blob: 624c090e81f44303744392367c5de8f5c9db6a8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A library for parsing strings using a sequence of patterns.
library string_scanner;
// TODO(nweiz): Add some integration between this and source maps.
/// A class that scans through a string using [Pattern]s.
class StringScanner {
/// The string being scanned through.
final String string;
/// The current position of the scanner in the string, in characters.
int get position => _position;
set position(int position) {
if (position < 0 || position > string.length) {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid position $position");
_position = position;
int _position = 0;
/// The data about the previous match made by the scanner.
/// If the last match failed, this will be `null`.
Match get lastMatch => _lastMatch;
Match _lastMatch;
/// The portion of the string that hasn't yet been scanned.
String get rest => string.substring(position);
/// Whether the scanner has completely consumed [string].
bool get isDone => position == string.length;
/// Creates a new [StringScanner] that starts scanning from [position].
/// [position] defaults to 0, the beginning of the string.
StringScanner(this.string, {int position}) {
if (position != null) this.position = position;
/// If [pattern] matches at the current position of the string, scans forward
/// until the end of the match.
/// Returns whether or not [pattern] matched.
bool scan(Pattern pattern) {
var success = matches(pattern);
if (success) _position = _lastMatch.end;
return success;
/// If [pattern] matches at the current position of the string, scans forward
/// until the end of the match.
/// If [pattern] did not match, throws a [FormatException] describing the
/// position of the failure. [name] is used in this error as the expected name
/// of the pattern being matched; if it's `null`, the pattern itself is used
/// instead.
void expect(Pattern pattern, {String name}) {
if (scan(pattern)) return;
if (name == null) {
if (pattern is RegExp) {
name = "/${pattern.pattern.replaceAll("/", "\\/")}/";
} else {
name = pattern.toString()
.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\").replaceAll('"', '\\"');
name = '"$name"';
/// If the string has not been fully consumed, this throws a
/// [FormatException].
void expectDone() {
if (isDone) return;
_fail("no more input");
/// Returns whether or not [pattern] matches at the current position of the
/// string.
/// This doesn't move the scan pointer forward.
bool matches(Pattern pattern) {
_lastMatch = pattern.matchAsPrefix(string, position);
return _lastMatch != null;
// TODO(nweiz): Make this handle long lines more gracefully.
/// Throws a [FormatException] describing that [name] is expected at the
/// current position in the string.
void _fail(String name) {
var newlines = "\n".allMatches(string.substring(0, position)).toList();
var line = newlines.length + 1;
var column;
var lastLine;
if (newlines.isEmpty) {
column = position + 1;
lastLine = string.substring(0, position);
} else {
column = position - newlines.last.end + 1;
lastLine = string.substring(newlines.last.end, position);
lastLine += rest.replaceFirst(new RegExp(r"\n.*"), '');
throw new FormatException(
"Expected $name on line $line, column $column.\n"
"${new List.filled(column - 1, ' ').join()}^");