Add tests for stack chains in the browser.

Now that dart-lang/sdk#15171 is fixed, this works!

Review URL:
diff --git a/ b/
index 36e9aa8..3fdf46e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+## 1.3.4
+* No longer say that stack chains aren't supported on dart2js now that
+  [sdk#15171][] is fixed. Note that this fix only applies to Dart 1.12.
 ## 1.3.3
 * When a `null` stack trace is passed to a completer or stream controller in
diff --git a/lib/src/chain.dart b/lib/src/chain.dart
index 3e2100e..acd17e9 100644
--- a/lib/src/chain.dart
+++ b/lib/src/chain.dart
@@ -68,13 +68,6 @@
   /// considered unhandled.
   /// If [callback] returns a value, it will be returned by [capture] as well.
-  ///
-  /// Currently, capturing stack chains doesn't work when using dart2js due to
-  /// issues [15171] and [15105]. Stack chains reported on dart2js will contain
-  /// only one trace.
-  ///
-  /// [15171]:
-  /// [15105]:
   static capture(callback(), {ChainHandler onError}) {
     var spec = new StackZoneSpecification(onError);
     return runZoned(() {
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index 578ecc9..93b0817 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 # When the major version is upgraded, you *must* update that version constraint
 # in pub to stay in sync with this.
-version: 1.3.3
+version: 1.3.4
 author: "Dart Team <>"
 description: >
diff --git a/test/chain/chain_test.dart b/test/chain/chain_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eb3f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/chain/chain_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
+import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
+import 'package:test/test.dart';
+import 'utils.dart';
+void main() {
+  group('Chain.parse()', () {
+    test('parses a real Chain', () {
+      return captureFuture(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'))
+          .then((chain) {
+        expect(new Chain.parse(chain.toString()).toString(),
+            equals(chain.toString()));
+      });
+    });
+    test('parses an empty string', () {
+      var chain = new Chain.parse('');
+      expect(chain.traces, isEmpty);
+    });
+    test('parses a chain containing empty traces', () {
+      var chain = new Chain.parse(
+          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
+          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n');
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+      expect(chain.traces[0].frames, isEmpty);
+      expect(chain.traces[1].frames, isEmpty);
+      expect(chain.traces[2].frames, isEmpty);
+    });
+  });
+  test("toString() ensures that all traces are aligned", () {
+    var chain = new Chain([
+      new Trace.parse('short 10:11\n'),
+      new Trace.parse('loooooooooooong 10:11  Zop.zoop')
+    ]);
+    expect(chain.toString(), equals(
+        'short 10:11  \n'
+        '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
+        'loooooooooooong 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
+  });
+  var userSlashCode = p.join('user', 'code.dart');
+  group('Chain.terse', () {
+    test('makes each trace terse', () {
+      var chain = new Chain([
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'dart:core 10:11\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz\n'
+            'user/code.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11       Zip.zap\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11       Zop.zoop'),
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'user/code.dart 10:11                        Bang.qux\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11                   \n'
+            'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11                             Zip.zap\n'
+            'user/code.dart 10:11                        Zop.zoop')
+      ]);
+      expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals(
+          'dart:core             Bar.baz\n'
+          '$userSlashCode 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
+          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
+          '$userSlashCode 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
+          'dart:core             Zip.zap\n'
+          '$userSlashCode 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
+    });
+    test('eliminates internal-only traces', () {
+      var chain = new Chain([
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz'),
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'dart:core 10:11                   \n'
+            'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11                             Zip.zap'),
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz')
+      ]);
+      expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals(
+          '$userSlashCode 10:11\n'
+          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
+          '$userSlashCode 10:11\n'));
+    });
+    test("doesn't return an empty chain", () {
+      var chain = new Chain([
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'dart:core 10:11                   \n'
+            'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11                             Zip.zap'),
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'dart:core 10:11                             A.b\n'
+            'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11  C.d\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11                             E.f')
+      ]);
+      expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals('dart:core  E.f\n'));
+    });
+  });
+  group('Chain.foldFrames', () {
+    test('folds each trace', () {
+      var chain = new Chain([
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'a.dart 10:11\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
+            'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop'),
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'a.dart 10:11\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
+            'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop')
+      ]);
+      var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart');
+      expect(folded.toString(), equals(
+          'a.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
+          'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
+          'a.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'
+          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
+          'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
+          'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
+    });
+    test('with terse: true, folds core frames as well', () {
+      var chain = new Chain([
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'a.dart 10:11              \n'
+            'dart:async-patch/future.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
+            'b.dart 10:11                        Bang.qux\n'
+            'dart:core 10:11                     Bar.baz\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11                        Zop.zoop'),
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'a.dart 10:11\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
+            'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop')
+      ]);
+      var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart',
+          terse: true);
+      expect(folded.toString(), equals(
+          'dart:async    Zip.zap\n'
+          'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
+          'a.dart        Zop.zoop\n'
+          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
+          'a.dart        Zip.zap\n'
+          'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
+    });
+    test('eliminates completely-folded traces', () {
+      var chain = new Chain([
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'a.dart 10:11\n'
+            'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux'),
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'a.dart 10:11\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux'),
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
+            'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop')
+      ]);
+      var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart');
+      expect(folded.toString(), equals(
+          'a.dart 10:11\n'
+          'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
+          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
+          'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
+          'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
+    });
+    test("doesn't return an empty trace", () {
+      var chain = new Chain([
+        new Trace.parse(
+            'a.dart 10:11\n'
+            'a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux')
+      ]);
+      var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart');
+      expect(folded.toString(), equals('a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'));
+    });
+  });
+  test('Chain.toTrace eliminates asynchronous gaps', () {
+    var trace = new Chain([
+      new Trace.parse(
+          'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
+          'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz'),
+      new Trace.parse(
+          'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
+          'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz')
+    ]).toTrace();
+    expect(trace.toString(), equals(
+        '$userSlashCode 10:11\n'
+        'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz\n'
+        '$userSlashCode 10:11\n'
+        'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz\n'));
+  });
+  group('Chain.track(Future)', () {
+    test('forwards the future value within Chain.capture()', () {
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        expect(Chain.track(new Future.value('value')),
+            completion(equals('value')));
+        var trace = new Trace.current();
+        expect(Chain.track(new Future.error('error', trace))
+            .catchError((e, stackTrace) {
+          expect(e, equals('error'));
+          expect(stackTrace.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
+        }), completes);
+      });
+    });
+    test('forwards the future value outside of Chain.capture()', () {
+      expect(Chain.track(new Future.value('value')),
+          completion(equals('value')));
+      var trace = new Trace.current();
+      expect(Chain.track(new Future.error('error', trace))
+          .catchError((e, stackTrace) {
+        expect(e, equals('error'));
+        expect(stackTrace.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
+      }), completes);
+    });
+  });
+  group('Chain.track(Stream)', () {
+    test('forwards stream values within Chain.capture()', () {
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        var controller = new StreamController()
+            ..add(1)..add(2)..add(3)..close();
+        expect(Chain.track(,
+            completion(equals([1, 2, 3])));
+        var trace = new Trace.current();
+        controller = new StreamController()..addError('error', trace);
+        expect(Chain.track(
+            .catchError((e, stackTrace) {
+          expect(e, equals('error'));
+          expect(stackTrace.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
+        }), completes);
+      });
+    });
+    test('forwards stream values outside of Chain.capture()', () {
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        var controller = new StreamController()
+            ..add(1)..add(2)..add(3)..close();
+        expect(Chain.track(,
+            completion(equals([1, 2, 3])));
+        var trace = new Trace.current();
+        controller = new StreamController()..addError('error', trace);
+        expect(Chain.track(
+            .catchError((e, stackTrace) {
+          expect(e, equals('error'));
+          expect(stackTrace.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
+        }), completes);
+      });
+    });
+  });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/chain/dart2js_test.dart b/test/chain/dart2js_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb27fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/chain/dart2js_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// dart2js chain tests are separated out because dart2js stack traces are
+// inconsistent due to inlining and browser differences. These tests don't
+// assert anything about the content of the traces, just the number of traces in
+// a chain.
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
+import 'package:test/test.dart';
+import 'utils.dart';
+void main() {
+  group('capture() with onError catches exceptions', () {
+    test('thrown synchronously', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() => throw 'error');
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
+    });
+    test('thrown in a microtask', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'));
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test('thrown in a one-shot timer', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(
+          () => inOneShotTimer(() => throw 'error'));
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test('thrown in a periodic timer', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(
+          () => inPeriodicTimer(() => throw 'error'));
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test('thrown in a nested series of asynchronous operations', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() {
+        inPeriodicTimer(() {
+          inOneShotTimer(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'));
+        });
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(4));
+    });
+    test('thrown in a long future chain', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() => inFutureChain(() => throw 'error'));
+      // Despite many asynchronous operations, there's only one level of
+      // nested calls, so there should be only two traces in the chain. This
+      // is important; programmers expect stack trace memory consumption to be
+      // O(depth of program), not O(length of program).
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test('thrown in new Future()', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() => inNewFuture(() => throw 'error'));
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+    });
+    test('thrown in new Future.sync()', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => inSyncFuture(() => throw 'error'));
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+    });
+    test('multiple times', () {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      var first = true;
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => throw 'first error');
+        inPeriodicTimer(() => throw 'second error');
+      }, onError: (error, chain) {
+        try {
+          if (first) {
+            expect(error, equals('first error'));
+            expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+            first = false;
+          } else {
+            expect(error, equals('second error'));
+            expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+            completer.complete();
+          }
+        } catch (error, stackTrace) {
+          completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
+        }
+      });
+      return completer.future;
+    });
+    test('passed to a completer', () async {
+      var trace = new Trace.current();
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => completerErrorFuture(trace));
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+      // The first trace is the trace that was manually reported for the
+      // error.
+      expect(chain.traces.first.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
+    });
+    test('passed to a completer with no stack trace', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => completerErrorFuture());
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test('passed to a stream controller', () async {
+      var trace = new Trace.current();
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => controllerErrorStream(trace).listen(null));
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+      expect(chain.traces.first.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
+    });
+    test('passed to a stream controller with no stack trace', () async {
+      var chain = await captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => controllerErrorStream().listen(null));
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test('and relays them to the parent zone', () {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      runZoned(() {
+        Chain.capture(() {
+          inMicrotask(() => throw 'error');
+        }, onError: (error, chain) {
+          expect(error, equals('error'));
+          expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+          throw error;
+        });
+      }, onError: (error, chain) {
+        try {
+          expect(error, equals('error'));
+          expect(chain, new isInstanceOf<Chain>());
+          expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+          completer.complete();
+        } catch (error, stackTrace) {
+          completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
+        }
+      });
+      return completer.future;
+    });
+  });
+  test('capture() without onError passes exceptions to parent zone', () {
+    var completer = new Completer();
+    runZoned(() {
+      Chain.capture(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'));
+    }, onError: (error, chain) {
+      try {
+        expect(error, equals('error'));
+        expect(chain, new isInstanceOf<Chain>());
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        completer.complete();
+      } catch (error, stackTrace) {
+        completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
+      }
+    });
+    return completer.future;
+  });
+  group('current() within capture()', () {
+    test('called in a microtask', () async {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      });
+      var chain = await completer.future;
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test('called in a one-shot timer', () async {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inOneShotTimer(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      });
+      var chain = await completer.future;
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test('called in a periodic timer', () async {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inPeriodicTimer(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      });
+      var chain = await completer.future;
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test('called in a nested series of asynchronous operations', () async {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inPeriodicTimer(() {
+          inOneShotTimer(() {
+            inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+          });
+        });
+      });
+      var chain = await completer.future;
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(4));
+    });
+    test('called in a long future chain', () async {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inFutureChain(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      });
+      var chain = await completer.future;
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+    });
+  });
+  test('current() outside of capture() returns a chain wrapping the current '
+      'trace', () {
+    // The test runner runs all tests with chains enabled, so to test without we
+    // have to do some zone munging.
+    return runZoned(() async {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      var chain = await completer.future;
+      // Since the chain wasn't loaded within [Chain.capture], the full stack
+      // chain isn't available and it just returns the current stack when
+      // called.
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
+    }, zoneValues: {#stack_trace.stack_zone.spec: null});
+  });
+  group('forTrace() within capture()', () {
+    test('called for a stack trace from a microtask', () async {
+      var chain = await Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace(inMicrotask, () => throw 'error');
+      });
+      // Because [chainForTrace] has to set up a future chain to capture the
+      // stack trace while still showing it to the zone specification, it adds
+      // an additional level of async nesting and so an additional trace.
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+    });
+    test('called for a stack trace from a one-shot timer', () async {
+      var chain = await Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace(inOneShotTimer, () => throw 'error');
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+    });
+    test('called for a stack trace from a periodic timer', () async {
+      var chain = await Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace(inPeriodicTimer, () => throw 'error');
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+    });
+    test('called for a stack trace from a nested series of asynchronous '
+        'operations', () async {
+      var chain = await Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace((callback) {
+          inPeriodicTimer(() => inOneShotTimer(() => inMicrotask(callback)));
+        }, () => throw 'error');
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(5));
+    });
+    test('called for a stack trace from a long future chain', () async {
+      var chain = await Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace(inFutureChain, () => throw 'error');
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+    });
+    test('called for an unregistered stack trace returns a chain wrapping that '
+        'trace', () {
+      var trace;
+      var chain = Chain.capture(() {
+        try {
+          throw 'error';
+        } catch (_, stackTrace) {
+          trace = stackTrace;
+          return new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace);
+        }
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
+      expect(chain.traces.first.toString(),
+          equals(new Trace.from(trace).toString()));
+    });
+  });
+  test('forTrace() outside of capture() returns a chain wrapping the given '
+      'trace', () {
+    var trace;
+    var chain = Chain.capture(() {
+      try {
+        throw 'error';
+      } catch (_, stackTrace) {
+        trace = stackTrace;
+        return new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace);
+      }
+    });
+    expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
+    expect(chain.traces.first.toString(),
+        equals(new Trace.from(trace).toString()));
+  });
diff --git a/test/chain/utils.dart b/test/chain/utils.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e19eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/chain/utils.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+library stack_trace.test.chain.utils;
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
+import 'package:test/test.dart';
+/// Runs [callback] in a microtask callback.
+void inMicrotask(callback()) => scheduleMicrotask(callback);
+/// Runs [callback] in a one-shot timer callback.
+void inOneShotTimer(callback()) =>;
+/// Runs [callback] once in a periodic timer callback.
+void inPeriodicTimer(callback()) {
+  var count = 0;
+  new Timer.periodic(new Duration(milliseconds: 1), (timer) {
+    count++;
+    if (count != 5) return;
+    timer.cancel();
+    callback();
+  });
+/// Runs [callback] within a long asynchronous Future chain.
+void inFutureChain(callback()) {
+  new Future(() {})
+      .then((_) => new Future(() {}))
+      .then((_) => new Future(() {}))
+      .then((_) => new Future(() {}))
+      .then((_) => new Future(() {}))
+      .then((_) => callback())
+      .then((_) => new Future(() {}));
+void inNewFuture(callback()) {
+  new Future(callback);
+void inSyncFuture(callback()) {
+  new Future.sync(callback);
+/// Returns a Future that completes to an error using a completer.
+/// If [trace] is passed, it's used as the stack trace for the error.
+Future completerErrorFuture([StackTrace trace]) {
+  var completer = new Completer();
+  completer.completeError('error', trace);
+  return completer.future;
+/// Returns a Stream that emits an error using a controller.
+/// If [trace] is passed, it's used as the stack trace for the error.
+Stream controllerErrorStream([StackTrace trace]) {
+  var controller = new StreamController();
+  controller.addError('error', trace);
+  return;
+/// Runs [callback] within [asyncFn], then converts any errors raised into a
+/// [Chain] with [Chain.forTrace].
+Future<Chain> chainForTrace(asyncFn(callback()), callback()) {
+  var completer = new Completer();
+  asyncFn(() {
+    // We use `new Future.value().then(...)` here as opposed to [new Future] or
+    // [new Future.sync] because those methods don't pass the exception through
+    // the zone specification before propagating it, so there's no chance to
+    // attach a chain to its stack trace. See issue 15105.
+    new Future.value().then((_) => callback())
+        .catchError(completer.completeError);
+  });
+  return completer.future
+      .catchError((_, stackTrace) => new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace));
+/// Runs [callback] in a [Chain.capture] zone and returns a Future that
+/// completes to the stack chain for an error thrown by [callback].
+/// [callback] is expected to throw the string `"error"`.
+Future<Chain> captureFuture(callback()) {
+  var completer = new Completer<Chain>();
+  Chain.capture(callback, onError: (error, chain) {
+    expect(error, equals('error'));
+    completer.complete(chain);
+  });
+  return completer.future;
diff --git a/test/chain/vm_test.dart b/test/chain/vm_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70635b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/chain/vm_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// VM chain tests can rely on stronger guarantees about the contents of the
+// stack traces than dart2js.
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
+import 'package:test/test.dart';
+import '../utils.dart';
+import 'utils.dart';
+void main() {
+  group('capture() with onError catches exceptions', () {
+    test('thrown synchronously', () {
+      return captureFuture(() => throw 'error')
+          .then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
+        expect(chain.traces.single.frames.first,
+            frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+      });
+    });
+    test('thrown in a microtask', () {
+      return captureFuture(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'))
+          .then((chain) {
+        // Since there was only one asynchronous operation, there should be only
+        // two traces in the chain.
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        // The first frame of the first trace should be the line on which the
+        // actual error was thrown.
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        // The second trace should describe the stack when the error callback
+        // was scheduled.
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('thrown in a one-shot timer', () {
+      return captureFuture(() => inOneShotTimer(() => throw 'error'))
+          .then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('thrown in a periodic timer', () {
+      return captureFuture(() => inPeriodicTimer(() => throw 'error'))
+          .then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('thrown in a nested series of asynchronous operations', () {
+      return captureFuture(() {
+        inPeriodicTimer(() {
+          inOneShotTimer(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'));
+        });
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(4));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[3].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('thrown in a long future chain', () {
+      return captureFuture(() => inFutureChain(() => throw 'error'))
+          .then((chain) {
+        // Despite many asynchronous operations, there's only one level of
+        // nested calls, so there should be only two traces in the chain. This
+        // is important; programmers expect stack trace memory consumption to be
+        // O(depth of program), not O(length of program).
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inFutureChain'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('thrown in new Future()', () {
+      return captureFuture(() => inNewFuture(() => throw 'error'))
+          .then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        // The second trace is the one captured by
+        // [StackZoneSpecification.errorCallback]. Because that runs
+        // asynchronously within [new Future], it doesn't actually refer to the
+        // source file at all.
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            everyElement(frameLibrary(isNot(contains('chain_test')))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inNewFuture'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('thrown in new Future.sync()', () {
+      return captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => inSyncFuture(() => throw 'error'));
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inSyncFuture'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('multiple times', () {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      var first = true;
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => throw 'first error');
+        inPeriodicTimer(() => throw 'second error');
+      }, onError: (error, chain) {
+        try {
+          if (first) {
+            expect(error, equals('first error'));
+            expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+                contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+            first = false;
+          } else {
+            expect(error, equals('second error'));
+            expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+                contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
+            completer.complete();
+          }
+        } catch (error, stackTrace) {
+          completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
+        }
+      });
+      return completer.future;
+    });
+    test('passed to a completer', () {
+      var trace = new Trace.current();
+      return captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => completerErrorFuture(trace));
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+        // The first trace is the trace that was manually reported for the
+        // error.
+        expect(chain.traces.first.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
+        // The second trace is the trace that was captured when
+        // [Completer.addError] was called.
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('completerErrorFuture'))));
+        // The third trace is the automatically-captured trace from when the
+        // microtask was scheduled.
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('passed to a completer with no stack trace', () {
+      return captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => completerErrorFuture());
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        // The first trace is the one captured when [Completer.addError] was
+        // called.
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('completerErrorFuture'))));
+        // The second trace is the automatically-captured trace from when the
+        // microtask was scheduled.
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('passed to a stream controller', () {
+      var trace = new Trace.current();
+      return captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => controllerErrorStream(trace).listen(null));
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+        expect(chain.traces.first.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('controllerErrorStream'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('passed to a stream controller with no stack trace', () {
+      return captureFuture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => controllerErrorStream().listen(null));
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('controllerErrorStream'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('and relays them to the parent zone', () {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      runZoned(() {
+        Chain.capture(() {
+          inMicrotask(() => throw 'error');
+        }, onError: (error, chain) {
+          expect(error, equals('error'));
+          expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+              contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+          throw error;
+        });
+      }, onError: (error, chain) {
+        try {
+          expect(error, equals('error'));
+          expect(chain, new isInstanceOf<Chain>());
+          expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+              contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+          completer.complete();
+        } catch (error, stackTrace) {
+          completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
+        }
+      });
+      return completer.future;
+    });
+  });
+  test('capture() without onError passes exceptions to parent zone', () {
+    var completer = new Completer();
+    runZoned(() {
+      Chain.capture(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'));
+    }, onError: (error, chain) {
+      try {
+        expect(error, equals('error'));
+        expect(chain, new isInstanceOf<Chain>());
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+        completer.complete();
+      } catch (error, stackTrace) {
+        completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
+      }
+    });
+    return completer.future;
+  });
+  group('current() within capture()', () {
+    test('called in a microtask', () {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      });
+      return completer.future.then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('called in a one-shot timer', () {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inOneShotTimer(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      });
+      return completer.future.then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('called in a periodic timer', () {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inPeriodicTimer(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      });
+      return completer.future.then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('called in a nested series of asynchronous operations', () {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inPeriodicTimer(() {
+          inOneShotTimer(() {
+            inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+          });
+        });
+      });
+      return completer.future.then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(4));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[3].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('called in a long future chain', () {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      Chain.capture(() {
+        inFutureChain(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      });
+      return completer.future.then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inFutureChain'))));
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  test('current() outside of capture() returns a chain wrapping the current '
+      'trace', () {
+    // The test runner runs all tests with chains enabled, so to test without we
+    // have to do some zone munging.
+    return runZoned(() {
+      var completer = new Completer();
+      inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
+      return completer.future.then((chain) {
+        // Since the chain wasn't loaded within [Chain.capture], the full stack
+        // chain isn't available and it just returns the current stack when
+        // called.
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
+        expect(chain.traces.first.frames.first,
+            frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+      });
+    }, zoneValues: {#stack_trace.stack_zone.spec: null});
+  });
+  group('forTrace() within capture()', () {
+    test('called for a stack trace from a microtask', () {
+      return Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace(inMicrotask, () => throw 'error');
+      }).then((chain) {
+        // Because [chainForTrace] has to set up a future chain to capture the
+        // stack trace while still showing it to the zone specification, it adds
+        // an additional level of async nesting and so an additional trace.
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('called for a stack trace from a one-shot timer', () {
+      return Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace(inOneShotTimer, () => throw 'error');
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('called for a stack trace from a periodic timer', () {
+      return Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace(inPeriodicTimer, () => throw 'error');
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('called for a stack trace from a nested series of asynchronous '
+        'operations', () {
+      return Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace((callback) {
+          inPeriodicTimer(() => inOneShotTimer(() => inMicrotask(callback)));
+        }, () => throw 'error');
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(5));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[3].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[4].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('called for a stack trace from a long future chain', () {
+      return Chain.capture(() {
+        return chainForTrace(inFutureChain, () => throw 'error');
+      }).then((chain) {
+        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
+        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
+        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
+        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
+            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inFutureChain'))));
+      });
+    });
+    test('called for an unregistered stack trace returns a chain wrapping that '
+        'trace', () {
+      var trace;
+      var chain = Chain.capture(() {
+        try {
+          throw 'error';
+        } catch (_, stackTrace) {
+          trace = stackTrace;
+          return new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace);
+        }
+      });
+      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
+      expect(chain.traces.first.toString(),
+          equals(new Trace.from(trace).toString()));
+    });
+  });
+  test('forTrace() outside of capture() returns a chain wrapping the given '
+      'trace', () {
+    var trace;
+    var chain = Chain.capture(() {
+      try {
+        throw 'error';
+      } catch (_, stackTrace) {
+        trace = stackTrace;
+        return new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace);
+      }
+    });
+    expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
+    expect(chain.traces.first.toString(),
+        equals(new Trace.from(trace).toString()));
+  });
diff --git a/test/chain_test.dart b/test/chain_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 65d6790..0000000
--- a/test/chain_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// dart2js currently doesn't support chain-capturing. See sdk#15171.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
-import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-import 'utils.dart';
-void main() {
-  group('capture() with onError catches exceptions', () {
-    test('thrown synchronously', () {
-      return captureFuture(() => throw 'error')
-          .then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
-        expect(chain.traces.single.frames.first,
-            frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-      });
-    });
-    test('thrown in a microtask', () {
-      return captureFuture(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'))
-          .then((chain) {
-        // Since there was only one asynchronous operation, there should be only
-        // two traces in the chain.
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        // The first frame of the first trace should be the line on which the
-        // actual error was thrown.
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        // The second trace should describe the stack when the error callback
-        // was scheduled.
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('thrown in a one-shot timer', () {
-      return captureFuture(() => inOneShotTimer(() => throw 'error'))
-          .then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('thrown in a periodic timer', () {
-      return captureFuture(() => inPeriodicTimer(() => throw 'error'))
-          .then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('thrown in a nested series of asynchronous operations', () {
-      return captureFuture(() {
-        inPeriodicTimer(() {
-          inOneShotTimer(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'));
-        });
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(4));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[3].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('thrown in a long future chain', () {
-      return captureFuture(() => inFutureChain(() => throw 'error'))
-          .then((chain) {
-        // Despite many asynchronous operations, there's only one level of
-        // nested calls, so there should be only two traces in the chain. This
-        // is important; programmers expect stack trace memory consumption to be
-        // O(depth of program), not O(length of program).
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inFutureChain'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('thrown in new Future()', () {
-      return captureFuture(() => inNewFuture(() => throw 'error'))
-          .then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        // The second trace is the one captured by
-        // [StackZoneSpecification.errorCallback]. Because that runs
-        // asynchronously within [new Future], it doesn't actually refer to the
-        // source file at all.
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            everyElement(frameLibrary(isNot(contains('chain_test')))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inNewFuture'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('thrown in new Future.sync()', () {
-      return captureFuture(() {
-        inMicrotask(() => inSyncFuture(() => throw 'error'));
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inSyncFuture'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('multiple times', () {
-      var completer = new Completer();
-      var first = true;
-      Chain.capture(() {
-        inMicrotask(() => throw 'first error');
-        inPeriodicTimer(() => throw 'second error');
-      }, onError: (error, chain) {
-        try {
-          if (first) {
-            expect(error, equals('first error'));
-            expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-                contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-            first = false;
-          } else {
-            expect(error, equals('second error'));
-            expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-                contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
-            completer.complete();
-          }
-        } catch (error, stackTrace) {
-          completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
-        }
-      });
-      return completer.future;
-    });
-    test('passed to a completer', () {
-      var trace = new Trace.current();
-      return captureFuture(() {
-        inMicrotask(() => completerErrorFuture(trace));
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
-        // The first trace is the trace that was manually reported for the
-        // error.
-        expect(chain.traces.first.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
-        // The second trace is the trace that was captured when
-        // [Completer.addError] was called.
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('completerErrorFuture'))));
-        // The third trace is the automatically-captured trace from when the
-        // microtask was scheduled.
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('passed to a completer with no stack trace', () {
-      return captureFuture(() {
-        inMicrotask(() => completerErrorFuture());
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        // The first trace is the one captured when [Completer.addError] was
-        // called.
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('completerErrorFuture'))));
-        // The second trace is the automatically-captured trace from when the
-        // microtask was scheduled.
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('passed to a stream controller', () {
-      var trace = new Trace.current();
-      return captureFuture(() {
-        inMicrotask(() => controllerErrorStream(trace).listen(null));
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
-        expect(chain.traces.first.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('controllerErrorStream'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('passed to a stream controller with no stack trace', () {
-      return captureFuture(() {
-        inMicrotask(() => controllerErrorStream().listen(null));
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('controllerErrorStream'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('and relays them to the parent zone', () {
-      var completer = new Completer();
-      runZoned(() {
-        Chain.capture(() {
-          inMicrotask(() => throw 'error');
-        }, onError: (error, chain) {
-          expect(error, equals('error'));
-          expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-              contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-          throw error;
-        });
-      }, onError: (error, chain) {
-        try {
-          expect(error, equals('error'));
-          expect(chain, new isInstanceOf<Chain>());
-          expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-              contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-          completer.complete();
-        } catch (error, stackTrace) {
-          completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
-        }
-      });
-      return completer.future;
-    });
-  });
-  test('capture() without onError passes exceptions to parent zone', () {
-    var completer = new Completer();
-    runZoned(() {
-      Chain.capture(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'));
-    }, onError: (error, chain) {
-      try {
-        expect(error, equals('error'));
-        expect(chain, new isInstanceOf<Chain>());
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-        completer.complete();
-      } catch (error, stackTrace) {
-        completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
-      }
-    });
-    return completer.future;
-  });
-  group('current() within capture()', () {
-    test('called in a microtask', () {
-      var completer = new Completer();
-      Chain.capture(() {
-        inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
-      });
-      return completer.future.then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('called in a one-shot timer', () {
-      var completer = new Completer();
-      Chain.capture(() {
-        inOneShotTimer(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
-      });
-      return completer.future.then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('called in a periodic timer', () {
-      var completer = new Completer();
-      Chain.capture(() {
-        inPeriodicTimer(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
-      });
-      return completer.future.then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('called in a nested series of asynchronous operations', () {
-      var completer = new Completer();
-      Chain.capture(() {
-        inPeriodicTimer(() {
-          inOneShotTimer(() {
-            inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
-          });
-        });
-      });
-      return completer.future.then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(4));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[3].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('called in a long future chain', () {
-      var completer = new Completer();
-      Chain.capture(() {
-        inFutureChain(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
-      });
-      return completer.future.then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inFutureChain'))));
-      });
-    });
-  });
-  test('current() outside of capture() returns a chain wrapping the current '
-      'trace', () {
-    // The test runner runs all tests with chains enabled, so to test without we
-    // have to do some zone munging.
-    return runZoned(() {
-      var completer = new Completer();
-      inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
-      return completer.future.then((chain) {
-        // Since the chain wasn't loaded within [Chain.capture], the full stack
-        // chain isn't available and it just returns the current stack when
-        // called.
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
-        expect(chain.traces.first.frames.first,
-            frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-      });
-    }, zoneValues: {#stack_trace.stack_zone.spec: null});
-  });
-  group('forTrace() within capture()', () {
-    test('called for a stack trace from a microtask', () {
-      return Chain.capture(() {
-        return chainForTrace(inMicrotask, () => throw 'error');
-      }).then((chain) {
-        // Because [chainForTrace] has to set up a future chain to capture the
-        // stack trace while still showing it to the zone specification, it adds
-        // an additional level of async nesting and so an additional trace.
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('called for a stack trace from a one-shot timer', () {
-      return Chain.capture(() {
-        return chainForTrace(inOneShotTimer, () => throw 'error');
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('called for a stack trace from a periodic timer', () {
-      return Chain.capture(() {
-        return chainForTrace(inPeriodicTimer, () => throw 'error');
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('called for a stack trace from a nested series of asynchronous '
-        'operations', () {
-      return Chain.capture(() {
-        return chainForTrace((callback) {
-          inPeriodicTimer(() => inOneShotTimer(() => inMicrotask(callback)));
-        }, () => throw 'error');
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(5));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inMicrotask'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[3].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inOneShotTimer'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[4].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inPeriodicTimer'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('called for a stack trace from a long future chain', () {
-      return Chain.capture(() {
-        return chainForTrace(inFutureChain, () => throw 'error');
-      }).then((chain) {
-        expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
-        expect(chain.traces[0].frames.first, frameMember(startsWith('main')));
-        expect(chain.traces[1].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('chainForTrace'))));
-        expect(chain.traces[2].frames,
-            contains(frameMember(startsWith('inFutureChain'))));
-      });
-    });
-    test('called for an unregistered stack trace returns a chain wrapping that '
-        'trace', () {
-      var trace;
-      var chain = Chain.capture(() {
-        try {
-          throw 'error';
-        } catch (_, stackTrace) {
-          trace = stackTrace;
-          return new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace);
-        }
-      });
-      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
-      expect(chain.traces.first.toString(),
-          equals(new Trace.from(trace).toString()));
-    });
-  });
-  test('forTrace() outside of capture() returns a chain wrapping the given '
-      'trace', () {
-    var trace;
-    var chain = Chain.capture(() {
-      try {
-        throw 'error';
-      } catch (_, stackTrace) {
-        trace = stackTrace;
-        return new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace);
-      }
-    });
-    expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
-    expect(chain.traces.first.toString(),
-        equals(new Trace.from(trace).toString()));
-  });
-  group('Chain.parse()', () {
-    test('parses a real Chain', () {
-      return captureFuture(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'))
-          .then((chain) {
-        expect(new Chain.parse(chain.toString()).toString(),
-            equals(chain.toString()));
-      });
-    });
-    test('parses an empty string', () {
-      var chain = new Chain.parse('');
-      expect(chain.traces, isEmpty);
-    });
-    test('parses a chain containing empty traces', () {
-      var chain = new Chain.parse(
-          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
-          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n');
-      expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
-      expect(chain.traces[0].frames, isEmpty);
-      expect(chain.traces[1].frames, isEmpty);
-      expect(chain.traces[2].frames, isEmpty);
-    });
-  });
-  test("toString() ensures that all traces are aligned", () {
-    var chain = new Chain([
-      new Trace.parse('short 10:11\n'),
-      new Trace.parse('loooooooooooong 10:11  Zop.zoop')
-    ]);
-    expect(chain.toString(), equals(
-        'short 10:11  \n'
-        '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
-        'loooooooooooong 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
-  });
-  var userSlashCode = p.join('user', 'code.dart');
-  group('Chain.terse', () {
-    test('makes each trace terse', () {
-      var chain = new Chain([
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'dart:core 10:11\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz\n'
-            'user/code.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11       Zip.zap\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11       Zop.zoop'),
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'user/code.dart 10:11                        Bang.qux\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11                   \n'
-            'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11                             Zip.zap\n'
-            'user/code.dart 10:11                        Zop.zoop')
-      ]);
-      expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals(
-          'dart:core             Bar.baz\n'
-          '$userSlashCode 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
-          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
-          '$userSlashCode 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
-          'dart:core             Zip.zap\n'
-          '$userSlashCode 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
-    });
-    test('eliminates internal-only traces', () {
-      var chain = new Chain([
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz'),
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'dart:core 10:11                   \n'
-            'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11                             Zip.zap'),
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz')
-      ]);
-      expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals(
-          '$userSlashCode 10:11\n'
-          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
-          '$userSlashCode 10:11\n'));
-    });
-    test("doesn't return an empty chain", () {
-      var chain = new Chain([
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'dart:core 10:11                   \n'
-            'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11                             Zip.zap'),
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'dart:core 10:11                             A.b\n'
-            'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11  C.d\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11                             E.f')
-      ]);
-      expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals('dart:core  E.f\n'));
-    });
-  });
-  group('Chain.foldFrames', () {
-    test('folds each trace', () {
-      var chain = new Chain([
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'a.dart 10:11\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
-            'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop'),
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'a.dart 10:11\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
-            'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop')
-      ]);
-      var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart');
-      expect(folded.toString(), equals(
-          'a.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
-          'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
-          'a.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'
-          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
-          'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
-          'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
-    });
-    test('with terse: true, folds core frames as well', () {
-      var chain = new Chain([
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'a.dart 10:11              \n'
-            'dart:async-patch/future.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
-            'b.dart 10:11                        Bang.qux\n'
-            'dart:core 10:11                     Bar.baz\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11                        Zop.zoop'),
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'a.dart 10:11\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Bar.baz\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
-            'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop')
-      ]);
-      var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart',
-          terse: true);
-      expect(folded.toString(), equals(
-          'dart:async    Zip.zap\n'
-          'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
-          'a.dart        Zop.zoop\n'
-          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
-          'a.dart        Zip.zap\n'
-          'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
-    });
-    test('eliminates completely-folded traces', () {
-      var chain = new Chain([
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'a.dart 10:11\n'
-            'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux'),
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'a.dart 10:11\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux'),
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
-            'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop')
-      ]);
-      var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart');
-      expect(folded.toString(), equals(
-          'a.dart 10:11\n'
-          'b.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'
-          '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
-          'a.dart 10:11  Zip.zap\n'
-          'b.dart 10:11  Zop.zoop\n'));
-    });
-    test("doesn't return an empty trace", () {
-      var chain = new Chain([
-        new Trace.parse(
-            'a.dart 10:11\n'
-            'a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux')
-      ]);
-      var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart');
-      expect(folded.toString(), equals('a.dart 10:11  Bang.qux\n'));
-    });
-  });
-  test('Chain.toTrace eliminates asynchronous gaps', () {
-    var trace = new Chain([
-      new Trace.parse(
-          'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
-          'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz'),
-      new Trace.parse(
-          'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
-          'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz')
-    ]).toTrace();
-    expect(trace.toString(), equals(
-        '$userSlashCode 10:11\n'
-        'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz\n'
-        '$userSlashCode 10:11\n'
-        'dart:core 10:11       Bar.baz\n'));
-  });
-  group('Chain.track(Future)', () {
-    test('forwards the future value within Chain.capture()', () {
-      Chain.capture(() {
-        expect(Chain.track(new Future.value('value')),
-            completion(equals('value')));
-        var trace = new Trace.current();
-        expect(Chain.track(new Future.error('error', trace))
-            .catchError((e, stackTrace) {
-          expect(e, equals('error'));
-          expect(stackTrace.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
-        }), completes);
-      });
-    });
-    test('forwards the future value outside of Chain.capture()', () {
-      expect(Chain.track(new Future.value('value')),
-          completion(equals('value')));
-      var trace = new Trace.current();
-      expect(Chain.track(new Future.error('error', trace))
-          .catchError((e, stackTrace) {
-        expect(e, equals('error'));
-        expect(stackTrace.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
-      }), completes);
-    });
-  });
-  group('Chain.track(Stream)', () {
-    test('forwards stream values within Chain.capture()', () {
-      Chain.capture(() {
-        var controller = new StreamController()
-            ..add(1)..add(2)..add(3)..close();
-        expect(Chain.track(,
-            completion(equals([1, 2, 3])));
-        var trace = new Trace.current();
-        controller = new StreamController()..addError('error', trace);
-        expect(Chain.track(
-            .catchError((e, stackTrace) {
-          expect(e, equals('error'));
-          expect(stackTrace.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
-        }), completes);
-      });
-    });
-    test('forwards stream values outside of Chain.capture()', () {
-      Chain.capture(() {
-        var controller = new StreamController()
-            ..add(1)..add(2)..add(3)..close();
-        expect(Chain.track(,
-            completion(equals([1, 2, 3])));
-        var trace = new Trace.current();
-        controller = new StreamController()..addError('error', trace);
-        expect(Chain.track(
-            .catchError((e, stackTrace) {
-          expect(e, equals('error'));
-          expect(stackTrace.toString(), equals(trace.toString()));
-        }), completes);
-      });
-    });
-  });
-/// Runs [callback] in a microtask callback.
-void inMicrotask(callback()) => scheduleMicrotask(callback);
-/// Runs [callback] in a one-shot timer callback.
-void inOneShotTimer(callback()) =>;
-/// Runs [callback] once in a periodic timer callback.
-void inPeriodicTimer(callback()) {
-  var count = 0;
-  new Timer.periodic(new Duration(milliseconds: 1), (timer) {
-    count++;
-    if (count != 5) return;
-    timer.cancel();
-    callback();
-  });
-/// Runs [callback] within a long asynchronous Future chain.
-void inFutureChain(callback()) {
-  new Future(() {})
-      .then((_) => new Future(() {}))
-      .then((_) => new Future(() {}))
-      .then((_) => new Future(() {}))
-      .then((_) => new Future(() {}))
-      .then((_) => callback())
-      .then((_) => new Future(() {}));
-void inNewFuture(callback()) {
-  new Future(callback);
-void inSyncFuture(callback()) {
-  new Future.sync(callback);
-/// Returns a Future that completes to an error using a completer.
-/// If [trace] is passed, it's used as the stack trace for the error.
-Future completerErrorFuture([StackTrace trace]) {
-  var completer = new Completer();
-  completer.completeError('error', trace);
-  return completer.future;
-/// Returns a Stream that emits an error using a controller.
-/// If [trace] is passed, it's used as the stack trace for the error.
-Stream controllerErrorStream([StackTrace trace]) {
-  var controller = new StreamController();
-  controller.addError('error', trace);
-  return;
-/// Runs [callback] within [asyncFn], then converts any errors raised into a
-/// [Chain] with [Chain.forTrace].
-Future<Chain> chainForTrace(asyncFn(callback()), callback()) {
-  var completer = new Completer();
-  asyncFn(() {
-    // We use `new Future.value().then(...)` here as opposed to [new Future] or
-    // [new Future.sync] because those methods don't pass the exception through
-    // the zone specification before propagating it, so there's no chance to
-    // attach a chain to its stack trace. See issue 15105.
-    new Future.value().then((_) => callback())
-        .catchError(completer.completeError);
-  });
-  return completer.future
-      .catchError((_, stackTrace) => new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace));
-/// Runs [callback] in a [Chain.capture] zone and returns a Future that
-/// completes to the stack chain for an error thrown by [callback].
-/// [callback] is expected to throw the string `"error"`.
-Future<Chain> captureFuture(callback()) {
-  var completer = new Completer<Chain>();
-  Chain.capture(callback, onError: (error, chain) {
-    expect(error, equals('error'));
-    completer.complete(chain);
-  });
-  return completer.future;