// import 'package:term_glyph/term_glyph.dart' as glyph;
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 /// }
 /// ```
 abstract class GlyphSet {
-  /// Returns [glyph] if [this] supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
+  /// Returns [glyph] if `this` supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
   /// otherwise.
   String glyphOrAscii(String glyph, String alternative);
diff --git a/lib/src/generated/top_level.dart b/lib/src/generated/top_level.dart
index 9475953..c430b33 100644
--- a/lib/src/generated/top_level.dart
+++ b/lib/src/generated/top_level.dart
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 /// A bullet point.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "•". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "•". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "*" instead.
 String get bullet => glyph.glyphs.bullet;
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 /// Note that the Unicode arrow glyphs may overlap with adjacent characters in some
 /// terminal fonts, and should generally be surrounding by spaces.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "←". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "←". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "<" instead.
 String get leftArrow => glyph.glyphs.leftArrow;
@@ -26,355 +26,355 @@
 /// Note that the Unicode arrow glyphs may overlap with adjacent characters in some
 /// terminal fonts, and should generally be surrounding by spaces.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "→". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "→". If it's `true`, this is
 /// ">" instead.
 String get rightArrow => glyph.glyphs.rightArrow;
 /// An upwards-pointing arrow.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "↑". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "↑". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "^" instead.
 String get upArrow => glyph.glyphs.upArrow;
 /// A downwards-pointing arrow.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "↓". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "↓". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "v" instead.
 String get downArrow => glyph.glyphs.downArrow;
 /// A two-character left-pointing arrow.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "◀━". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "◀━". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "<=" instead.
 String get longLeftArrow => glyph.glyphs.longLeftArrow;
 /// A two-character right-pointing arrow.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "━▶". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "━▶". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "=>" instead.
 String get longRightArrow => glyph.glyphs.longRightArrow;
 /// A horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "─". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "─". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get horizontalLine => glyph.glyphs.horizontalLine;
 /// A vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "│". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "│". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "|" instead.
 String get verticalLine => glyph.glyphs.verticalLine;
 /// The upper left-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┌". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┌". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "," instead.
 String get topLeftCorner => glyph.glyphs.topLeftCorner;
 /// The upper right-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┐". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┐". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "," instead.
 String get topRightCorner => glyph.glyphs.topRightCorner;
 /// The lower left-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "└". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "└". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "'" instead.
 String get bottomLeftCorner => glyph.glyphs.bottomLeftCorner;
 /// The lower right-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┘". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┘". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "'" instead.
 String get bottomRightCorner => glyph.glyphs.bottomRightCorner;
 /// An intersection of vertical and horizontal box lines.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┼". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┼". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get cross => glyph.glyphs.cross;
 /// A horizontal box line with a vertical line going up from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┴". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┴". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeUp => glyph.glyphs.teeUp;
 /// A horizontal box line with a vertical line going down from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┬". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┬". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeDown => glyph.glyphs.teeDown;
 /// A vertical box line with a horizontal line going left from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┤". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┤". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeLeft => glyph.glyphs.teeLeft;
 /// A vertical box line with a horizontal line going right from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "├". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "├". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeRight => glyph.glyphs.teeRight;
 /// The top half of a vertical box line.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╵". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╵". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "'" instead.
 String get upEnd => glyph.glyphs.upEnd;
 /// The bottom half of a vertical box line.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╷". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╷". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "," instead.
 String get downEnd => glyph.glyphs.downEnd;
 /// The left half of a horizontal box line.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╴". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╴". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get leftEnd => glyph.glyphs.leftEnd;
 /// The right half of a horizontal box line.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╶". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╶". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get rightEnd => glyph.glyphs.rightEnd;
 /// A bold horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "━". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "━". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "=" instead.
 String get horizontalLineBold => glyph.glyphs.horizontalLineBold;
 /// A bold vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┃". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┃". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "|" instead.
 String get verticalLineBold => glyph.glyphs.verticalLineBold;
 /// The bold upper left-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┏". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┏". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "," instead.
 String get topLeftCornerBold => glyph.glyphs.topLeftCornerBold;
 /// The bold upper right-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┓". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┓". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "," instead.
 String get topRightCornerBold => glyph.glyphs.topRightCornerBold;
 /// The bold lower left-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┗". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┗". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "'" instead.
 String get bottomLeftCornerBold => glyph.glyphs.bottomLeftCornerBold;
 /// The bold lower right-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┛". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┛". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "'" instead.
 String get bottomRightCornerBold => glyph.glyphs.bottomRightCornerBold;
 /// An intersection of bold vertical and horizontal box lines.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╋". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╋". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get crossBold => glyph.glyphs.crossBold;
 /// A bold horizontal box line with a vertical line going up from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┻". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┻". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeUpBold => glyph.glyphs.teeUpBold;
 /// A bold horizontal box line with a vertical line going down from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┳". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┳". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeDownBold => glyph.glyphs.teeDownBold;
 /// A bold vertical box line with a horizontal line going left from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┫". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┫". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeLeftBold => glyph.glyphs.teeLeftBold;
 /// A bold vertical box line with a horizontal line going right from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┣". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┣". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeRightBold => glyph.glyphs.teeRightBold;
 /// The top half of a bold vertical box line.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╹". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╹". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "'" instead.
 String get upEndBold => glyph.glyphs.upEndBold;
 /// The bottom half of a bold vertical box line.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╻". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╻". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "," instead.
 String get downEndBold => glyph.glyphs.downEndBold;
 /// The left half of a bold horizontal box line.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╸". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╸". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get leftEndBold => glyph.glyphs.leftEndBold;
 /// The right half of a bold horizontal box line.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╺". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╺". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get rightEndBold => glyph.glyphs.rightEndBold;
 /// A double horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "═". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "═". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "=" instead.
 String get horizontalLineDouble => glyph.glyphs.horizontalLineDouble;
 /// A double vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "║". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "║". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "|" instead.
 String get verticalLineDouble => glyph.glyphs.verticalLineDouble;
 /// The double upper left-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╔". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╔". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "," instead.
 String get topLeftCornerDouble => glyph.glyphs.topLeftCornerDouble;
 /// The double upper right-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╗". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╗". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "," instead.
 String get topRightCornerDouble => glyph.glyphs.topRightCornerDouble;
 /// The double lower left-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╚". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╚". If it's `true`, this is
 /// """ instead.
 String get bottomLeftCornerDouble => glyph.glyphs.bottomLeftCornerDouble;
 /// The double lower right-hand corner of a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╝". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╝". If it's `true`, this is
 /// """ instead.
 String get bottomRightCornerDouble => glyph.glyphs.bottomRightCornerDouble;
 /// An intersection of double vertical and horizontal box lines.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╬". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╬". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get crossDouble => glyph.glyphs.crossDouble;
 /// A double horizontal box line with a vertical line going up from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╩". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╩". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeUpDouble => glyph.glyphs.teeUpDouble;
 /// A double horizontal box line with a vertical line going down from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╦". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╦". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeDownDouble => glyph.glyphs.teeDownDouble;
 /// A double vertical box line with a horizontal line going left from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╣". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╣". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeLeftDouble => glyph.glyphs.teeLeftDouble;
 /// A double vertical box line with a horizontal line going right from the middle.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╠". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╠". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "+" instead.
 String get teeRightDouble => glyph.glyphs.teeRightDouble;
 /// A dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╌". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╌". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get horizontalLineDoubleDash => glyph.glyphs.horizontalLineDoubleDash;
 /// A bold dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╍". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╍". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get horizontalLineDoubleDashBold =>
 /// A dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╎". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╎". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "|" instead.
 String get verticalLineDoubleDash => glyph.glyphs.verticalLineDoubleDash;
 /// A bold dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "╏". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "╏". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "|" instead.
 String get verticalLineDoubleDashBold =>
 /// A dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┄". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┄". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get horizontalLineTripleDash => glyph.glyphs.horizontalLineTripleDash;
 /// A bold dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┅". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┅". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get horizontalLineTripleDashBold =>
 /// A dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┆". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┆". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "|" instead.
 String get verticalLineTripleDash => glyph.glyphs.verticalLineTripleDash;
 /// A bold dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┇". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┇". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "|" instead.
 String get verticalLineTripleDashBold =>
 /// A dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┈". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┈". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get horizontalLineQuadrupleDash =>
 /// A bold dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┉". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┉". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "-" instead.
 String get horizontalLineQuadrupleDashBold =>
 /// A dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┊". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┊". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "|" instead.
 String get verticalLineQuadrupleDash => glyph.glyphs.verticalLineQuadrupleDash;
 /// A bold dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
-/// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "┋". If it's `true`, this is
+/// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "┋". If it's `true`, this is
 /// "|" instead.
 String get verticalLineQuadrupleDashBold =>
diff --git a/lib/src/generated/unicode_glyph_set.dart b/lib/src/generated/unicode_glyph_set.dart
index 1737b39..1ddd165 100644
--- a/lib/src/generated/unicode_glyph_set.dart
+++ b/lib/src/generated/unicode_glyph_set.dart
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 class UnicodeGlyphSet implements GlyphSet {
   const UnicodeGlyphSet();
-  /// Returns [glyph] if [this] supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
+  /// Returns [glyph] if `this` supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
   /// otherwise.
   String glyphOrAscii(String glyph, String alternative) => glyph;
diff --git a/lib/term_glyph.dart b/lib/term_glyph.dart
index b7361be..9f2b422 100644
--- a/lib/term_glyph.dart
+++ b/lib/term_glyph.dart
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-export 'src/generated/glyph_set.dart';
-export 'src/generated/top_level.dart';
 import 'src/generated/ascii_glyph_set.dart';
 import 'src/generated/glyph_set.dart';
 import 'src/generated/unicode_glyph_set.dart';
+export 'src/generated/glyph_set.dart';
+export 'src/generated/top_level.dart';
 /// A [GlyphSet] that always returns ASCII glyphs.
 const GlyphSet asciiGlyphs = AsciiGlyphSet();
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index 18177a3..428f766 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
 name: term_glyph
-version: 1.2.0
+version: 1.2.1-dev
 description: Useful Unicode glyphs and ASCII substitutes.
 homepage: https://github.com/dart-lang/term_glyph
-  sdk: ">=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0"
+  sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"
-  csv: '>=3.0.0 <5.0.0'
-  dart_style: '>=0.2.0 <2.0.0'
-  meta: ^1.3.0-nullsafety
-  test: ^1.16.0-nullsafety
+  csv: ^5.0.0
+  dart_style: ^2.0.0
+  test: ^1.16.0
diff --git a/tool/generate.dart b/tool/generate.dart
index 90fc2e8..007913b 100644
--- a/tool/generate.dart
+++ b/tool/generate.dart
@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
 // Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// TODO: Remove once package:csv/csv.dart is migrated.
-// @dart=2.9
 import 'dart:io';
 import 'package:csv/csv.dart';
-import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
 void main() {
-  var csv = CsvCodec(eol: '\n');
-  var data = csv.decoder.convert(File('data.csv').readAsStringSync());
+  final csv = CsvCodec(eol: '\n');
+  final data = csv.decoder.convert(File('data.csv').readAsStringSync());
   // Remove comments and empty lines.
   data.removeWhere((row) => row.length < 3);
@@ -24,7 +20,7 @@
   _writeGlyphSet(data, ascii: true);
-  var result = Process.runSync(
+  final result = Process.runSync(
       'pub', ['run', 'dart_style:format', '-w', 'lib/src/generated']);
@@ -32,7 +28,7 @@
 /// Writes `lib/src/generated/glyph_set.dart`.
 void _writeGlyphSetInterface(List<List> data) {
-  var file =
+  final file =
       File('lib/src/generated/glyph_set.dart').openSync(mode: FileMode.write);
     // Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
@@ -44,7 +40,7 @@
     /// A class that provides access to every configurable glyph.
     /// This is provided as a class so that individual chunks of code can choose
-    /// between [ascii] and [unicode] glyphs. For example:
+    /// between `ascii` and `unicode` glyphs. For example:
     /// ```dart
     /// import 'package:term_glyph/term_glyph.dart' as glyph;
@@ -65,13 +61,13 @@
     /// }
     /// ```
     abstract class GlyphSet {
-      /// Returns [glyph] if [this] supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
+      /// Returns [glyph] if `this` supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
       /// otherwise.
       String glyphOrAscii(String glyph, String alternative);
   for (var glyph in data) {
-    for (var line in glyph[3].split('\n')) {
+    for (var line in (glyph[3] as String).split('\n')) {
       file.writeStringSync('/// $line\n');
@@ -86,12 +82,12 @@
 /// If [ascii] is `true`, this writes the ASCII glyph set. Otherwise it writes
 /// the Unicode glyph set.
-void _writeGlyphSet(List<List> data, {@required bool ascii}) {
-  var file =
+void _writeGlyphSet(List<List> data, {required bool ascii}) {
+  final file =
       File('lib/src/generated/${ascii ? "ascii" : "unicode"}_glyph_set.dart')
           .openSync(mode: FileMode.write);
-  var className = '${ascii ? "Ascii" : "Unicode"}GlyphSet';
+  final className = '${ascii ? "Ascii" : "Unicode"}GlyphSet';
     // Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
     // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
@@ -104,18 +100,18 @@
     /// A [GlyphSet] that includes only ${ascii ? "ASCII" : "Unicode"} glyphs.
     class $className implements GlyphSet {
       const $className();
-      /// Returns [glyph] if [this] supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
+      /// Returns [glyph] if `this` supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
       /// otherwise.
       String glyphOrAscii(String glyph, String alternative) =>
           ${ascii ? "alternative" : "glyph"};
-  var index = ascii ? 2 : 1;
+  final index = ascii ? 2 : 1;
   for (var glyph in data) {
-      String get ${glyph[0]} => ${_quote(glyph[index])};
+      String get ${glyph[0]} => ${_quote(glyph[index] as String)};
@@ -125,7 +121,7 @@
 /// Writes `lib/src/generated/top_level.dart`.
 void _writeTopLevel(List<List> data) {
-  var file =
+  final file =
       File('lib/src/generated/top_level.dart').openSync(mode: FileMode.write);
@@ -139,13 +135,13 @@
   for (var glyph in data) {
-    for (var line in glyph[3].split('\n')) {
+    for (var line in (glyph[3] as String).split('\n')) {
       file.writeStringSync('/// $line\n');
-      /// If [ascii] is `false`, this is "${glyph[1]}". If it's `true`, this is
+      /// If [glyph.ascii] is `false`, this is "${glyph[1]}". If it's `true`, this is
       /// "${glyph[2]}" instead.
       String get ${glyph[0]} => glyph.glyphs.${glyph[0]};