blob: 4f0673c9e5c412c2ce3015a19b06e43a165a2bda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'charcode.dart';
import 'string_scanner.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
// Note that much of this code is duplicated in eager_span_scanner.dart.
/// A regular expression matching newlines across platforms.
final _newlineRegExp = RegExp(r'\r\n?|\n');
/// A subclass of [StringScanner] that tracks line and column information.
class LineScanner extends StringScanner {
/// The scanner's current (zero-based) line number.
int get line => _line;
int _line = 0;
/// The scanner's current (zero-based) column number.
int get column => _column;
int _column = 0;
/// The scanner's state, including line and column information.
/// This can be used to efficiently save and restore the state of the scanner
/// when backtracking. A given [LineScannerState] is only valid for the
/// [LineScanner] that created it.
/// This does not include the scanner's match information.
LineScannerState get state =>
LineScannerState._(this, position, line, column);
/// Whether the current position is between a CR character and an LF
/// charactet.
bool get _betweenCRLF => peekChar(-1) == $cr && peekChar() == $lf;
set state(LineScannerState state) {
if (!identical(state._scanner, this)) {
throw ArgumentError('The given LineScannerState was not returned by '
'this LineScanner.');
super.position = state.position;
_line = state.line;
_column = state.column;
set position(int newPosition) {
final oldPosition = position;
super.position = newPosition;
if (newPosition > oldPosition) {
final newlines = _newlinesIn(string.substring(oldPosition, newPosition));
_line += newlines.length;
if (newlines.isEmpty) {
_column += newPosition - oldPosition;
} else {
_column = newPosition - newlines.last.end;
} else {
final newlines = _newlinesIn(string.substring(newPosition, oldPosition));
if (_betweenCRLF) newlines.removeLast();
_line -= newlines.length;
if (newlines.isEmpty) {
_column -= oldPosition - newPosition;
} else {
_column =
newPosition - string.lastIndexOf(_newlineRegExp, newPosition) - 1;
LineScanner(String string, {sourceUrl, int? position})
: super(string, sourceUrl: sourceUrl, position: position);
bool scanChar(int character) {
if (!super.scanChar(character)) return false;
return true;
int readChar() {
final character = super.readChar();
return character;
/// Adjusts [_line] and [_column] after having consumed [character].
void _adjustLineAndColumn(int character) {
if (character == $lf || (character == $cr && peekChar() != $lf)) {
_line += 1;
_column = 0;
} else {
_column += inSupplementaryPlane(character) ? 2 : 1;
bool scan(Pattern pattern) {
if (!super.scan(pattern)) return false;
final newlines = _newlinesIn(lastMatch![0]!);
_line += newlines.length;
if (newlines.isEmpty) {
_column += (lastMatch![0])!.length;
} else {
_column = (lastMatch![0])!.length - newlines.last.end;
return true;
/// Returns a list of [Match]es describing all the newlines in [text], which
/// is assumed to end at [position].
List<Match> _newlinesIn(String text) {
final newlines = _newlineRegExp.allMatches(text).toList();
if (_betweenCRLF) newlines.removeLast();
return newlines;
/// A class representing the state of a [LineScanner].
class LineScannerState {
/// The [LineScanner] that created this.
final LineScanner _scanner;
/// The position of the scanner in this state.
final int position;
/// The zero-based line number of the scanner in this state.
final int line;
/// The zero-based column number of the scanner in this state.
final int column;
LineScannerState._(this._scanner, this.position, this.line, this.column);